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British young people are in favor of speed dating because ______.A.it saves moneyB.it save

British young people are in favor of speed dating because ______.

A.it saves money

B.it saves time

C.it is cool

D.it is fast

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更多“British young people are in fa…”相关的问题
What is NOT the difference between the American and the British youth?A.British young peop

What is NOT the difference between the American and the British youth?

A.British young people are more radical.

B.They dress differently.

C.More British young people wear bright colors.

According to a recent survey, how many British young people are either current or past par
ticipants in the Youth Service?

A.Five minion.

B.Six million.

C.Seven million.

D.Eight million.

With culinary improvement in recent years, London's restaurants are now able to appeal to
the tastes of______.

A.most young people

B.elderly British diners

C.all kinds of overseas visitors

D.upper-class customers

Positive for Youth aims to place teenagers and young people at its heart. There is the ac
curate expectation teenagers themselves【M1】______ have the responsibility to improve their local communities. The government pioneered the idea that young people are capable of accessing the quality of their local services. Another【M2】______ government-funding scheme created by the NCB, this time with【M3】______ the British Youth Council and disabled childrens charity KIDS, is Young Inspectors, which train some of the most disadvantaged【M4】______ young people from poorer communities to inspect and report on local services. The Young Inspectors scheme, so far, helped change【M5】______ the lives of more than 1,400 young people and improved more than 600 local services. It is the illegal requirement across public services to listen to【M6】______ the views of service users. There is a business case for commercial suppliers to listen to consumers. Teenagers use many public services such as police stations, clinics, clubs and libraries; and also spend as many as £12bn in shopping and travel up to age 19【M7】______ via the commercial sector. They want to see services improved, not just for themselves but for their families and neighbours too. Involving young people as Young Inspectors makes a business【M8】______ sense, and is a means of developing young peoples self-esteem, their ability to analyse and communicate, and many other skills that are critical to employers. At the NCB we are pleased with Positive For Youths holistic approach to give young people more opportunities and better【M9】______ support, and we will be eagerly watching to see what the policies【M10】______ take shape.


听力原文: Today, we'll look at another problem that is troubling the British society.It se

听力原文: Today, we'll look at another problem that is troubling the British society. It seems that young people in Britain today are losing the ability to communicate clearly and accurately in standard English, and the British government is so concerned that it bas set up a committee to "promote the use of better English".

However, do Britain's young people really have a problem in expressing themselves clearly? A study published in October suggests that there is real cause for concern; it showed that among the UK's 15-year-olds, only 22 percent of boys and 28 percent of girls feel comfortable using standard English in formal situations such as at school and in interviews. Some people think that British pupils leaving school are not as good at using languages as pupils from other countries, partly because, they don't spend very much time talking in class. There is some reason for being concerned about the levels of fluency and willingness to speak in public, even if "public "just means in front of the rest of the class.

The committee is made up of a range of people from the world of business, education, sport, the arts and the media. It will be chaired by the broadcaster, Trevor McDonald. He is a widely respected and popular figure. Originally from a small village in Trinidad in the West Indias, Trevor McDonald learned perfect English by reading the Oxford Dictionary every day and listening to the BBC World Service. The Government hopes that by his example Trevor McConald will be able to help persuade children to make an effort to speak good English.


A.Reading and writing in English.

B.Talking freely in public.

C.Smoothly and clearly expressing themselves in English.

D.Successfully handling job interviews.

The British show a great love for the countryside and it is really nice and beautiful. A l
ot of people dream (梦想) about living in the countryside, to enjoy the quiet and the air. Today, many people, both old and young, make the dream come true. But most people have to live in a town or city because that is where the work is.

People of a city are often proud (自豪的) of living in it. People of Manchester believes that there is no better city than Manchester; people of Liverpool feel the same way about Liverpool. Outsiders and passing travelers may be interested in what the difference is between one city and another. Maybe they remember Newcastle because of its bridge over the River Tyne, or Liverpool because of its docks (码头). There is one difference which most people can hear; that is the different ways of speaking and also some words which are used only in one place. In Newcastle, for example, "hoy" is used instead of "throw", and "marra" instead of "friend", as is shown in the sentence "Hoy the ball to me", and "He's my marra at work in the factory."

Where do many British people hope to live to stay away from noises and dirty air?

A.In big cities.

B.In small towns.

C.In the countryside.

In most cultures, when you meet acquaintances for the first time during a day, it is norma
l to greet them. The main purpose of this greeting is to 【B1】 a good relationship between the people 【B2】 and each language usually has 【B3】 set phrases which can be used for this purpose. Sometimes, though, there can be 【B4】 differences in the type of phrases which can be used, and cultural misunderstandings can easily 【B5】. The following is a true example.

A young British woman went to Hong Kong to work, and at the time of her 【B6】 she knew nothing about the Chinese culture of language. 【B7】 her way to school one day, she went to the bank to get some money. 【B8】, the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch. She was extremely surprised 【B9】 such a question because in the British culture it would be 【B10】 an indirect invitation to lunch. Between unmarried young people it can also 【B11】 the young man's interest in dating the girl. 【B12】 this bank clerk was a complete stranger 【B13】 the British girl, she was very much taken aback (生气), and hastily commented that she had eaten 【B14】. After this she 【B15】 to school and was even more surprised when one of the teachers asked the same question. By now she 【B16】 that it could not be an invitation, but was puzzled 【B17】 why they asked it. 【B18】 the following days she was asked the same question again and again. Only much later 【B19】 that the question had no real meaning 【B20】 --it was merely a greeting.


A.build on

B.build up

C.build into

D.build out

听力原文:The quality and breadth of British arts and popular culture have been enriched th

听力原文: The quality and breadth of British arts and popular culture have been enriched through the contribution of individuals from many backgrounds and traditions that have come to settle in the UK Over the years.

Television and radio have moved towards including a minority ethnic dimension in both mainstream and specialist programming. In newspapers a range of ethnic minority publications is published in Britain, from daily newspapers to trade journals.

Britain's urban young are looked to by youth worldwide for their style. in dress, appearance and music. That style. owes much to the ethnic diversity of Britain's young people, which they can draw on and fuse together, resulting in a unique cross-over of ethnic and cultural influences.

A growing number of museums now acknowledge the role of ethnic diversity in Britain's past and present life, such as the Liverpool Maritime Museum.

The contribution of ethnic minority communities has enriched the range of arts in Britain, bringing new forms, new talents and new ways of performing.

Sportsmen and sportswomen from ethnic minority groups have contributed to Britain's sporting prowess from the last century onwards. Many have achieved recognition at world class and Olympic as well as national level in sports such as soccer, cricket, and boxing.

Ethnic food is now part of everyday British diet, whether it's eating at home or eating out. Supermarket shelves reflect the diversity of the nation's cuisine, with curry, chow mein, pasta and pizza becoming staples.

What is this talk mainly about?

A.The role of youth in bringing out new form. of popular culture.

B.The role of television in mixing together different cultures and traditions.

C.How British cultural life is influenced by people coming from different backgrounds.

D.How the minority groups in Britain struggle to adpat themselves into the mainstream life.

In the 1960s the West Coast became an important center for rock music. Los Angeles and Sou
thern California are famous for sunshine and surfing. There, a quieter kind of rock called surf rock became famous. The Beach Boys sang songs like "Surf in U. S. A. " , "California Girls" and "Fun, Fun, Fun". These songs made people dream about the good life in California.

San Francisco was a center for young people and rock music in the late 1960s. This was the time of the Vietnam War, student protest, hippies, and drugs. Hippies talked about love and peace. They wore brightly colored clothes and had long hair. They listened to rock and folk-rock music.

Drugs were a serious problem during that time. The deaths of three young rock stars, Janis Jopling, Jim Morrison and the great guitar player Jimi Hendrix were all related to drugs.

Not all of the rock musicians came from California or the U. S. A.. That was the time of the great British rock groups like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. British rock musicians had a very important place in the rock music of the 1960s in America.

Another kind of softer rock music was created by the singers. Singers like Joni Mitchell and James Taylor wrote their own lyrics and their own music. Their songs were about love and friendship , good and bad times.

In the 1960s big rock concerts were very welcomed by everyone. The most famous concert was Woodstock. In 1969 in New York State, a million young people came together to hear the rock stars. This peaceful Woodstock concert was the most important musical event of the 1960s.

After World War II a great number of black people moved from the South to the big industrial cities like New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Many black people lived in poor parts of the city such as Harlem in New York. Musicians wrote and sang about life in the big cities. Life was difficult but music and dancing made it a little easier.

Popular black music had a strong beat for dancing. At first this music was called rhythm and blues. The 1960s called it soul.

In Detroit, a black musician named Berry Gordy set up an all black record company. It was called Motown. Motown or motor town is another name for Detroit, where cars are made. Most of the famous soul musicians like the Supremes, the Temptations, and the Jackson Five recorded with Motown.

Where in the United States did pop music first emerge?

A.The West.

B.New York.

C.The South.

D.San Francisco.

Do you have bright ideas? Ideas for inventions that change society or, at least, make life
easier for somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we don't often make the ideas into realities. Recently, in Britain, there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encouraged young people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest; Group Two was for schoolchildren over 16. And there were eleven prize-winners altogether.

Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called "Sunshine Superman(超人)." It's important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately. We need to know how many hours of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neil's is more accurate and this is very important for research into the way of using solar power. You can do so much with animated cartoon. Look at Simon West's for animated road signs. He uses pictures which appear as you go nearer or farther from them. This isn't new idea, But it is new to use these pictures on road signs. "We found that people were more likely to see moving signs." said Simon. So now, you can really see rocks falling, trains moving, horses running or a car falling over the edge of a cliff(悬崖). Quite a warning!

The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British doesn't ask more schoolchildren for suggestions. Perhaps this will be the start of "pupil power"!

The writer holds the view that people seldom

A.have bright ideas

B.turn their bright ideas into realities

C.make their life easier

D.think of inventing something

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