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For which group of the workers were the health-care costs the highest?A.The employe

For which group of the workers were the health-care costs the highest?

A.The employees of normal weight.

B.The overweight employees.

C.The obese employees.

D.The sedentary obese employees.

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更多“For which group of the workers…”相关的问题
What does that mean?A.He isn't sure of the membership fee.B.He can't decide which group to

What does that mean?

A.He isn't sure of the membership fee.

B.He can't decide which group to join.

C.He can't remember the phone number.

D.He doesn't like to visit the advisor.

Which of the following is TRUE?A.People's blood types decide their life.B.People's blood t

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.People's blood types decide their life.

B.People's blood types decide their personality.

C.A person of blood group O does well in thinking.

D.A person of blood group AB is good at dealing with problems.

Which statement is true?A.Many detainees in Guantanamo Bay have been held for more than 2

Which statement is true?

A.Many detainees in Guantanamo Bay have been held for more than 2 years

B.U.S government doesn't permit Wilner to discuss their cases

C.Some of the Kuwaitis are members of Taliban

D.Human rights group are deeply concerned about the situation of the detainees

Which statement is not true, according to Enlightenment thinkers?A.People are first a huma

Which statement is not true, according to Enlightenment thinkers?

A.People are first a human being, then a social member

B.Common humanity will conflict with the membership of a particular group

C.Humanity is above the particularity of race, religion and so on

D.Particularism and its divisiveness don't belong to today's world

Which of the following can be inferred from passage about the accurate character of cramme
r studiers?

A.When he studies for a test, he doesn't begin until the night before or the morning of the test.

B.Cleaning the room even takes precedence over homework, not to mention sleep.

C.They sit in the place farthest from the teacher, and they usually group together.

D.They will leave college with little education and few social skills.

听力原文:A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a univers

听力原文: A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group of students. As most of them could not understand spoken English, he had to have an interpreter.

During his lecture he told an amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when the man did this in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed loudly.

After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him, "Now please tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short Japanese one."

"I didn't tell the story at all," the interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said, 'The honorable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all laugh, please. '"


A.To tell a story to a group of students.

B.To translate some books.

C.To act as an interpreter.

D.To give a lecture at a university.

听力原文:Man: I've been Chief Executive of the Thorpe Group for eight years now. I started
my career as a bank clerk but I later trained as an accountant. I suppose in one way or another, I've had a lot of experience of the financial side of business.

Nowadays it's my job to know what's happening in the market so every day at work I have financial reports to read. I only get the chance to look at other things - for example business magazines - when I travel abroad.

We invest customers' money in many areas of the market. Traditionally we've invested in property and in manufacturing. However, an industry that is doing very well at the moment is high-tech companies so we plan to increase investment in that area.

Some of our competitors concentrate on achieving a friendly service. This is important but I think that, on the whole, our customers prefer lower charges which is what we guarantee.

Although we encourage our staff to achieve a maximum return on investments, we have strict procedures to make sure that risks are avoided where possible. Some companies may put profits first but it's important that our customers see us as a safe investment.

Next month The Thorpe Group will merge with Chart well Associates which means our company will be relocating to new offices. Most things, however, won't change - for example we won't lose any staff and there are no plans to invest in different areas of the market.

We are a market leader because of our experienced staff. When we take on staff we look for people who will perform. well in a team. Since we train staff in many of the skills they need, a financial background is not essential.

?Look at the notes below.

?Some information is missing.

?You will hear Peter Dudley, Chief Executive of the Thorpe Group, giving a talk about his work to a group of business students.

?For each question 16-22, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Peter Dudley

Chief Executive of the Thorpe Group

Peter Dudley's first job: (16) ______

At the office Peter Dudley reads: (17) ______

The Thorpe Group will invest more in (18) ______ industry.

The Thorpe Group promise to customers: (19) ______

The Thorpe Group staff follow rules to reduce (20) ______ for its customers.

Result of merger: company will move to (21) ______

The Thorpe Group recruits staff who work well in (22) ______


听力原文:M: You've worked in a university before, haven't you?W: Yes, in.Britain.M: What,

听力原文:M: You've worked in a university before, haven't you?

W: Yes, in.Britain.

M: What, urn, how do students go about getting jobs when they graduate?

W: Well, most universities have a Careers Advice Service. I used to know the people in the Careers Service in Newcastle University and they, in fact, seem fairly successful in finding jobs for students. They are able to get jobs for 30-40% of new graduates.

M: That seems a fairly low percentage.

W: Urn... well., it's not if you consider the various other options which people take up. For example, there are a fair number of people, who go into further study, who carry straight on into master's degrees, either at the same university or another university~ Then there is a second group of people who decide not to take a career job immediately after university. Instead, they decide to take time off, maybe see the world, and.., and.., well, there is a third group who can't actually get the jobs they want immediately, and who may take something else while they wait for a job they really want. So when I say 30-40% find jobs through the Careers Service, that doesn't mean that only that number find jobs. A lot of other people find jobs through the newspaper.

M: So it is quite high really, yes?

W: Oh, I think so, relatively, yes. And quite a lot 0i other people, of course, look in newspapers and the particular journals or magazines which advertise jobs in the fields they're interested in.

What is the percentage of college graduates getting jobs through university Careers Service?





Read the following minutes of a meeting. Are sentences 1-7on the opposite page Right or Wr
ong .If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong , choose Doesnt say. For each sentence(1-7), mark one letter(A, B or C)on your Answer Sheet. DeBolt Group of Companies Minutes of Training Managers Meeting Tuesday, 10 November 2004 at Group Head Office Present S. Rogers(Group Chairman), M. Allen, G. Bowyer, T. Chipp(part), H. Douglas, R. Emery, R. Fairchild Apologies for absence P. Grope(on a training course), L. Hart(ill), and W. Ibsley(on maternity leave) Agenda: Foreign Language Training The Group Chairman proposed that every employee should learn two foreign languages, of which one should be either Portuguese or Spanish. Decisions taken It was agreed that: Each training manager should find out if any employees already had a knowledge of these or other foreign languages. The best way to provide the training is to run courses giving 4 hours of tuition per week, timing to be decided. Each company in the Group should be responsible for finding suitable materials and local providers of language training. M. Allen, H. Douglas and R. Fairchild will form. a working group to draft a Foreign Language Training Policy Document. The draft Policy Document will be presented at the next Training Managers Meeting.

W. Ibsley was too ill to attend the meeting.



C.Doesn"t say

Fortunately there are still a few tasty things for us to enjoy in relative security. Their
numbers, however, are depleted almost daily, it seems, by ruthless proclaimations from the ever-watchful Food and Drug Administration and its allies, our doctors, The latest felon(重罪犯) to face prosecution is the salt of life, sodium chloride(食盐).

Apparently, overuse of salt causes high blood pressure and hypertension, the cause of half the deaths in the United States every year. A few years ago the anti-salt campaigners raised such an uproar that salt was banned from baby food.Currently pressure is being applied to food manufacturers to oblige them to label their products to show sodium content. Because doing so would cost manufacturers money, they argue that they have no idea how much salt remains on such things as potato chips and how much sticks to the bag. Furthermore, salt isn't the only harmful ingredient in food.If the manufacturer has to provide sodium content, why not require him to list every ingredient and specify which are harmful to our health? Cigarettes have a warning printed on them. Shouldn't the same type of warning appear on canned foods that are notoriously over- salted?

There are endless ifs and buts in the controversy, but the most telling of these is the questionable proof of salt's effect upon the blood pressure. True, people who cut their salt intake lowered their blood pressure, but where is the scientific proof that something other than salt didn't do the trick? The most common means of providing dubious proof that salt causes hypertension is to compare societies that use little salt with those that use mountains of salt in their daily diets. Which group has the higher rate of hypertension? Whose blood pressure is lower? What happens when salt is introduced into a group where salt is a novelty? Does the blood pressure rise significantly? Studies of the Japanese indicate that as the world's greatest salters, they suffer the most from hypertension. On the other hand, the simple, salt-free cooking of several tribes in the Solomon Islands has kept older tribesmen and women from developing hypertension and high blood pressure, ailments traditionally killing their peers in America.No account is taken of the effects of inflation, recession, pollution, crime, and sundry (多种多样的) other ills to which Americans, unlike people on primitive islands, are exposed.

To salt or not to salt? That is the question. Now that the question has arisen, it must not be treated with levity(轻率) but, rather, with searching scientific investigation so that those of us who are preoccupied with both savory(薄荷) food and longevity may decide which of the two is worth its salt.

The attitude of the author of this passage toward the salt controversy is that______。

A.we must stop eating salt immediately

B.she is not convinced that salt is harmful

C.the Food and Drug Administration works well with doctors

D.soon there won't be anything tasty left to eat

听力原文:Lenovo Group has agreed to pay US $1.25 billion for IBM's personal computer busin

听力原文: Lenovo Group has agreed to pay US $1.25 billion for IBM's personal computer business, lifting China's largest PC maker to third in global rankings and giving it a globally recognized brand.

Lenovo will pay US $600 million in cash and US $ 650 million in stock, Lenovo chief executive Yang Yuanqing said at a press conference in Beijing.

Lenovo will also assume US $ 500 million of debt. IBM will hold an 18.9 percent stake in Hong Kong-listed Lenovo after the acquisition, which is expected to be completed in the second quarter. The purchase vaults Lenovo from eighth place among PC makers, giving the company a leg up. in a global market now dominated by US manufacturers Dell and Hewlett-Packard.

"It's a good move for IBM," said Jason Maxwell, an analyst at Los Angeles-based TCW Group, which owns IBM shares. "It fits with their decade-old strategy of disinvesting in those areas where they don't have an advantage." IBM sold its hard-disk drive business in 2002 after the technology behind the products became widely available and easy to copy, leading to depressed profits. The same thing has happened in PCs as consumers use new items such as mobile phones to access the Internet. IBM, which made its first PC in 1981 and won orders by catering to businesses, retreated from selling its Aptiva PCs to retailers in the US in 1999 and decided to sell over the Internet.

Lenovo, based in Beijing, will reap benefits of the world's third most recognized brand-- IBM's brand name is worth US $53.8 billion, according to a survey by Interbrand.

How much will Lenovo pay in cash to purchase IBM?

A.US $ 1.75 billion.

B.US $ 1.25 billion.

C.US $ 0.6 billion.

D.US $ 0.5 billion.

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