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Types of risksSo far we have used the term "risk" rather loosely. One type of risk is defa

Types of risks

So far we have used the term "risk" rather loosely. One type of risk is default risk, that is, the risk that the borrower will simply not repay the loan, due to either dishonesty or plain inability to do so. Another type of risk, called purchasing - power risk, is the risk that, due to an unexpectedly high inflation rate, the future interest payments, and the principal of the loan when finally repaid, will have less purchasing power than the lender anticipated at the time the loan was made. A similar risk is faced by borrowers. A borrower may cheerfully agree to pay, say, 15 percent interest, expecting that a 12 percent inflation rate will reduce the real value of the loan. But inflation may be only 4 percent.

A third type of risk is called "interest - rate risk" or "market risk", that is, the risk that the market value of a security will fall because interest rates will rise. We will discuss this further later; here we just present the intuitive idea. Suppose that five years ago you bought a ten-year 1 000 bond carrying a 6 percent interest rate, and tile interest rate now obtainable on similar bonds also have five years to go until they mature is 8 percent. Would anyone pay 1 000 for your bond? Surely not, because they could earn 80 per year by buying a new bond, and only 60 per year by buying your bond. Hence, to sell your bond you would have to reduce its price. But suppose the bond, instead of having five years to maturity, would mature in, say, ninety days, what would its price be then? It would still be less than 1 000 since the buyer would get 6 percent instead of 8 percent interest for ninety days; but since getting a lower interest sell for only ninety days does not involve much of a loss, the bond would sell for something close to 1 000. Hence, while holding any security with a fixed interest rate involves some interest - rate risk, the closer to maturity a security is, the lower is this risk. On the other hand, if interest rates fall you gain because your bond is worth more; and the longer the time until the bond matures, the greater is your gain. But the fact that you may gain as well as lose does not mean that you are taking no risk.


All three types of risks are relevant for deciding what assets to include in a portfolio, and what debts to have outstanding. (The term portfolio means the collection of assets one owns.) Anyone holding more than one type of asset has to consider not the risk of each asset taken by itself, but the totality of the risk on various assets and debts jointly. Suppose someone holds stock in a company that is likely to gain from inflation. The riskiness of a portfolio that combines both of these stocks may be less than the riskiness of each stock taken separately. A port- folio consisting of assets that are affected in opposite directions by given future events is less risky than are the assets that compose it when taken individually. Hence a low-risk portfolio need not contain only assets that individually have little risk; sometimes one reduces the riskiness of a portfolio by adding some high - risk assets that offset the risks of other assets in it.

For Paragraph 1 choose the summary which you think best expresses the main idea.

A.The existence of inflation produces purchasing - power risk.

B.Purchasing - power risk involves a loss in the value of money loaned or borrowed be- cause of higher or lower inflation than expected.

C.Purchasing - power risk produced by an inflation higher than expected affects lenders only.

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Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?A.Surveys are important because they nev

Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?

A.Surveys are important because they never give us false information.

B.Surveys can help us to know far more about the society we are living in.

C.Census is one of the many types of surveys.

D.Census can provide us with much more information besides population.

What causes men to pursue top management? Psychologists once believed that the 【C1】______
that caused men to strive to attain high-level managerial 【C2】______ was the "need for achievement". 【C3】______ now they believe it is the "need for 【C4】______ ".

Power seekers strive hard to 【C5】______ positions where they can 【C6】______ authority 【C7】______ large numbers of people.

Individual performers who lack this 【C8】______ are not likely to 【C9】______ far up the managerial ladder. They usually scorn company politics and 【C10】______ their energies to other types of activities. The power 【C11】______ is part of management, and it is played best by those who enjoy it 【C12】______ .

One of the least rational 【C13】______ of business organizations is that of 【C14】______ managers who have a 【C15】______ need to exercise authority, and then teaching them that authoritative 【C16】______ are wrong and that they should be consultative or participative. It is a serious mistake to teach managers that they should 【C17】______ styles that are inconsistent 【C18】______ their unique personalities. Yet this is precisely what a large number of business organizations are doing; and it explains, 【C19】______, why their management development programs are not 【C20】______ .






Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the fou
r possible answers that follow the paragraph.

Vending machines sell many different types of items.Some of them sell cold drinks like soda, or hot drinks like coffee or hot chocolate.Others sell candy, stamps, tickets, newspapers, and other types of small merchandise.These machines have been successful for two reasons.They save time and they are convenient.Merchandise sold in machine eliminates the need for a sale clerk or cashier.In many places the customer puts a coin into the machine and then pushes a button, pulls a lever, or opens a door to receive the merchandise.Some machines will also return change to the customer, and a few will make change for paper money.But the basic idea is the same.Customers like to save time and are usually willing to pay a higher price for this convenience.The sale of snacks in vending machines has always been very successful.However, machines now sell hot meals with only limited success.In New York city, automates used to sell a lot of hot foods in vending machines.But in recent years, fast food establishments have replaced automates.()

A.Fast food establishments have always been successful

B.Vending machines have been successful

C.So far, vending machines have won only limited success

D.Vending machines sell many different kinds of goods

听力原文:It is my firm belief that men and women are equal. I cannot accept that some role
s are more suitable for males than for females. As far as I am concerned, men and women are equally capable of learning all skills.

In my view, parents should share household tasks and childcare. I think the division of labor should depend on individual circumstances. It seems to me that we can learn most things if we try. It's unwise to suggest that women should take care of most of the practical aspects of childcare because they are more patient, more gentle and more skilled at it. Men can be just as skilled in these areas if they have practice!

Of course, I acknowledge that men are often physically stronger than women and are therefore better at doing certain types of physical work. And I don't deny that one individual may be better at cooking, for example, than the other. But I reject the suggestion that cleaning, washing and ironing are women's work. I strongly believe that we should question all types of sexual stereotyping. If you ask me, there's no such thing as "women's work". There's no reason at all why a man shouldn't do the ironing! My husband does all the ironing in our house — and I do all the electrical repairs!


A.Some jobs are more suitable for men than for women.

B.Women should take care of the practical aspects of childcare.

C.Cleaning, washing and ironing are women's work.

D.There should not be such things as "women's work".

Children seem to lose hair as a response to feeling abandoned. The【M1】______ young man wh
ose squeaky voice was a standing joke to his friends unconsciously clung with a cold for weeks at a time because it made 【M2】______ him sound huskily. These are examples of a field of investigation called【M3】______ psychosomatics, which the mind and body are considered integrated 【M4】______ parts of the whole being, and all aspects are examined together. Studies【M5】______ have shown that a continuing state of emotional stress can hardly cause【M6】______ physical changes that lead to disease. The most provocative conclusion that had so far been productive, however, is that different character 【M7】______ types tend to get different diseases. Some investigators are piling impressive evidence to show that there is a significant link between the kind of person you are and the kind of body disease youre prone to. 【M8】______ The result of this study by the psychiatrist Dr. Floyd O Ring would appear to support the conclusion "People with some illnesses can be 【M9】______ picked out with a good percent of accuracy by personality alone." 【M10】______


Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic (脑电图仪的) sense we share it with

Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic (脑电图仪的) sense we share it with all the primates (灵长类动物) and almost all the other mammals and birds: it may extend back as far as the reptiles (爬行动物).

There is some evidence that the two types of sleep, dreaming and dreamless, depend on the life style. of the animal, and that predators (食肉动物) are statistically much more likely to dream than prey, which are in turn much more likely to experience dreamless sleep. In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized (使固定不动) and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli. Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. The fact that deep dream sleep is rare among prey today seems clearly to be a product of natural selection, and it makes sense that today, when sleep is highly evolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized by deep sleep than the smart ones. But why should they sleep deeply at all? Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved?

Perhaps one useful hint about the original function of sleep is to be found in the fact that dolphins and whales and aquatic mammals in general seem to sleep very little. There is, by and large, no place to hide in the ocean. Could it be that, rather than increasing an animal's vulnerability, Ray Meddis of London University has suggested this to be the case. It is conceivable that animals that are too stupid to be quite on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. The point seems particularly clear for the young of predatory animals. This is an interesting notion and probably at least partly true.

Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?

A.Evolution of Sleep.

B.Two Types of Sleep.

C.The Original Function of Sleep.

D.Animals and Sleep.

Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic(脑电图仪的)sense we share it with al

Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic(脑电图仪的)sense we share it with all the primates(灵长类动物)and almost all the other mammals and birds: it may extend back as far as the reptiles(爬行动物).

There is some evidence that the two types of sleep, dreaming and dreamless, depend on the life style. of the animal, and that predators(食肉动物)are statistically much more likely to dream than prey, which are in turn much more likely to experience dreamless sleep. In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized(使固定不动)and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli. Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. The fact that deep dream sleep is rare among prey today seems clearly to be a product of natural selection, and it makes sense that today, when sleep is highly evolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized by deep sleep than the smart ones. But why should they sleep deeply at all? Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved?

Perhaps one useful hint about the original function of sleep is to be found in the fact that dolphins and whales and aquatic mammals in general seem to sleep very little. There is, by and large, no place to hide in the ocean. Could it be that, rather than increasing an animal's vulnerability, Ray Meddis of London University has suggested this to be the case. It is conceivable that animals that are too stupid to be quite on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. The point seems particularly clear for the young of predatory animals. This is an interesting notion and probably at least partly true.

Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?

A.Evolution of Sleep.

B.Two Types of Sleep.

C.The Original Function of Sleep.

D.Animals and Sleep.

Iron production was revolutionized in the early eighteenth century when coke was first use
d instead of charcoal(木炭)for refining iron ore. Previously the poor quality of the iron had restricted its use in architecture to items such as chains and tie bars for supporting arches, vaults(拱顶), and walls. With the improvement in refining ore, it was now possible to make castiron beams and columns. During the nineteenth century further advances were made, notably Bessemer's process for converting iron into steel, which made tile material more commercially feasible.

Iron was rapidly adopted for the construction of bridges, because its strength was far greater than that of stone or timber, but its use in the architecture of buildings developed more slowly. By 1800 a complete internal iron skeleton for buildings had been developed in industrial architecture replacing traditional timber beams, but it generally remained concealed. Apart from its low cost, the appeal of iron as a building material lay in its strength, its resistance to fire, and its potential to span vast areas. As a result, iron became increasingly popular as a structural material for more traditional styles of architecture during the nineteenth century, but it was invariably concealed.

Significantly, the use of exposed iron occurred mainly in the new building types produced by the Industrial Revolution: in factories, warehouses, commercial offices, exhibition halls, and railroad stations, where its practical advantages far outweighed its lack of status. Designers of the railroad stations of the new age explored the potential of iron, covering huge areas with spans that surpassed the great vaults of medieval churches and cathedrals. Paxton's Crystal Palace, designed to house the Great Exhibition of 1851, covered an area of 1848 feet by 408 feet in assembled units of glass set in iron frames. The Paris Exhibition of 1889 included both the widest span and the greatest height achieved so far with the Halle des Machines, spanning 362 feet, and the Eiffel Tower 1,000 feet high. However, these achievements were mocked by the artists of Paris as expensive and ugly foolishness. Iron, despite its structural advantages, had little aesthetic(审美的)status. The use of an exposed iron structure in the more traditional styles of architecture was slower to develop.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Advances in iron processing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

B.The effects of the Industrial Revolution on traditional architectural styles.

C.Advantages of stone and timber over steel as building materials.

D.The evolution of the use of iron in architecture.

听力原文:W: Good morning. Can I help you?M: Yes, please. I'm a new student and I'd like to

听力原文:W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I'm a new student and I'd like to have some information about the accommodation.

W: Right. The university provides two types of accommodation: halls of residence and self-sup-plying accommodation.

M: How much does it cost for the self-supplying accommodation?

W: For a single room, thirty-seven pounds eighty six per week, that's about five forty-one a day. For a double room, it's fifty-two per week.

M: I'd like the self-supplying accommodation. How far is that from the residence to the university?

W: It all depends. The residence at 110 Palm Street is about one and a half miles and the Freemen's Common Houses at William Road are about half a mile

M: When do I need to apply?

W: Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate?

M: Undergraduate.

W: Then you should apply for it as soon as possible, since places in university-owned accommodation are limited and if you don't apply before the end of the month, you are not likely to get a place.

M: Could you possibly tell me what to do, if no vacancy is available?

W: Yes, you may consider private accommodation. The university runs an accommodation information office and its staff will help you.

M: Where's the office?

W: In the Students' Union Building.

M: Whom can I contact?

W: Mr. Under word. David Underwood, the manager of the accommodation information office.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: My pleasure.


A.The university provides two types of accommodation.

B.Students must apply early since the places are limited.

C.A student may choose from university-owned or private accommodation.

D.Most students prefer self-supplying accommodation.

What does it really mean to "like oneself"? For one thing, it means a girl isnt obsessed w
ith her physical【C1】______ . She is not absorbed in the【C2】______ that her teeth are slightly crooked, or that she has a great many freckles. Physical qualities are far from being the whole sum of【C3】______ . Some of the most beautiful girls I have known would never be able to get into a beauty contest. And【C4】______ , some beauty contest winners have been the worst【C5】______ candidates for establishing a good relationship with a boss. Girls who think that boys like only the prettiest girls are looking at the wrong boys. Those who are hung up on how beautiful a girl is are not good candidates for boyfriends in any case. Many【C6】______ of a girls relationship with herself can get the way of successful dating. There are girls who have personality problems of different kinds, like those who are in such extreme(not the usual)rebellion against their parents【C7】______ this situation becomes very nearly the most important thing in their lives. Others are in constant【C8】______ with their brothers and sisters and that absorbs their【C9】______ . Others have strong guilty feelings about things they may have done, and cant lift their eyes above the high walls which these feelings have erected between them and the world.【C10】______ there are the lonely girls, usually painfully shy. All these types have the poorest prospects for going out with boys.






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