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Shakespeare wrote 42 plays in his lifetime.()

Shakespeare wrote 42 plays in his lifetime.()

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'Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies, romances, and the plays which were based on historical events.'

The sentence is_.

Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies, romances, and the plays which were based on his
torical events.

Shakespeare wrote ___ historical plays in all.A.10B.11C.12D.13





In Shakespeare’s last period of career, he wrote a few romances, which is a kind of __

A.love story

B.bitter tragedy


__________ wrote“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”A. John MiltonB. Francis BaconC.

__________ wrote“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

A. John Milton

B. Francis Bacon

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. William Shakespeare

Section DWilliam Shakespeare (1564 -1616) wrote many plays and poems which are known the w

Section D

William Shakespeare (1564 -1616) wrote many plays and poems which are known the world over. If you think the works of an Elizabethan playwright are not important today, well, think a-gain. Shakespeare’s works have survived the years and then some \ For example, Romeo and Juliet has not only been performed again and again in theaters around the world, but it has also been made into a very popular movie, twice!

Section DWilliam Shakespeare (1564 -1616) wrote ma

How did this famous writer start out in the theater? During the late 1500s, Shakespeare's plays were often performed at the Globe Theater in London. The Globe was a large open-air theater that used only natural lighting. Shows at the Globe used very few props, but performances were always interesting and exciting partly because the audience yelled at, cheered, and talked with the performers. The Globe was a great success. However, in 1613 during a performance of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, a cannon was fired on stage, setting off a fire. The fire completely destroyed the theater. The Globe was rebuilt a year later, but it did not stay open long. The theater was closed by the Puritans , who did not approve of entertainment. The Globe never opened again and the building was finally torn down in 1644.

Theater lovers in England never forgot the Globe, and in 1970 a decision was made to rebuild it as closely to the original design as possible. Imagine how people felt when, in 1989, those working on the new Globe came across part of the original building only about 100 meters from the new theater. They were building the new theater almost in the original Globe’s location! The new Globe opened in 1999 and has since won many awards as one of the best tourist attractions in Europe. Since the new theater opened, hundreds of thousands of people have attended Shakespearean performances such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, and Henry V. Shakespeare, where are you now? At the Globe, of course.


Although Shakespeare wrote his plays in the late 1500s, they are still【46】today. In fact, audiences all over the world enjoy both plays and films based on Shakespeare’s works. Maybe the best place to see one of Shakespeare’s【47】is in the Globe Theater. The original Globe Theater was【48】about 100 meters from the present site and it was here that Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. After the theater was【49】in the 1990s, it became an award-winning tourist【50】.


Last year we visited, the place where Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April, 1564.

Stratfordis a very interesting town, right in the centre of. The countryside aroundis pleasant, with its beautiful woods, green fields and quiet rivers.

The first place we visited was the house in the centre ofwhere Shakespeare was born. We saw the small desk that Shakespeare sat at when he went to school. One of the things we liked best was the garden behind the house, because we could see there many of the flowers, trees and plants that Shakespeare wrote about in his plays.

After we had visited Shakespeare's birthplace, we went to see the church where he was buried.

We had lunch in a very old hotel that was probably there in Shakespeare's time- Every room of the hotel had the name of one of Shakespeare's plays on the door—the "Hamlet" room, the "Romeo and Juliet" room, and so on.

After lunch we walked across the fields to the old cottage, about a mile out of, where Shakespeare spent most of his married life. The cottage is just as it was in Shakespeare's day. We saw the chairs where Shakespeare perhaps sat and thought about ideas for new plays, and we saw the plates from which he probably ate his dinner.

When we got back to our hotel in the evening, we were very tired, but we had enjoyed a wonderful day.

86.Shakespeare was born in ____.





87.Stratford where Shakespeare was born is _____.

A.an industrial city in the middle of

B.an interesting farm surrounded by woods and fields

C.a small town in the center of

D.part of the countryside in central England

88.Which of the following is NOT true_____

A.Shakespeare was born in a house in the centre of.

B.Shakespeare was buried in a church in his native town.

C.Shakespeare was buried in Wesminsier Abbey.

D.Inthere is a very old hotel which existed probably in Shakespeare's time.

89.After Shakespeare got married, _____.

A.he stayed home and wrote his plays

B.he lived in the centre of

C.he began to write plays

D.he spent most of his married life in an old cottage

90.A more suitable little for the above passage is ____.

A.Shakespeare and His Birthplace

B.A Visit lo

C.A Day in Stratford

D.A Famous Town

听力原文:W: Well, look at the words. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note
on the inside of the front cover. It' s dated 1893. Maybe it' s worth something.

M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents.

W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well-known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeare's signature is worth about a million dollars.

M: Oh? I can hardly read what that one says. Who wrote it?

W: The name looks like "Harold Dobson". Wasn't he a politician or something? I' m going to buy this book and see if I can find a name looks like that in the library.

M: Good luck. Your poetry book may make you rich. But I think my seventy-five-cent mys- tery is a better buy.

Where is the conversation taking place?

A.In a second-hand book shop.

B.In a publisher' s office.

C.In a library.

听力原文:W: Well look at the words. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note
on the inside of the front cover. It's dated 1893. Maybe it's worth something.

M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents.

W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well-known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeare's signature is worth about a million dollars.

M: Oh? I can hardly read what that one says. Who wrote it?

W: The title looks like Harold Dobson. Wasn't he a politician or something? I'm going to buy this book and see if I can find a name looks like that in the library.

M: Good luck. Your poetry book may make you rich. But I think my seventy-five-cent story is a better buy.

Where is the conversation taking place?

A.In a second-hand book shop.

B.In a publisher's office.

C.In a library.

听力原文:W: I enjoy going through secondhand bookstores, don't you? It's interesting to se
e what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children's stories?

M: Some of these books aren't so old, though. See? This novel was published only six years ago. It cost seventy-five cents.

W: Hey! Look at this!

M: What? Are you getting interested in nineteenth-century plays all of a sudden?

W: No. Look at the signature. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It's dated 1856. Maybe it's worth something.

M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents.

W: But if this is the signature of someone who is well-known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeare's signature is worth about a million dollars.

M: Oh? I can hardly read what the one says. Who wrote it?

W: The name looks like "Harold Dickinson". Wasn't he a politician or something? I'm going to buy this book and see if I can find a name like that in the library.

M: Good luck. Your book of plays may make you rich, but I'll bet my seventy-five cents novel is a better buy.

Where is this conversation taking place?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a library.

C.At a secondhand bookstore.

D.In a museum.

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