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Question 1 Eddie Tong是一名业余集邮爱好者,他用一个便宜的但是很好看的瓷花瓶同Jennifer交换了

Question 1

Eddie Tong是一名业余集邮爱好者,他用一个便宜的但是很好看的瓷花瓶同Jennifer交换了一枚邮票,他认为那枚邮票有一个不寻常的龙的图案。几天以后,他和Helen一起喝茶,他同事将邮票交给Helen供职的香港集邮协会,条件是Helen许诺将因此去参加他母亲即将举行的生日聚会。因为他的母亲很喜欢她,见到她会非常高兴。这次约会后,Eddie给协会写了封信确认他与Helen之间的协议。





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Eddie Jaffe

Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you
can never prove in. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory. As philosopher of science Karl Popper has emphasized, a good theory is characterized by the fact that it makes a number of predictions that could in principle be disproved or falsified by observation. Each time new experiments are observed to agree with the predictions the theory survives, and our confidence in it is increased; but if ever a new observation is found to disagree, we have to abandon or modify the theory. At least that is what is supposed to happen, but you can always question the competence of the per son who carried out the observation.

In practice, what often happens is that a new theory is devised that is really an extension of the previous theory. For example, very accurate observations of the planet Mercury revealed a small difference between its motion and the predictions of Newton's theory of gravity. Einstein' s general theory of relativity predicted a slightly different motion from Newton's theory. The fact that Einstein's predictions matched what was seen, while New ton's did not, was one of the crucial confirmations of the new theory. However, we still use Newton's theory for all practical purposes because the difference between its predictions and those of general relativity is very small in the situations that we normally deal with. (New ton's theory also has the great advantage that it is much simpler to work with than Einstein' s!)

A good title for this passage is ______.

A.The History of Physical Science

B.Karl Popper's Physical Theory

C.The Philosophy of Science

D.Einstein's Theory of Science

case(南京大学1996年研) On July 1 0,a Chinese company sent an offer by telex to an Ameri

case(南京大学1996年研) On July 1 0,a Chinese company sent an offer by telex to an American company:selling 300tons coffee beans,each metric ton at the price of USD 1,900 CIF New York,firm offer standing for 2 weeks.On July 22,the Chinese company learned that

Can the Chinese company raise the price of coffee beans from USD 1,900 per ton toUSD 2,500 per ton?

Eddie Tong是一名业余集邮爱好者,他用一个便宜的但是很好看的瓷花瓶同Jennifer交换了一枚邮票,他
认为那枚邮票有一个不寻常的龙的图案。几天以后,他和Helen一起喝茶,他同事将邮票交给Helen供职的香港集邮协会,条件是Helen许诺将因此去参加他母亲即将举行的生日聚会。因为他的母亲很喜欢她,见到她会非常高兴。这次约会后,Eddie给协会写了封信确认他与Helen之间的协议。 然而,Eddie从一个专业的集邮者那里得知,那枚邮票是清代发行的,价值25000港元。Jennifer也知道了这一点,她想要回邮票,除非Eddie付给她25000港元。同时,Eddie也在考虑卖掉邮票。 讨论: (a)Jennifer对Eddie的主张能成功吗? (b)Helen或者香港集邮协会能合法强制执行Eddie的协议吗?

The job was done, and it was time for a last cigarette. Eddie began tapping the pockets of
his overalls, looking for the new packet of Marlboro he bought that morning. It was not there.

It was as he swung around to look in his toolbox for the cigarettes that Eddie saw the lump. Right in the middle of the brand new bright red carpet, there was a lump. A lump the size of a packet of cigarettes.

"I've done it again? said Eddie angrily. "I've left the cigarettes under the carpet?

He had done this once before, and taking up and refitting the carpet had taken him two hours. Eddie was determined that he was not going to spend another two hours in this house. He decided to get rid of the lump another way. It would mean wasting a good packet of cigarettes, nearly full, but anything was better than taking up the whole carpet and fitting it again .He turned to his toolbox for a large hammer.

Eddie didn't want to damage the carpet itself, so he took a block of wood and placed it on top of the lump. Then he began to beat the block of wood as hard as he could. He kept beating, hoping Mrs. Vanbrugh wouldn't hear the noise and come to see what he was doing. It would be difficult to explain why he was hammering the middle of her beautiful new carpet... The lump was beginning to flatten out.

After three or four minutes, the job was finally finished. Eddie picked up his tools, and began to walk out to his car. Mrs. Vanbrugh accompanied him. She seemed a little worried about something.

"Young man, while you were working today, you didn't by any chance see any sign of Armand, did you? Armand is my bird. I let him out of his cage, you see, this morning, and he's disappeared. He likes to walk around the house, and he usually just comes back to his cage after an hour or so and gets right in. Only today he didn't come back. He's never done such a thing before, it's most peculiar..."

"No, madam, I haven't seen him anywhere," said Eddie, as he reached to start the car.

And he saw his packet of Marlboro cigarettes on the panel, where he had left it at lunchtime....

And he remembered the lump in the carpet...

What did Eddie want to do when he had finished fitting the carpet?

A.To have a cigarette.

B.To hammer the carpet flat.

C.To put back his tools.

D.To start work in the dining room.

如附图1-4所示库克变换器,Us和U0分别为输入、输出直流电压,且电流连续,设D为开关管Q的占空比,D= TON/T,T为开

如附图1-4所示库克变换器,Us和U0分别为输入、输出直流电压,且电流连续,设D为开关管Q的占空比,D= TON/T,T为开关管的开关周期,RON为一周期内导通时间。并假设电路中的所有器件均为理想元件。





Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it.【C1】______ten years he had spent his days sitti

Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. 【C1】______ ten years he had spent his days sitting, squatting, kneeling 【C2】______ crawling on floors, in houses, offices, shops, factories and restaurants. Ten years of his life, cutting and fitting carpets 【C3】______ other people to walk on, 【C4】______ even seeing 【C5】______ . When his work was done, no one ever appreciated it. No one ever said "Oh, that's a beautiful job, the carpet fits so neatly". They just walked all over it. Eddie was sick of it.

He was especially sick of it 【C6】______ this hot, humid day in August, 【C7】______ he worked to put the finishing touches to today's job. He was just cutting and fixing the last edge on a huge red carpet which he had fitted in the living room of Mrs. Vanbrugh's house. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who changed her carpets every year, and always bought the best. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who had never even given him a cup of tea all day, and who made him go outside when he wanted to smoke. Ah well, it was four o'clock and he had nearly finished. At least he would be able to get home early today. He began to day-dream about the weekend, about the Saturday football game he always played for the local team, where he was known 【C8】______ "Ed the Head" 【C9】______ his skill 【C10】______ heading goals from corner kicks.


按照公式T=M!/N!(M-N)!计算T的值,请将程序填写完整。 ***主程序MAIN.PRG*** I=1 INPU

按照公式T=M!/N!(M-N)!计算T的值,请将程序填写完整。 ***主程序MAIN.PRG*** I=1 INPUT“请输入M的值:”TOM INPUT“请输入N的值:”TON DO PP1 WTTH 【 】 T=I DO PP1 WITH【 】 T=T/I DO PP1 WITH【 】 T=T/I ?“T=”,T RETURN ***下面为子程序PP1*** PARAMETERS Y STORE 1 TO M,I DO WHILE【 】 I=I*M M=M+1 ENDDO RETURN

Question 1 解释允诺不得反悔规则。

Question 1


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