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From: Julia Chen [j.chen@sanclerson.com] To: Sanderson Staff-LakewoodSubject: Fitness-at-W

From: Julia Chen [j.chen@sanclerson.com]

To: Sanderson Staff-Lakewood

Subject: Fitness-at-Work Program

You've probably heard about the new fitness-at-work program initiated by the head office to encourage us to incorporate some exercise into our daily work routine. Sandra Maxwell of personnel has taken on responsibility for the fitness-at-work program at the Lakewood facility. She has nominated me to set up a walking group, to be known as Walk at Work. We are lucky to work in a beautiful area surrounded by parks, so what better place to take a walk?

Walk at Work will meet during the lunch break, beginning next Monday. The aim is to walk together along the footpaths for at least twenty minutes. There will be two walks each day, one at 12:30 p.m., led by me, and the second at 1:00 p.m., led by Jim Dixon.

This program is fully supported by Sanderson Associates, which has arranged for all staff who enroll in Walk at Work to receive a ten percent discount on membership at Lakewood Fitness Center, a state-of-the-art fitness complex with gyms, a swimming pool, and exercise classes.

We think this is a great idea, and we hope you will too, so why not join us? You can e-mail me or just meet us at the main entrance on Monday at 12:30 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.

Happy walking!

Julia Chen

Who asked Ms. Chen to organize the walking group?

A.Lakewood Recreation Department

B.Sandra Maxwell

C.Jim Dixon

D.The management of Lakewood Fitness Center

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更多“From: Julia Chen [j.chen@sancl…”相关的问题
To: Julia Davis <julia@speedway.com> From: Sabrina Tan <sabrina@retail@com> Da

To: Julia Davis <julia@speedway.com>

From: Sabrina Tan <sabrina@retail@com>

Date: October 22

Subject: Your delivery service

Dear Julia Davis,

We have just received the inventory we were waiting for, and would like your company to deliver it to our retail outlets. The merchandise is still at our warehouse at the port, and if possible, we would like to have you deliver approximately 25 percent of it to our Prime Outlet on Wednesday.

I will wait for your reply before I give our warehouse the go-ahead.

Yours truly,

Sabrina Tan

Where is the merchandise that needs to be delivered?

A.At the port

B.At Julia Davis' warehouse

C.At the retail outlets

D.At the Prime Outlet

Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Julia as a disadvantage?A.Far from secondary sc

Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Julia as a disadvantage?

A.Far from secondary school.

B.Less spare time.

C.No nursery school nearby.

D.More people in the area.

Best known for his research in statistical mechanics and meson physics, Chen Ning Yang sha
red the Nobel Prize in 1957 to another physicist from the United States, Tsung-dao Lee.

听力原文:Good morning, Mrs Nelson, Mr Clark from Springfield Houseware is expecting you in
at the moment. You also have to go to your insurance agent at 10:30 this morning. Then you'll just be in time for the lunch appointment with Mr Chen from China.


What distinguished Dr. J. Hildebrand from other students in high school?A.His rich knowled

What distinguished Dr. J. Hildebrand from other students in high school?

A.His rich knowledge in chemistry.

B.His discovery of the formula for some chemical compound.

C.His being given the key to the chemistry lab.

D.His strong interest in chemistry from the very childhood.

Which of the following can be concluded from J. K. Rowlings example?A.We could move out of

Which of the following can be concluded from J. K. Rowlings example?

A.We could move out of impoverished situation by writing magical tales.

B.Though not inspiring, failure could encourage people to try their utmost.

C.Once getting through failure, people would never be defeated in life.

D.It is common for people to get distracted by something unimportant in failure.

According to Kevin J. McGoman, the birds that he has trapped in the past harassed him, whi
le those that have benefited from his handouts of peanuts ______.

FROM:M. Eaton, Spring Valley TravelTO: J. Moore - European Adventure ToursSUBJECT: Opening

FROM: M. Eaton, Spring Valley Travel

TO: J. Moore - European Adventure Tours

SUBJECT: Opening for overseas tour guide

SENT: August 26, 2:54 P.M.

Thank you for your interest in the position of tour guide.

I am attaching an application form. for the position. Please let me know if you have any questions about the application or the job itself.

Dear M. Eaton,

Thank you for your e-mail and the application form. for the position.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Sincerely yours,

J. Moore

FROM: S. Banner, Industrial Cleaning, Customer Service Manager TO:J. Choi, Kenton Office S

FROM: S. Banner, Industrial Cleaning, Customer Service Manager

TO: J. Choi, Kenton Office Supplies

SUBJECT: Renewal of your contract

SENT: March 13, 10:40 A.M.

Dear J. Choi,

I have recently learned that your company is not renewing its contract with us to clean your office facilities. I would like to inquire why you have decided to make this change and see if there is anything we could do to keep your business.


Steve Banner

March 16th, 2009 Dear Sir, In (141) with my agreement with your firm, I am writing to givi

March 16th, 2009

Dear Sir,

In (141) with my agreement with your firm, I am writing to giving you formal notice of the termination of my service with you one month from now. The health of my wife makes it very (142) that I should live any longer in Chicago, and I have accepted a position as clerk to a firm of solicitors in New York. In giving you this letter, I should like to thank you for all your past kindness to me, and to say how sorry I am that I feel compelled to take this step. If I (143) alone concerned I should not think of leaving you.

Yours respectfully,

Jack Chen






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