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The author cited the example of the grocery shopping toA.demonstrate her children's safety

The author cited the example of the grocery shopping to

A.demonstrate her children's safety was closely related to the item she selected in the store.

B.account for Karen's inability to perform. everyday activities.

C.show how specific numbers were related to the safety of her children.

D.further explain that Karen was suffering from a psychological illness.

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更多“The author cited the example o…”相关的问题
The biography cited more than a hundred source books that the author had ______.A.consulte

The biography cited more than a hundred source books that the author had ______.





The author cited the example of the grocery shopping toA.demonstrate her children' s safet

The author cited the example of the grocery shopping to

A.demonstrate her children' s safety was closely related to the item she selected in the store.

B.account for Karen's inability to perform. everyday activities.

C.show how specific numbers were related to the safety of her children.

D.further explain that Karen was suffering from a psychological illness.

The author cited the emergence of the word "telephone" in order to ______.A.show it came i

The author cited the emergence of the word "telephone" in order to ______.

A.show it came into the English language very quickly

B.define a linguistic act that occurred a century ago

C.compare its impact with the great influence of the word "Internet"

D.illustrate how people used language a century ago

The author cited the example of the grocery shopping to_____ A.demonstrate her

The author cited the example of the grocery shopping to_____

A.demonstrate her children' s safety was closely related to the item she selected in the store.

B.account for Karen' s inability to perform. everyday activities.

C.show how specific numbers were related to the safety of her children.

D.further explain that Karen was suffering from a psychological illness.

The examples of the Challenger and Chernobyl cited by the author serve to show that______.

A.if not given close examination, ,technology could be used to destroy our world

B.technology is a human creation, so we are responsible for it

C.technology usually goes wrong, if not controlled by man

D.being a human creation, technology is liable to error

The examples of the Challenger and Chernobyl cited by the author serve to show that ______

A.if not given close examination, technology could be use to destroy our world

B.technology is a human creation, so we are responsible for it

C.technology usually goes wrong, if not controlled by man

D.being a human creation, technology is liable to error

On March I, a reader's letter published in Lianhe Zaobao's Forum page with the headline "F
eedback from Readers Taken Seriously" caught my eyes. The author cited a number of suggestions he made which received 【C1】______ responses from the authorities and quick follow-up actions to back his observation. His own experiences 【C2】______ him to conclude that: "This is a good 【C3】______ of the democratic system at work in Singapore." Newspaper provides avenues for people to air their views and these are taken seriously by the authority 【C4】______ act promptly to find solutions 【C5】______ problems. 【C6】______ first glance, the letter appears only to affirm the positive and effective communication between government departments and the people. 【C7】______ should not be overlooked, however, is that underpinning this virtuous circle is the 【C8】______ of the media. To begin with, the people must have faith in the media for them to 【C9】______ up problems and issues in the belief that when their concerns are highlighted in the press, the authorities will 【C10】______ the situation. This is evidence of the credibility that the press enjoys among people. Similarly, the government, well 【C11】______ of the influence the newspapers have over its readers, pays close attention to reports, comments and views in the press. And ministries or departments will investigate and 【C12】______ with problems that come under their purview in a speedy manner. This shows that government 【C13】______ the media and believes the concerns expressed by the man in the street are genuine. It is the duty of the media to keep the people 【C14】______ of government policies and major events as well as provide 【C15】______ feedback to the government on the problems and hardships the people face. The media 【C16】______ as a bridge between the government and the people and should seek to make each aware of the concerns of the other and establish an 【C17】______ channel of communication between them. This is also the process 【C18】______ which the media develops its credibility. To win the trust of the people and strengthen its hand, the government should keep 【C19】______ of the changing needs of the people and help them overcome problems. An open and democratic government should respect the fight of the people to have 【C20】______ to information. It should, for example, explain to them the rationale for changing an important policy. And the information should be timely and comprehensive.






Which of the following is NOT a Danish characteristic cited in the passage?A.Mysterious th

Which of the following is NOT a Danish characteristic cited in the passage?

A.Mysterious thinking.

B.Equality in society.

C.Linguistic tolerance.

D.Fondness of foreign culture.

Why is the case of the pollen-sprayed milkweed cited in Paragraph 6?

A.It is cited to show GM foods can kill insects effectively.

B.It is cited to show GM foods contain more protein.

C.It is cited to show GM foods also have a dark side.

D.It is cited to show GM foods may harm crops.

All the following are cited as examples of the importance of exercising foresight EXCEPT _

A.government administrators

B.school officials

C.school students and teachers

D.government planners

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