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听力原文:M: I am just writing Linda about our vacation. Why don' t I enclose this picture

of us in front of the Modem Museum?

W: Don't you think it's a little out of focus?

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.Sending pictures through E-mail is too expensive.

B.The photograph was not taken at the Modem Museum.

C.They already sent Linda a photograph of their vacation.

D.The photograph is not good enough to send.

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更多“听力原文:M: I am just writing Lind…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order now?M: No, I just finished. I am wai

听力原文:W: Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order now?

M: No, I just finished. I am waiting for my change.

What does the man want?

A.His money.

B.A different waitress.

C.A menu.

D.He wants to order some food.

听力原文:W: So, how long have you been hem?M: Just a couple of days; actually, I am on a b

听力原文:W: So, how long have you been hem?

M: Just a couple of days; actually, I am on a big journey. You know. I'm visiting the places of interest here.

What's the man doing?

A.He's working in a hotel.

B.He's visiting a young people.

C.He's traveling around.

听力原文:M: Mr. Smith just said that if I am late again he will fire me.W: Don't let it ge

听力原文:M: Mr. Smith just said that if I am late again he will fire me.

W: Don't let it get you down. He always talks like that.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.Mr. Smith is very kind.

B.The man should not worry.

C.She is worried.

D.She likes Mr. Smith.

听力原文:W: Mr. Smith has just said that if I am late again he will fire me.M: Don't let i

听力原文:W: Mr. Smith has just said that if I am late again he will fire me.

M: Don't let it get you down. He always says like that.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Mr. Smith is very kind.

B.The woman should not worry.

C.He is worried, too.

D.He likes Mr. Smith.

听力原文:W: I just stopped by at your office in the bank. They told me that you had quit.
Where are you working now?

M: I am working for a lawyer now. The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.

Where did the man work before?

A.In a court.

B.On the farm.

C.In a bank.

D.In a shop.

听力原文:W: May I borrow a pen from you? Mine has just run out of ink.M: I am afraid I don

听力原文:W: May I borrow a pen from you? Mine has just run out of ink.

M: I am afraid I don’t have an extra one. Would a pencil do?

Q: How did the man respond to the woman’s request?


A.He lent her an extra pen.

B.He offered her a pencil.

C.He said he didn't have an extra pencil.

D.He didn't want to help her.

听力原文:M: I don't want to go out tonight. Let's just stay at home instead.W: OK, but I a

听力原文:M: I don't want to go out tonight. Let's just stay at home instead.

W: OK, but I am looking forward to seeing the new movie The Crazy Stone.

What does the man want to do tonight?

A.See a movie.

B.Stay at home.

C.Go downtown.

D.Attend a meeting.

听力原文:W: Frank, I thought you were working in New York.M: I was, but I've moved back. I

听力原文:W: Frank, I thought you were working in New York.

M: I was, but I've moved back. I just couldn't get used to living in a big city, so here I am, back in school, taking courses for a teacher's certificate.

Q: What is Frank planning to do?


A.Move to a big city.

B.Become a teacher.

C.Go back to school.

D.Work in New York.

听力原文:M: When do you want to leave for that town, mother?W: I am not sure. But maybe we

听力原文:M: When do you want to leave for that town, mother?

W: I am not sure. But maybe we should leave on Tuesday after work. It's a long drive. But I would rather get there late Thursday. We have several days off this time after all.

M: How long is it?

W: 8 hours.

M: What are you going to take?

W: Mostly dresses and T-shirts.

M: You don't think it will be cold at night there?

W: Maybe. I am going to take a sweater or a coat just in case.

What is the woman going to do?

A.Attend a party.

B.Take a holiday.

C.Attend a meeting.

听力原文:W: Oh, no! I just realized that the Collins report is due this Friday morning!M:

听力原文:W: Oh, no! I just realized that the Collins report is due this Friday morning!

M: Take it easy, Sabina. It' s only Tuesday and you will have three days to work on it from today.

W. But I haven't started it yet and I've got many other things to take care of. In addition to that, I have meetings scheduled all day today and tomorrow. What am I supposed to do?

M. Why don't you explain your situation to the supervisor? Maybe he can grant you an extension to Monday.

When is the report due?





听力原文:W: The radio says there may be snow today.You'd better grab your boots, just in c

听力原文:W: The radio says there may be snow today. You'd better grab your boots, just in case.

M: I am planning to do just that.

Q: What will the man probably do?


A.Rub his boots.

B.Wear his boots.

C.Buy a pair of boots.

D.Bring some books.

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