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The returns generated by Losers rose gently in this year, meanwhile the returns by Climber

s increased greatly and Winners abruptly.

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?Read the article below about customer loyalty on the opposite page. ?For each question 13

?Read the article below about customer loyalty on the opposite page.

?For each question 13-18, mark one letter(A, B, C or D)for the answeryou choose.

The MiSmanagement of Customer Loyalty

The best customers, we're told, are loyal ones. They cost less to serve, they're usually willing to pay more than other customers. and they often act as word-of-mouth marketers for your company. Win loyalty, therefore, and profits will follow as night follows day. Certainly that's what CRM software vendors—and the armies of consultants who help install their systems—are claiming. And it seems that many business executives agree. Corporate expenditures on loyalty initiatives are booming:The top 16 retailers in Europe, for example, collectively spent more than $1 billion last year。Indeed, for the last ten years, the gospel of customer loyalty has been repeated so often and so loudly that it seems almost crazy to challenge it.

But that is precisely what some of the loyalty movement's early believers are starting to do. Take the case of one high-tech corporate service provider. This company set up an elaborate costing scheme to track the performance of its newly instituted loyalty programs. The scheme measured not only direct product costs for each customer but also all associated advertising, service, sales force, and organizational expenses. After running the scheme for five years, the company was able to determine the profitability of each of its accounts over time. Executives were curious to see just what payoff they were getting from their $2 million annual investment in customer loyalty.

The answer took them by surprise. About half of those customers who made regular purchases for at least two years—and were therefore designated as ‘loyal’—barely generated a profit. Conversely, about half of the most profitable customers were blow-ins, buying a great deal of high-margin products in a short time before completely disappearing.

The research findings echo that company's experience. Some experts have been studying the dynamics of customer loyalty and have found that the relationship between loyalty and profitability is much weaker—and subtler—than the proponents of loyalty programs claim. Specifically, they discovered little or no evidence to suggest that customers who purchase steadily from a company over time are necessarily cheaper to serve, less price sensitive, or particularly effective at bringing in new business.

Indeed, in light of their findings, many companies will need to reevaluate the way they manage customer loyalty programs. Instead of focusing on loyalty alone, companies will have to find ways to measure the relationship between loyalty and profitability so that they car better identify which customers to focus on and which to ignore. The experts have found. a new methodology that will enable managers to determine far more precisely than most existing approaches do just when to let go of a given customer and so dramatically improve the returns on their investments in loyalty.

What does the writer say about customer loyalty in the first paragraph?

A.Business executives need to know how to generate customer loyalty.

B.Many executives believe more investment in customer loyalty means more profit.

C.It is necessary for companies to generate customer loyalty at all costs.

D.Customer loyalty will for sure help corporations make more money.

规模收益不变(constant returns to scale)

规模收益不变(constant returns to scale)






The following responses can generate hydrogen; write the response equation for each.
回答下列各题. Focus on You r Customer If you think of the most successful companies a
round the world -- GM, Wal-Mart, IBM, etc. they all have one thing in common: loyal custom-ers. It can cost ten to twenty times as much to ac-quire a customer as to retain one, so its easy to understand why Customer Relationship Manage-ment is such a hot concept. But, while everyone understands CRM is a good thing, putting a CRM strategy together isnt easy. The place to start? A customer -- driven business model. A.customer-driven business model is the most prudent method of ensuring customer loyalty because it fosters a better relationship with new and existing customers. Others such as market, price, cost or e-commerce-driven business models may generate profits, but fall short of sustaining a loyal customer base. At the heart of customer- driven business model is a clear understanding of the customer-not just customer trends (although this is useful information, too), but the buying habits and history of every one of your customers. This 360-degree view provides analytics from multiple channels (direct, web, fax, E-mail, call center, sales/marketing) and consolidates into a common repository. Monitoring buying habits and tracking market dynamics lets you more effectively market new and existing products and services. If you think this is a daunting task, you arent alone. Because most enterprises dont have a consolidated view of their customers, obtaining customer profit and cost information is often a herculean effort. Implementing a CRM solution is usually a huge project with a high probability of failure. Some analysts suggest most businesses underestimate the cost of a CRM implementation by 40-75 percent. In fact, a successful CRM will interface with ERP systems to provide integration with all customer interactions such as order processing, billing. Also, CRM strategies must include commitment and sponsorship from senior management, as it should be deemed a strategic investment that is implemented incrementally and evolutionarily. Understanding critical success factors, such as those listed in the " Key to CRM Success" sidebar, mitigates the risks. First, start with a cultural change that focuses on a customer-centric business strategy. Make sure your organization is well aware of the high cost of customer attrition and is focused on improving retention, increasing loyalty. Understanding and broadcasting the cost of acquiring new customers versus fostering existing relationships. Second, focus on an enterprise view of the customer that encompasses all customer data, such as communication history, purchasing behaviours, channel preferences, demographics, etc. Understand your customers preferred channels and determine if theres some way to optimize them. Adopt a flexible architecture that will expand with your business -- this is tree with any IT project. Never deploy a strategic, costly solution using the big-bang approach. Always take an increment, evolutionary, or iterative approach. The impact to your organization can be significant, thus, proceed slowly and ensure the returns on investment measures are in nlze. The first paragraph indicates that loyal customers

A.help reduce costs of the company.

B.are quite common around the world.

C.produce huge profits.

D.are costly to develop.

边际报酬递减(diminishing returns)

边际报酬递减(diminishing returns)

The San Francisco-based company said the contract is expected to generate r______ of $250 million in
the first year.
Most of the trash that Americans generate ends up in landfilis.A.YB.NC.NG

Most of the trash that Americans generate ends up in landfilis.




What is a heater used for in modern times?A.To cook food.B.To generate electricity.C.To fr

What is a heater used for in modern times?

A.To cook food.

B.To generate electricity.

C.To frighten animals.

D.To keep warm.

超额收益(excess returns) 名词解释
超额收益(excess returns) 名词解释

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