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Overweight has become a problem people all around the world face, and it does not look lik

e it will be solved in the near future regardless of the various efforts from all walks of life. And for those who have a heavier body than they are supposed to, one advice is given repeatedly: eat less and exercise more. This has long been the suggestion for getting rid of those extra pounds. But now it seems that all the hard work may have been in vain. Scientists say there are ten other reasons why people just keep getting bigger.

Scientists claim that sleeping habits, central heating, medicines and even some pollutants can play a role in weight gain. Lack of sleep could be partly to blame. In recent years, the average night's sleep has dropped from nine hours to just seven. Sleep lack changes levels of the hormones that regulate food intake and body fat and increase hunger and appetite.

If it is too hot or too cold, we burn calories to cool down or heat up. But if the temperature is just right, the calories may be turned into body fat instead.

Those who take medicines to control their blood pressure can often put on more weight. Similarly, studies have shown that going on the Pill can add to a woman's weight. Mother Nature may also be to blame, with our body shape being partly determined by our parents. The overweight are also more likely to be associated with partners of a similar size, and their children are more likely to be overweight.

The scientists from Yale, Cornell and Johns Hopkins published their analysis of these findings last week. Their reasoning goes like this:

1. Sleep--Too little increases appetite.

2. Medicine--Many modern medicines lead to us putting on weight.

3. Mother's age--Older women are more likely to have obese children.

4. Giving up smoking--Nicotine suppresses the appetite.

5. Getting older--Weight tends to increase with age.

What does the author think of the advice "eat less and exercise more"?

A.It may not be a solution for all who face this problem since the reasons for people's getting fat varies.

B.There are various other ways to achieve the goal of weight-loss and this is not the best one.

C.Exercise is something you will never get your returns and your efforts will be in vain.

D.It has been talked about for too long a time that a newer alternative is needed.

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更多“Overweight has become a proble…”相关的问题
The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries______.A.heavy industry becom

The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries______.

A.heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive

B.income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices

C.manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed

D.oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP

Which is NOT the point of the example of the Pacific Islands?A.The poor community has shak

Which is NOT the point of the example of the Pacific Islands?

A.The poor community has shaken off poverty and people are well-fed now.

B.Obesity is becoming a problem in the developing world too.

C.Excessive weight increase will cause no less harm than the food shortage.

D.The problem of overweight emerges very fast.

The passage suggests that too much intake of carbohydrates______.A.is a good way to lose w

The passage suggests that too much intake of carbohydrates______.

A.is a good way to lose weight

B.makes a person overweight

C.is harmful to tissue building

D.should be encouraged if a person has heart disease

The passage suggests that too much intake of carbohydrates______.A. is a good way to lose

The passage suggests that too much intake of carbohydrates______.

A. is a good way to lose weight

B. makes a person overweight

C. is harmful to tissue building

D. should be encouraged if a person has heart disease

The study conducted by Dr. Brewis and her colleagues indicated that in some countries_____

A.people who are overweight or obese tend to be very lazy

B.negative attitude about fat people may soon become the norm

C.culture has strong influence on people's perceptions of obesity

D.the public start to treat people with bigger bodies in a positive way

Forget fit, tanned and sporty—the new generation of Australians is fast becoming fat, pa
le and lazy. A love of junk food, television and computer games has sent the countrys waistline ballooning, with Australians weighing in as the world s fattest【M1】______ nation after the United States. Rather than hitting the beaches, thousands of young Australians are heading to the couch with a【M2】______ bag of popcorn, with one child in every four classifying as【M3】______ overweight or obese. The trend is squashing the widely-held imagery of Australians being sun-bronzed and superfit. " The rate【M4】______ of obesity, particularly among children, seems to be going up faster in Australia than anywhere else in the world, and we dont【M5】______ know why," said Dr Peter Williams, the president of the Dietitians【M6】______ Association of Australia. A sedentary lifestyle. and a changing diet has doubled the number of obese Australians and treble the army of fat children in【M7】______ the past decade, pushing direct health costs related to childhood obesity to about $380 million a year. Data shows childhood obesity in Australia is rising at the rate of one percent a year, a trend suggests half of all young Australians will be overweight by【M8】______ 2025. Australias rapid weight gained has health agencies and state【M9】______ governments racing to find ways to encourage people to get on their feet and shed some kilometers—while sending the【M10】______ weight-loss industry skipping to the bank, pocketing $1 billion a year.


When it comes to foods, America is not just the fattest country on earth but probably the
most schizophrenic as well--home to the Big Mac and Weight Watchers, the super model and the couch potato.

The love-hate relationship with food was examined in the documentary "Fat" which aired on November 3, and if there is any comfort for the more than 90 million overweight Americans it's that the rest of the world is also getting fatter.

"There is an enormous pressure on people to be thin and to be physically fit but at the same time there is a tremendous pressure and inducement to eat, "Or Kelly Brownell, professor of psychology at Yale University and a participant in the programme, said in an interview. "You will see a Baskin Robbins next to Weight Watchers. You'll see a Family Circle magazine with a delicious chocolate cake on the cover beside a diet article, "said Brownell. "At the same time as we have record levels of obesity, we have record levels of eating disorders too," he said.

The desire to eat fatty food came from a primitive survival instinct to store enough energy in good times to ensure survival when food was scare. But in a modern urban society, where fast food chains appear on almost every block, the instinct to eat far has begun to work against us.

The documentary claims that nowhere is the exposure to junk food more prevalent than in the United States, where the problem has been compounded by the increasingly sedentary modern lifestyle. It also says that members of Arizona's Pima Indian tribe are the fattest people in the fattest country on earth. Until recently the tribe lived a simple life, but in 1984 when the tribe won a gaming stream. Today the tribe is plagued by obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. Just 800 kms south in Mexico, another branch of the Pima tribe continues to live a traditional life and eats a traditional diets. These Pima have none of the problems of their American counterparts, who are on average 27kgs heavier.

Part of the problem, according to Brownetl, is the intense advertising of junk food in the United States. The average American child sees thousands of TV commercials each year, most of which advertise fast food, candy and sodas.

The food environment has become so "toxic" according to the documentary, that some US schools even offers fast food such as McDonald's and Burger King in school cafeterias.

"If there is any comfort for the more than 90 million overweight Americans it's that the rest of the world is also getting fatter." What does this sentence mean?

A.Overweight Americans will be glad to see the rest of he world is getting fatter.

B.Actually there is no comfort at all for overweight Americans.

C.The rest of the world had sympathy on overweight Americans.

D.Overweight Americans dislike thin person.

It is stated in the passage that the sleepless elite______.A.find themselves easy to becom

It is stated in the passage that the sleepless elite______.

A.find themselves easy to become angry

B.have their way to keep a good shape

C.can do two jobs well in the meantime

D.depend heavily on coffee to refresh themselves

Meat and vegetables are measured in grams and kilograms. Milk and other liquid foods are m
easured in liters and milliliters. These units only measure quantity; they do not measure the value of the food to the body. The unit which measures the quality or value of food is the "calorie". A calorie is the amount of heat given off by food when it burns. This measurement tells how much energy a certain food has when it is completely used by the body.

Our bodies use varying amounts of calories. The more exercise we take, the more calories we burn. If we eat food which contains more calories than we use up, then it is possible that we would increase in weight. In order to avoid becoming overweight it is advisable to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating. The table below gives you some idea of the number of calories in food.

Meat and vegetables are measured in grams and kilo

To keep the calorie intake (纳入) down, it is better to eat______.


B.meat pie


D.apple pie

听力原文:In the summer, most people tend to lose weight only to see it return in the winte

听力原文: In the summer, most people tend to lose weight only to see it return in the winter. This temporary weight loss affects the metabolism for most people in a negative way since it has been clinically proven that a steady, level metabolism rate is preferred to one that fluctuates up and down over different seasons of the year. Therefore, in order to maintain this steady weight loss, a new product has surfaced on the market in the form. of a regulating wristwatch. Now you may think to yourself, there are plenty of weight watching wristwatches available in the market today. What makes this product different from any other? Unlike most conventional weight regulation wristwatches, this watch tells you when you are burning the most calories in your day and what chemicals your body is most deficient in. Also, this new product does not only regulate weight loss but also helps regulate the optimal mechanisms to replenish the necessary minerals and vitamins necessary to sustaining a healthy balanced diet.

Who is most likely talking?

A.A salesperson.

B.A fitness instructor.

C.An overweight person.

D.A physician.

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