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听力原文:This is Newton magazine and Review on radio FM 107. I am your host Scott Gormez.

On today's show we will be talking with Dr. Ellis Lee, professor of organic chemistry at Royal Science University. She is the winner of last year's Scientist award and coauthor of recently published book " Fuels of the Future". Dr. Lee has been studying the development of efficient and affordable types of fuels from non traditional sources. Today she will talk about her latest research and her current project with another agency on fuel efficiency.

Who is Ellis Lee?

A.A city planner

B.An editor

C.A new employee

D.A scientist

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更多“听力原文:This is Newton magazine a…”相关的问题
听力原文:Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing National Railways. The time is now 7
:35, and we will be departing for Newton in three minutes. The trip will take a little more than six hours, which leaves us arriving in Newton around 1:30. I would like to remind you to store all hand baggage in the area above your seat. Should you have any oversized baggage, including skis and bicycles, you may store it in the storage rooms located at the front or back of your cart. We would also like to ask you to please keep all aisles clear. Again, thank you for choosing National Railways, and we hope you enjoy your journey through the beautiful countryside.

Where might this announcement be heard?

A.On a bus

B.On a boat

C.On a train

D.On an airplane

听力原文:M: Hi, Margaret, where were you at dinner-time? I was saving a seat for you in th
e coffee shop.

W: Oh, sorry to miss you. But my thirst for knowledge was greater than my pains of hunger.

M: So where were you?

W: My physical science class ran overtime. Actually, what happens is that some of us hang around for a while after class to talk with our professor and ask him questions.

M: Who is this 21st century's Newton?

W: Professor Greg, have you heard of him?

M: Yes. He does have a good reputation in the Physical Science Department.

W: And a well deserved one. The same students who Pall asleep in discussion group fight for front-row seats in his lectures.

M: Oh, on. I hope this isn't amazing.

W: You can joke. But it's great to have a professor who's not only interesting but prepares to give up time to students.

M: I know it is really rare. Maybe I should sit in his class some time. Do you think he'd care?

W: Not at all. Lots of students bring their friends. He says he feels flattered.

M: Well, just to be safe, I think I'll bring my dinner along as well.

W: I'll make a good student of you yet.


A.In the coffee shop.

B.Discussing physical problem in the classroom.

C.Working on a science problem at home.

D.Reading 20th century literature in the hbrary.

听力原文: Good afternoon. My name is Mary Raffety. For the next eleven weeks, I will be yo
ur lab instructor. The lab experiences you will be having are designed to complement your work in Dr Kaplan's inorganic chemistry course. Today's experiment is purposely a short one; it will help you become familiar with the lab setup and equipment.

As your lab instructor, it is my duty to assist you in setting up your experiments and understanding your results. I will also grade your lab notebooks. But I have an even more basic responsibility: your physical safety. I will insist on proper precautions, such as wearing protective goggles at all times. I also expect you to use common sense: don't wear long scarves that might catch fire; don't smoke; don't taste unknown substances.

Let me reinforce this point with a story. Issac Newton, perhaps the greatest scientist of all ages, lived in a period when the toxic effects of chemicals were less understood than today. He routinely sniffed fumes, tasted chemicals, and used open containers for heating substances. In the early 1690s, he suffered through a period of insomnia, depression, and mental instability. Though his biographers linked this situation to problems in his personal life, researchers now think it was a consequence of his lab procedures; they found abnormally high concentrations of lead, mercury, and other heavy metals in preserved specimens of his hair.

Consequently, we must learn from the past and put safety first.

At what point in the semester does this talk take place?

A.At the beginning.

B.In the middle.

C.Near the end.

D.During the final exam.

听力原文:The students are listening to the teacher carefully.

听力原文:The students are listening to the teacher car

听力原文:The cat is sleeping on the floor. A.B.C.

听力原文:The cat is sleeping on the floor.

听力原文:The cat is sleeping on the floor. A.B.C.听力原文:




听力原文:The little baby is drinking milk. A.B.C.

听力原文:The little baby is drinking milk.

听力原文:The little baby is drinking milk. A.B.C.听力原文:




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