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How would the funds, if granted, be used?

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更多“How would the funds, if grante…”相关的问题
Other things the same, when the interest rate rises,A.people would want to lend less, m

A.people would want to lend less, making the supply of loanable funds decreas

B.people would want to lend more, making the quantity of loanable funds supplied increas

C.people would want to lend less, making the quantity of loanable funds supplied decreas

D.people would want to lend more, making the supply of loanable funds increas

How much will Ford provide as pension funds to the employees of Jaguar and Land Rover?A.$6

How much will Ford provide as pension funds to the employees of Jaguar and Land Rover?



C.$2. 5bn.


How does the Telephone Reassurance Service raise its funds?A.It raises funds by itself.B.I

How does the Telephone Reassurance Service raise its funds?

A.It raises funds by itself.

B.It is supported by the donation of volunteers.

C.It is supported by federal funds and donations.

D.It raises funds from the donation of rich businessmen.

We would like to provide funds for a charity project, ____________ (例如兴建一所200张床位

We would like to provide funds for a charity project, ____________ (例如兴建一所200张床位的医院),

According to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would A.be used to rebu

According to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would

A.be used to rebuild the International Space Station.

B.be awarded to the scientists working at NASA.

C.be shared by the two projects under the Space Launch Initiative.

D.be spent on the investigation of the Columbia disaster.

According to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would A.be used to

According to the passage, the 1 billion funds, if granted, would

A.be used to rebuild the International Space Station.

B.be awarded to the scientists working at NASA.

C.be shared by the two projects under the Space Launch Initiative.

D.be spent on the investigation of the Columbia disaster.

According to the passage, the funds, if granted, wouldA.be used for developing the orbiter

According to the passage, the funds, if granted, would

A.be used for developing the orbiter only.

B.be equally shared by the two projects under Space Launch Initiative.

C.be given to Marshall Space Flight Center.

D.be mainly used to improve space launch technology.

Most big corporations were once run by individual capitalists: by one shareholder with eno
ugh stock to dominate the board of directors and to dictate policy, a shareholder who was usually also the chief executive officer. Owning a majority or controlling interest, these capitalists did not have to concentrate on reshuffling assets to fight off raids from financial vikings. They were free to make a living by producing new products or by producing old products more cheaply. Just as important, they were locked into their roles. They could not very well sell out for a quick profit—dumping large stock holdings on the market would have simply depressed the stock's price and cost them their jobs as captains of industry. So instead they sought to enhance their personal wealth by investing—by improving the long-run efficiency and productivity of the company.

Today, with very few exceptions, the stock of large U. S. corporations is held by financial institutions such as pension funds, foundations, or mutual funds—not by individual shareholders. And these financial institutions cannot legally become real capitalists who control what they own. How much they can invest in any one company is limited by law, as is how actively they can intervene in company decision making.

These shareholders and corporate managers have a very different agenda than dominant capitalists do, and therein lies the problem. They do not have the clout to change business decisions, corporate strategy, or incumbent managers with their voting power. They can enhance their wealth only by buying and selling shares based on what they think is going to happen to short-term profits. Minority shareholders have no choice but to be short-term traders.

And since shareholders are by necessity interested only in short-term trading, it is not surprising that managers' compensation is based not on long-term performance, but on current profits or sales. Managerial compensation packages are completely congruent with the short-run perspective of short run shareholders. Neither the manager nor the shareholder expects to be around very long. And neither has an incentive to watch out for the long term growth of the company.

We need to give managers and shareholders an incentive to nurture long-term corporate growth—in other words, to work as hard at enhancing productivity and output as they now work at improving short-term profitability.

Which of the following summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A.Most big companies are run by individual capitalists.

B.The problem is that there are no incentives for productivity growth.

C.Let's put capitalists back into capitalism.

D.Individual capitalists or shareholders with enough stock dominate big corporations.

How is the Red Clause Documentary Credit used?A.It is often used as a means of supplying t

How is the Red Clause Documentary Credit used?

A.It is often used as a means of supplying the seller with funds before shipment.

B.It is served as a way of providing the seller for funds prior to shipment.

C.It is often used for the method of providing the seller for funds prior to shipment.

D.It is often used as a means of supplying the seller for funds before shipment.

According to the passage,the 1 billion funds,if granted,would.be used to rebuild the

According to the passage,the 1 billion funds,if granted,would

.be used to rebuild the International Space Station.

B.be awarded to the scientists working at NASA.

C.be shared by the two projects under the Space Launch Initiative

D.be spent on the investigation of the Columbia disaster.

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