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What kind of disease is not caused by the use of mobile phone? ______A.Fatigue.B.Headache.

What kind of disease is not caused by the use of mobile phone? ______



C.Alzheimer’s disease.


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更多“What kind of disease is not ca…”相关的问题
What kind of disease is not caused by the use of mobile phone?A.Fatigue.B.Headache.C.Alzhe

What kind of disease is not caused by the use of mobile phone?



C.Alzheimer's disease.


What kind of disease will harmful gases and terrible noise caused by vehicles bring to the
city people?

What does the writer worry?A.A cracked shinbone caused by too much running on hard pavemen

What does the writer worry?

A.A cracked shinbone caused by too much running on hard pavement.

B.His suffering from a kind of women's disease at the age of more than 54.

C.His being close to a disease that causes older people to shrink in height and break bones easily.

D.His bones are weaker than average women.

What can we infer from the passage?A.Human's future could be depended on advance in medica

What can we infer from the passage?

A.Human's future could be depended on advance in medical science.

B.We could introduce certain kind of disease to control the number of some species.

C.Human could control diseases.

D.Introduction of the myxomatosis could control rabbit population in the world.

听力原文:M: Oh, it is terrible! Aboard Aerolineas Argentinas flight 386, 368 passengers we
re given pre-prepared food on their way from Buenos Aires to Los Angeles.

W: Then what happened?

M: A few days after arriving in Los Angeles, one passenger died, and 74 others were seriously ill.

W: And what is the reason for that?

M: According to Dr. Phillips, it was the highest single outbreak of cholera in the United States this century, and the airline passengers were the victims of this new epidemic of cholera, a disease not seen in Latin America since 1895. They were just a few of the more than one million people affected in 20 countries, including at least 10,000 who died in the following three years after 1991.

W: Cholera? To the best of my understanding, that disease has been dead for some time now.

M: But it has come back. Dr. Phillips says that cholera is by no means the only old infection on the comeback, and it is one of the major infections that are fighting back fiercely against man's attempts to control them.

W: But what are the reasons for the comeback of so many dead diseases?

M: Phillips says a single reason can't explain why a new disease appears or an old one returns, and usually a combination of factors are involved.

W: What kind of specific factors?

M: Dr. Phillips in his book Plagues on Our Doorstep presents some reasons.

W: What are they?

M: First, international travel and commerce. The cholera aboard flight 386 and mosquitoes living in imported tires are examples of these. Second, technology and industry. For example, the technology in Britain's processing industry was a likely contributor to the emergence of mad cow disease. Third, the breakdown of public health measures. Declining health resources have resulted in the erosion of once highly-valued health services.

W: Well, that's just unbelievable!


A.A flight to Los Angeles.

B.A book written by a doctor.

C.A disease on the comeback and its reasons.

D.Man's effort to control disease.

听力原文:New research from Australia shows that pets are good for your health. The finding

听力原文: New research from Australia shows that pets are good for your health. The findings of this new study suggest that people who have pets are at less risk from heart disease than those who do not.

The new research was carried out over three years and examined 3,000 people. They took tests that measured a variety of different factors known to be involved in heart disease--blood pressure and blood levels. Also, people were asked about their lifestyles. The 800 people who owned pets had low levels on each of the factors measured than those who did not own pets. The study 'also showed that it did not matter what kind of pet was owned--a cat was as good as a dog— so the benefits could not be attributed to the exercises involved in walking a dog.

The question is just how pets manage to make their owners more healthy. The obvious answer is that they make their owners feel more relaxed and happy. The Australian scientists who organized this study commented that if a new drug was available that was as effective as simply having a pet, then this drug would undoubtedly be considered a breakthrough in the control of heart disease.


A.Pets manage to make their owners more healthy.

B.Pets spread many kinds of disease to men.

C.Pet owners enjoy better health because of exercises.

D.Pets can sometimes cause high blood pressure in man.

听力原文:Computers are being widely used in medicine. The most common use is for keeping h

听力原文: Computers are being widely used in medicine. The most common use is for keeping hospital patient records. There may be access to these at several points—hospital patient rooms, offices, laboratories and even operating theatres. Computers are also used in the delicate task of looking after patients in the intensive care unit and in monitoring those undergoing surgery.

One of the latest developments is to use computers to assist diagnosis. A computer is programmed with information about a disease, using the accumulated knowledge of many specialists and textbooks. A doctor examining a patient may then be guided by the information given by the computer in what to look for and which questions to ask the patient. The information he gathers is fed into the computer. It may suggest further questions before finally providing a diagnosis.

This kind of procedure causes some people anxiety. They feel it increases the gap in the personal relationship between the doctor and patient. On the other hand, it makes widely available knowledge and skill which before belonged to only a small number of specialists, or which had to be found with difficulty in published material.





D.Electroscopes (doctor's instrument).

Section C Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by s
ome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage one Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage Aging happens to all of us ,and is generylly thought of as a natural part of life. It would seem silly to call such a thing a "disease".on the other hand,scientists are increasingly learning that aging and biological age are two different things,and that the former is a key risk factor for conditions such as heart disease,cancer and many more. in that light,aging itself might be seen as something treatable, the way you would treat high blood pressure or a vitamin deficiency. Biophysicist alex zhavoronkov believes that aging should be considered a disease. he said that describing aging as a disease creates incentives to develop treatments. "It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical(制药的)industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects, "he said。 "Right now, people think of aging as natural and something you can't control "he said. "in academic circles, people take aging research as just an interest area where they can try to develop interventions. the medical community also takes aging for granted, and can do nothing about it except keep people within a certain health range." But if aging were recognized as a disease, he said, "it would attract funding and change the way we do health care. what matters is understanding that aging is curable. " "it was always known that the body accumulates damage, "he added. "the only way to cure aging is to find ways to repair that damage. i think of it as preventive medicine for age-related conditions. Leonard hayflick, a professor at the university of califomia, san francisco, said the idea that aging can be cured implies the human lifespan can be increased, which some researchers suggest is possible. hayflick is not among them. " There 're many people who recover from cancer, stroke or heart disease. but they continue to age, because aging is separate from their disease, " said."even if those causes of death were eliminated, life expectancy would still not go much beyond 92 years." what do people generally believe about aging? A. it should cause no alarm whatsoever.

B.they just cannot do anything about it.

C.it should be regarded as a kind of disease

D.they can delay it with advances in science

how do many scientists view aging now?A.it might be prevented and treated

B.it can be as risky as heart disease

C.results from a vitamin deficiency

D.it is an irreversible biological proces

what do we learn about the medical community?A.They now have a strong interest in research on aging

B.they differ from the academic circles in their view on aging.

C.they can contribute to people's health only to a limited extent.

D.they have ways to intervene in people's aging process

what does alex zhavoronkov think ofdescribing aging as a discase?A.it will prompt people to take aging more seriously.

B.it will greatly help reduce the side effects of aging

C.it will free pharmacists from the conventional beliefs about aging

D.it will motivate doctors and pharmacists to find ways to treat aging

what does professor leonard hayflick believe?A.the human lifespan cannot be prolonged.

B.aging is hardly separable from disease

C.few people live up to the age of 92

D.heart disease is the major cause of aging


The author wants to convey his/her idea that depression is a kind of normal disease which
can be recognized and cured.




Weight Control: The Power of Healthy ChoicesWhat Is a Healthy Weight for Me?This is a toug

Weight Control: The Power of Healthy Choices

What Is a Healthy Weight for Me?

This is a tough question to answer. Even though many people talk about weight, what really matters is how much of your body weight is fat. The body mass index (BMI) is an approximate measure of body fat. It is based on your height and weight. A BMI between 19 and 25 is considered a normal amount of body fat. If someone's BMI is 25 to 29.9, that person is said to be overweight. A person is said to be obese (过度肥胖的) if his or her BMI is 30 or higher. The higher your BMI is, the greater your risk for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and certain cancers is.

Some Causes That Can Lead to Being Overweight

Having weight problems in your family.

Eating when you're lonely, sad, bored or stressed.

Eating because you feel pressured by friends or family to eat.

Using food for recreation, or eating just because food is available.

Taking medicine that makes you feel hungry.

Having hormone problems that slow your metabolism (how fast your body burns calories).

How Can I Lower My BMI?

The best way to lower your BMI is to reduce the total number of calories you take in and to be more physically active.Long-term success is not about finding the "right" diet. It's about identifying your behaviours that have contributed to taking in more calories than your body needs. It is also about making a plan to develop healthier eating and physical activity habits. For example, you may eat when you're under stress rather than when you're hungry. Choosing another activity to do when you feel stressed, such as taking a walk, may help you break the habit of eating at those times.

You're more likely to make changes in your habits if you set a specific goal for yourself. For example, instead of saying "I'm going to lose 20 pounds", decide that you'll be more active every other day of the week. Be specific about what kind of activity you'll do and which days you'll do it. Your new goal might be: "During my lunch hour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I'm going to walk for half an hour in the park." Once your new healthy behaviour becomes a habit, you can move on to another goal.

Why Is Physical Activity a Big Deal?

Physical activity builds muscles, so even if you don't lose pounds, you will look and feel better when you are more active. Being active also reduces your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, even if you are overweight.

What Is the Best Kind of Activity?

First, ask your family doctor if there is any kind of physical activity that you should not do. Being more physically active doesn't mean you need to have a formal or complicated exercise program. Remember that the best kind of activity is the kind that you'll keep doing. Whatever activity you choose, try to do it for at least 30 minutes per day on most days of the week.

Aerobic exercises, such as swimming, walking or jogging, raise your heart rate and help burn calories. The longer you exercise, the more fat your body will burn. Walking can be very helpful even if you don't walk fast.

Light weight training also has many health benefits. It helps add muscle mass to your body. Muscle burns calories faster than fat does.

How Can I Change My Eating Habits?

Change them one at a time. For example, start by training yourself to eat without doing anything else at the same time.Focus on enjoying the taste and smell of your food by eating more slowly. Don't watch TV, talk on the phone or drive a car while you eat.

Healthy Habits

Eat breakfast.

Eat your biggest meal of the day at lunchtime.

Begin meals with a low-fat salad, soup, broth or a




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