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As a pioneering novelist of England, Daniel Defoe is often given the credit for the discov

ery of the modern novel. Does he deserve that honor? What is the title of his great work? When was the book published, and what real experiences is it based upon? What is the significance of the novel? What are some of the author s biases revealed in the novel if we examine it from a modern critic s point of view?

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更多“As a pioneering novelist of En…”相关的问题
I, ______ , do not believe that the era of the pioneer is at an end; I only believe that t
he area for pioneering has changed.

A.for one's part

B.for one's good

C.for one

D.for oneself

When pioneering products are promoted, the writer notes thatA.Aa heavy financial investmen

When pioneering products are promoted, the writer notes that

A.A a heavy financial investment is require

B.B a wide variety of advertising methods must be use

C.C a clear message is likely to be communicate

D.D a long campaign is usually necessar

What is the writer's view toward Starbuck's idea?A.It is pioneering but risky.B.It will pl

What is the writer's view toward Starbuck's idea?

A.It is pioneering but risky.

B.It will play an active part in the operations.

C.It will cease negative views on the company.

D.It is costly but worthwhile.

I, ______, do not believe that the era of the pioneer is at an end; I only believe that th
e area for pioneering has changed.

A.for one's part

B.for one's good

C.for one

D.for oneself

______, the pioneering woman, according to D. H. Lawrence, was the first novelist that "st
arted putting all the actions inside".

A.George Eliot

B.Jane Austen

C.Charlotte Bronte

D.Emily Bronte

In Line 6 Para. 2, "this" refers to ______ .A.the expatriates came to collect insects in t

In Line 6 Para. 2, "this" refers to ______ .

A.the expatriates came to collect insects in the rainforest neighborhood

B.the government developed a pioneering project

C.the expatriates involved in commercial exploitation of the insects

D.the expatriates made profit from commercial exploitation with the aid of rainforest habitats

What does Ms. Stevens say about Americans?A.They like big cars.B.They enjoy bargaining.C.T

What does Ms. Stevens say about Americans?

A.They like big cars.

B.They enjoy bargaining.

C.They have a pioneering spirit.

D.They like to support local businesses.

听力原文:M We're here talking with small business expert, Wendy Stevens. Wendy, a recent n
ational poll says that 85 percent of Americans prefer small businesses to large ones. What do you think?

W I'm not surprised, Jerry. Most people like the friendly service of small businesses.

M 85 percent is high. Do you know why they prefer small businesses?

W Yes, most people associate good things, such as friendly, personal service, with small businesses. Not to mention, Americans have always had a pioneering spirit.

Who is Ms. Stevens?

A.An economist

B.A stock analyst

C.A business expert

D.A local business leader

听力原文: Four schools around the United States are taking part in a project that honors w
omen pioneers in the arts, sports, media, and other fields. (33)The program is designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams despite difficult odds. The "Empowering America" project has produced around one-minute audio records that are already airing on U.S. radio stations. The audio series is being introduced in schools, along with study materials, to stimulate classroom discussions. The project is going to schools with large minority populations, where some students face added difficulties. (34) Many of these kids are being raised by single parent. Some of them are women. That's why it's so important, not just for the girls to seek positive inspiration from these women, but also the boys, to see the difference that women have made in this world The project oil pioneering women was created by an organization called American Women in Radio and Television. Executive director Maria Brennan says (35) the terrorist attacks of September 2001 gave impetus to the project. The idea was born before September 11, interestingly enough that summer. After the tragedy of September 11, Maria and her colleagues put it all on a fast track to try to get it out there. They felt that the country was at a time where heroes are needed Later they were able to get these records produced, put on CDs, pressed, distributed The stories of pioneering women are reaching students at a critical time, in early adolescence.


A.To honor women pioneers.

B.To encourage the students to pursue their dreams.

C.To honor the September 11 attack.

D.To make more heroes.

听力原文: Hi, there, cow boys and cow girls. For a really exciting day in the Wild West, c
ome to Cactus City Wild West Park. Yes, bring the children along to see a real old time pioneering town. Shoot guns and ride horses down the road. We'll open April through September, seven days a week from 10 am to sundown. Only 12 dollars for adults and 6 dollars for children or buy a family ticket at 24 dollars. What's more, every Saturday and Sunday we have a real Wild West Show. Performances start at 2 pm and last for two and a half hours. That' s value for money. There are free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from Cactus City Center. Yes, so are we. There is a lot of fun waiting for all the family at Cactus CityWild West Park.

Is Cactus City Wild West Park old?




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