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Why do you ask your parents to take you to a store?A.To buy something to decorate the box.

Why do you ask your parents to take you to a store?

A.To buy something to decorate the box.

B.To see if there are better boxes for sale.

C.To learn how the shoppers make valentine boxes.

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更多“Why do you ask your parents to…”相关的问题
Speaker A: Did you check your e-mail today?Speaker B: No. ()?

A.Who cares

B.Why do you ask

C.Which one

D.Why is it so

听力原文:M: Why, you have to ask your parents to pay your rent?W: Well, I am unable to mak

听力原文:M: Why, you have to ask your parents to pay your rent?

W: Well, I am unable to make ends meet.

Q: What do we know about the woman?


A.She is financially in trouble.

B.She can't help her parents out.

C.She is unable to manage her money.

D.She can't get her parents to pay her rent.

How to approach Speaking Test Part One ?In this part of the test you answer questions abou

How to approach Speaking Test Part One

?In this part of the test you answer questions about yourself and express personal opinions.

?Before the exam, think of answers to possible questions about your work, free time, family, country etc. Below are some questions you might need to answer.

?In the exam, listen carefully to the questions. Make sure you answer what the examiner asks you. Ask the examiner to repeat a question if necessary.

?Try to give more than just basic answers. Link your ideas with and, but and so etc. and give examples to show what you mean.


?What's your name? How do you spell your first name/surname?

?Where do you live? Do you like living there? Why? / Why not?

?What do you do? Do you like being a ...?Why?/Why not?

?What do you like doing in your free time?

Part AYou should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task. You have had an accident and

Part A

You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task.

You have had an accident and are in hospital.

Write a letter to your college administration explaining why you will be absent from class for the next month. Ask for advice about how to continue your studies during this period.

You should write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write your own address.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ______.

In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic.You have 30 minutes to look at
the prompt card,an example of which is below,and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner.After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. For two candidates Stress Management Your line manager discerned that some staff are in low spirits and are not doing their work efficiently. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to improve this situation. Discuss the situation together and decide: ·why staff are less efficient in their job ·how to help staff to manage stress. For three candidates Stress Management Your line manager discerned that some staff are in low spirits and not doing their work efficiently. You have been asked to make recommendations about how to improve this situation. Discuss the situation together,and decide: ·why staff are less efficient in their job ·how to help staff to manage stress ·how to make a good personal work plan. Follow-on questions ·Would you welcome stress when you are aiming for your goal?(Why?/Why not?) ·Do you think companies should arrange leisure activities for the staff?f Why?/Why not?) ·Can people avoid stress during their life-time?(Why?/Why not?) ·How do you deal with stress in your daily life? ·Is time management important when dealing with stress?(Why?/why not?)

听力原文:"Is there any mail for me?" you often ask when you return home at lunch or dinner
time. If there is a letter, you read it eagerly, pleased that your friend or relative has thought of you. Other people respond as warmly as you do to a friendly letter. They are happy to be remembered. But if the letter you write makes them feel as if you yourself were with them, speaking in your own friendly way, they are especially pleased. You have given something of yourself. And to be yourself in a letter to a friend is an art you need to master.

Why are you pleased when you hear from your friend or relative?

A.Because you needn't write him a letter.

B.Because you can collect stamps.

C.Because you are remembered.

听力原文:M: This is urgent. I've lost my ATM card. What should I do? W: Sir, I'd like your

听力原文:M: This is urgent. I've lost my ATM card. What should I do?

W: Sir, I'd like your name and card number, please. When did you last use the card?

M: The name's Joe Jones. My card number is 1604-321-2302-5485. I used it just ten minutes back.

W: Thank you for calling so promptly. I'll deactivate the card immediately. Your new card will be sent in a week.

Why is the man calling?

A.To request a special service.

B.To report a loss.

C.To confirm an investment.

D.To ask for a verification.

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Connors. Do you have a minute?M: I'm sorry. I'm just on my way out.

听力原文:W: Hello, Mr. Connors. Do you have a minute?

M: I'm sorry. I'm just on my way out. Why?

W: Well, I wanted to ask your advice about our school paper. But if you're busy, I'll wait until another time.

M: Your school paper? Sounds pretty interesting. Why don't you drop by my house and we can talk about it?

W: Thanks. I'd like to. When may I come?

M: What time do you finish school today?

W: My last class ends at 2: 40.

M: Well, stop over on your way home from school, then. Will that be all right?

W: Oh, yes. Thank you.

What's the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Professor and student.

B.Headmaster and teacher.


听力原文:Ms. Smith, this is Mike Jefferson returning your call. I will do what I can to he
lp with the problems that you are having with the contract. What I need from you are examples of the product (with serial numbers) from your company and detail information about the offer Johnson Jason Associates has made on Nov. 27th. It is likely that we have to meet again and discuss specific terms, but I won't be back in town until next Tuesday. My secretary Janet will contact you to make an appointment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Why did Ms. Smith call Mr. Jefferson?

A.She wanted to make a personal appointment with him.

B.She wanted to complain to him about Janet.

C.She wanted to ask for help on her contract.

D.She wanted to join Johnson Jason Associates.

When might you need to give blood for a personality (个性) test? The answer is that you ne

When might you need to give blood for a personality (个性) test? The answer is that you need to do so when you ask for a job.

Some people believe that your blood group hides no secrets. It shows the" real you". And the owners of certain blood groups might be particularly good or bad at certain tasks. This is the very reason why you could be asked to offer your blood group before being given a job.

The new idea was carried out first in Japan and now it had been brought over to other parts of the world. One important business company in Japan is quite special about its needs: "For our office members, we must have 30 percent of group A and 15 percent of AB, 25 percent of O and 30 percent of B.

Do you happen to know your own blood groups? It seems that if you belong to blood group O, you can get things done and sell the goods well. Blood group A are the thinkers, while blood group B are highly creative (创造力的). And if you have problems, ask the ABs to solve them. So if you visited the Japanese company, you would find the O types out selling goods and A types keeping orders in the office.

According to the passage, ________.

A.four types of the blood were discovered by Japan

B.people of good blood might do their work very well

C.knowing your own blood group you could get a good idea

D.more and more countries accepted the new idea about blood group

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