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—Do you like collecting stamps?—() .

A.No not like

B.No not exact

C.No not really

D.No nothing

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更多“—Do you like collecting stamps…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Today, I'm interviewing a young girl named Alex about her feelings on how peop
le can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment?

W: By saving water.

M: Well, how can we do that?

W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

M: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

W: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

M: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions?

W: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cot down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live.

M: So, how can people recycle paper, I mean, everyday?

W: Well, for example, when I was in the office, I used to save the newspapers so that I could collect things made out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

M: That's great. Well, thanks Alex for your ideas.


A.Separating different types of garbage.

B.Disposing of trash properly.

C.Having a family clean-up party.

D.Saving water whenever using it.

听力原文:M: Today, I'm interviewing a young lady Alex about her feelings on how people can
help save the environment. So, Alex, how do you think we can save the environment?

W: By saving water.

M: Well, can you explain how we can do that?

W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

M: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

W: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

M: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions?

W: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live.

M: So, how can children recycle paper, I mean, everyday?

W: Well, for example, when I was in kindergarten, I used to save the newspapers so that I could have things made out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

M: That's great. Well thanks Alex for your ideas.


A.Washing cars.

B.Cleaning clothes.

C.Taking a bath.


听力原文:M: Today I'm interviewing nine-year old Catherine about her feelings on how peopl
e can help save the environment. So, Catherine, how call we save the environment?

W: By saving water,

M: Well, how can we do that?

W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things like watering the plants outside.

M: Oh, what else?

W: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you rind a garbage can to put it in. Because throwing rubbish carelessly makes our planet dirty, Do you like seeing rubbish all over the ground?

M: No, I don't. Do you have any other suggestions?

W: Yes, we shouldn't waste paper, because trees are being cut down to make paper. By saving paper, we save the forests where animals live.

M: So how can children save paper? I mean everyday.

W: Well, for example, when I was in kindergarten, I used to save newspapers so that I could fold things out of them like paper trees instead of just throwing them away. Now the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a factory as raw material.

M: That's great. Well, thanks Catherine for your ideas.

In which of the following situations does the girl try to save water?

A.When she is taking a bath.

B.When she is cleaning a car.

C.When she is washing clothes.

D.When she is working in plants.

听力原文:M: Today, I'm interviewing nine-year-old Carol about her feelings on how people c
an help save the environment. Good evening, Carol.

W: Good evening, I'm glad to be here.

M: So, Carol, how can we save the environment?

W: By saving water.

M: Well, how can we do that?

W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

M: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

W: We should try to make our environment tidy.

M: What can we do?

W: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

M: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions?

W: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live.

M: So, how can children recycle paper, I mean, everyday?

W: Well, for example, when I was in kindergarten, I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away.

M: Good idea! What do you do now?

W: Now, the children in our neighbourhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling centre.

M: That's great. Well, thanks Carol for your ideas.

W: You're welcome.


A.The girl's father

B.The girl's teacher.

C.The girl's friend.

D.An interviewer.

听力原文:W: Hey, Joe, what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?M: Do

听力原文:W: Hey, Joe, what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?

M: Don't you know, most of the residents in Packer Hall are going to try to walk the seven miles from the engineering library, across campus and down to city hall, in an effort to raise money for the new children's hospital.

W: Sounds like a good idea. But I don't understand where the money comes from.

M: Well, a few days before the walkathon, each participant goes around asking people to pledge just a certain amount of money for each mile that he or she expects to walk in the event. Then after the walkathon's over, the participants go back to those same people, collect the money pledged and send it into the hospital.

W: So you mean if someone pledges, say, a dollar a mile, and you walk five miles, you get five dollars?

M: That's right. Of course, most of my friends aren't such big spenders, the biggest pledge I've gotten so far is 25 cents a mile.

W: And how many people have made pledges for you?

M: Eleven so far. Say, how about making it an even dozen?

W: Sure, if you do the same for me. The walkathon sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sport shoes.

M: You are definitely warm-hearted.

W: You bet. And I ten you, I am also a good walker.

M: Hope to see you in the walkathon.

W: I will be there.

Who are going to be in the walkathon?


A.Hospital staff only.

B.Many Packer Hall residents.

C.Many officials.

D.The art students.

Tom told me that you collect stamps. _________

A、What do you mean?

B、I don't think so.

C、Why did he tell you?

D、Yes, I do. Do you?

听力原文:Hi. My name is John Hilton. I'm your teaching assistant for Chemistry, Professor
Smith's class. Let me explain a little about this lab section. It's a required meeting, twice a weak. I expect you to do all the experiments and keep the re- suits in your lab notebook. I'll collect the notebooks every two weeks. You'll be graded on your lab notebooks, your attendance, and quizzes. But the most important information I want to give you today is about the safety procedures.

First of all, you must wear shoes that cover your feet in the lab. That means you can' t wear thongs or sandals. Tennis shoes are OK. Also, don't wear clothes that have loose baggy parts, like long scarves and necklaces or loose belts. They could get caught in something or fall into a liquid.

Another important safety precaution is cleaning up. Be sure to put the waste in the correct containers. We can't mix liquid with paper. This is extremely important. I don't want any fires in this room.

You are responsible for washing out your own lab equipment and putting it away. If you don't do this, I will deduct points from your grades. I'm not going to clean up after you.

OK. That's about all for this meeting. Our first regular class will be next week. Be sure to get a lab notebook before then. Also, let Professor smith know that you are attending this section.


A.Professor Smith.

B.A teaching assistant.

C.A specialist' in Chemistry.

D.A university technician.

听力原文:W: I'm going over to the recycling center this afternoon. Would you like me to ta
ke your old newspaper and paper bags along?.

M: I do have a lot of papers and magazines down in the basement. Volunteers used to come by these apartments regularly to collect waste paper. I still save it but people seldom ask for it nowadays and I have never gone to the recycling center myself.

W: That's typical. A few years ago people were really enthusiastic about reusing waste paper. Unfortunately, interest has been decreasing lately. Manufacturers now use waste paper for things like paper bags, towels, and boxes. But the demand is down. I think they need to find new commercial uses for recycled paper.

M: I suppose things like greeting cards, calendars and writing paper could be made from it too. But recycled paper usually has a color which is not bright, doesn't it?

W: Well, it would not be suitable for art books or high quality magazine paper. But who cares about the dull color if waste paper can take the place of virgin wood pulp and so help to preserve forests.

M: You are right, I’ll bring my waste paper over to your apartment in a little while. Thanks for offering to take it.

Why does the woman want to take old newspapers and paper bags with her?

A.Because she wants to read old newspapers.

B.Because she wants to help the man to throw them away.

C.Because she will go to the recycling center.

D.Because she wants to sell them for some money.

听力原文:Man: Ladies and gentlemen. If I could just have your attention for a few moments
please. I have a few final notices to give you before we all go into this last session of our conference.

First of all, I'd like to say that this afternoon's computer session has proved to be much more popular than we anticipated, so we're moving this session to Room 110. That's on the first floor. This means that the Marketing Seminar will be moved to Room 201. Room 201 is on the second floor. The times for all sessions are unchanged. I hope that's clear to everyone. Yes?

Next, a notice for Team Leaders. will you please hand in your keys and your completed attendance lists to reception Point B, where I will collect them. Could you do this at the latest by 15.00. By 3 o'clock, please. There is no paperwork for team leaders to do this afternoon, you'll be pleased to know.

Now, I have to inform. you of a last minute change for those flying home. No. Don't worry. Nothing major. You'll still be able to enjoy the party this evening. It's just that the coaches to the airport will now leave tomorrow morning a little later, at 9am sharp, instead of 8.30. And please be at the collection point - that's outside - at least 10 minutes before, so I can check your names. The collection point is marked "Airport". Thank you. The other buses - that's the six coaches for local travel - will leave as arranged ... look at your Fact Sheets... same times ... same place ... for local destinations, go to the West Gate.

Now, to the future. I have a note from Personnel that the venue for next year is already fixed. It will be in Birmingham, and is most likely to be at the Central Business School. Of course you'll get details of things like the timetable nearer the time. One of the guest speakers will be Dr Lewis Worth. Yes, the famous author from the Los Angeles Institute of Business will be talking about Creative Management: I'm sure we'll all be looking forward to that. Again - details will come to you nearer the time.

Oh, talking of speakers, that reminds me, this afternoon there will be a change of speaker. Alan Smith will substitute for Sue Kennedy, who unfortunately is unwell. Same times, but the room will also change, from 600 to 610.

Well, I'd just like to say... Oh yes ... one more thing. Don't forget to collect your complimentary video from the conference office. You can drop in there any time throughout the afternoon. It's a preview of our new advertisements. I would draw your attention especially to Film 3. Quite a few surprises. Should be good.

So that's it, I think. It's been a highly successful conference this year - as always. So with my thanks to all concerned for the arrangements and my thanks to you all for contributing, I look forward to meeting you individually tonight at the party.., which starts at 8pm in the Garden Room. And I hope to see you all in Birmingham next year!

&8226;You will hear the organiser of an annual conference attended by the sales representatives of a large company. He is telling them about the arrangements for the end of the conference.

&8226;As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay the recording.

1. The computer session has been moved to Room 110 and the____________ will now be held in Room 201.

2. Team Leaders are to take keys and ______ to Point B by 3 o'clock.

3. Team Leaders will not have to do any ______ this afternoon.

4. Airport coaches will leave tomorrow morning from the ______ marked Airport.

5. Local buses will leave from. ______

6. Next year's conference will probably be held at the ______ in Birmingham.

7. information about the ______ for example, will be sent later.

8. The guest

听力原文:W: Why are you packing all these old bottles and newspapers together? Will you se
ll them?

M: Of course not. I'm just going over to the recycling center this afternoon. Sometimes volunteers come by these apartments and collect waste paper. Sometimes I take the old bottles and papers there myself.

W: How do people deal with these old things?

M: Manufacturers use waste paper for things like paper bags, towels, napkins and boxes.

W: My god! Am I wiping my mouth on the towels from the dustbin?

M: You can't say so. Used material must be treated carefully and scientifically before reusing. For instance, an old newspaper can be recycled by de-inking and pulping.

W: Does the recycled paper look the same as the paper made from virgin wood pulp?

M: Well, inevitably, owing to its dingy color, art books and high quality magazine paper wouldn't use recycled paper. However, I suppose it's suitable for things like greeting cards, calendars and writing paper. After all, who cares about the drab color if waste paper can help to preserve forests?

W: Yes, forests may be one of the most valuable natural resources in the world. Regretfully, some people in my country haven't realized the importance of the environment protection.

M: In America, a few years ago people were really enthusiastic about reusing waste paper. But with the decreasing demand recently, interest has been waning. I think the government should do something to make people resume their enthusiasm in recycled paper.

W: Absolutely right. In addition, manufacturers need to find new commercial uses for recycled paper. Perhaps we can read comic books made from it just like in Japan.


11. Where is the man going this afternoon?

12.What product is NOT made from recycled paper, according to the conversation?

13.What major benefit can we get from recycling waste paper?

14.According to the man, what is the disadvantage of recycled paper?

15.Which of the following statements is TRUE?


A.To the recycling center.

B.On a bicycle trip.

C.To the newspaper stand.

D.To a shopping center.

" Its that time of the year again-back to school! With the new school year just around the
corner I decide it might be a good idea to collect tricks on how to wake up early for school. Whether you are a student or a happy parent, I hope your advice will work for me. Welcome you to share your own tricks on how you wake up(or help your kids wake up)early for school!" Advice 1: One of the rules I put into place for my experiment was the rule that I could not use the snooze button, ever! When you hit the snooze on your alarm you are allowing your mind to wake up gradually. This may slow down your productivity and energy… Advice 2: This smart simple tip was found in the list of 52 Proven Stress Reducers. What this tip means is that first of all you need at least two alarm clocks. You will be using one alarm clock in a usual way — for waking yourself up in the morning. But you will set another alarm clock for the time when you have to go to bed. Advice 3: There is another great self-improvement tip which some people often neglect and which you can use to advance in any area and not just to learn how to wake yourself up early in the morning. And the tip is simple: get a dog, it will help you to wake up early. Advice 4: How to wake yourself up in the morning? Get a pet to do it? Okay, getting a pet BECAUSE you want to wake up early is a wrong thing. Do not do it. Never ever get a pet unless you love pets and unless you know you can take care of them. Pets are like kids — if you get one, you will have full responsibility for its health and life. Advice 5: We continue our quest to find the best ways on how to wake up early in the morning and do it consistently. If you search the web for "how to wake up early" or "alarm clocks" keywords combination you will definitely find Vincent Cheungs article Alarm clocks are bad and how to wake up and feel better. This article has got almost 3, 000 tips and a number of links for a reason. It includes the trick on how to wake up early that Vincent has successfully used for years and now shares with the readers of his blog.

The blogger is probably a______.

A.parent of a school student



D.job holder

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