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听力原文:W: Gary, why is it that whenever I open my mailbox lately, I pull out letters add

ressed to you?

M: Because until I find a new apartment, I'm having the post office forward my mail to you.

Q: What is happening to Gary's letters?


A.The woman is mailing them to Gary's old address.

B.The post office is sending them to the woman's house.

C.They are being held to Gary's apartment.

D.They are being held at the post office.

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更多“听力原文:W: Gary, why is it that w…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Gary, what took you so long?M: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find thi

听力原文:W: Gary, what took you so long?

M: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find this place?

Q: Why was the man late?


A.He didn't wear a watch.

B.He had trouble getting to the place.

C.He didn't want to leave the place.

D.He had no idea how far it was.

听力原文:M: Carol, do you know when Prof. Wang's Chinese Literature Final is?W: Next Tuesd

听力原文:M: Carol, do you know when Prof. Wang's Chinese Literature Final is?

W: Next Tuesday.

M: Next Tuesday! That is less than a week away, and I have got things planned for this weekend.

W: Haven't you been studying all along?

M: I have kept up with my lecture notes, but I haven't reviewed at all.

W: Then it's your own fault. The date of the final is clearly marked on the course outline.

M: I suppose you're right, but doesn't it seem awfully early for a final?

W: A little, but it should actually help us out. After we have finished with it, we can concentrate on our other finals.

M: Are you ready for it?

W: I think I am. I'm going'to review some more, of course.

M: Do you think we could study together sometime this weekend?

W: I don't see why not. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?

M: I can't tomorrow. I am going out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown.

W: Well, how about the following night?

M: No, I can't Saturday either. My sister and her husband are coming to town and I want to show them around.

W: Sunday, then?

M: Well, I'll probably sleep all morning and in the afternoon I want to go to the football game. Also that night I have to write and type up a paper for another class.

W: Gary, that leaves Monday, the night before the test.

M: Actually, I've got plans for Monday night too. How about early Tuesday morning?

W: Gary, the test is Tuesday morning.






听力原文:M: Gary insists on buying the food for the picnic.W: That's pretty generous. But

听力原文:M: Gary insists on buying the food for the picnic.

W: That's pretty generous. But shouldn't we at least offer to share the expense?

Q: What does the woman suggest?


A.Pay for some of the food.

B.Take Gary to picnic some other time.

C.Insist on buying food themselves.

D.Thank Gary for his buying food.

听力原文:W: Good morning, Professor David. My name is Susan Cray. I'm with the local newsp
aper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

M: Not at all. Go ahead, Please.

Q: What is Susan Gary?


A.A writer.

B.A teacher.

C.A reporter.

听力原文:M: Hello, is this the right place to sign up for the creative process seminar?W:

听力原文:M: Hello, is this the right place to sign up for the creative process seminar?

W: Yes, it is. Can I have your name and the company to which you belong so that I can write up your name tag and assign you a seat?

M: My name is Gary Smith and I'm with Beanpole Media. Would you be able to seat me with the representative from Global Artworld?

W: Well, let's see. Ms. Arnett from Global is at table 12, but I'm afraid her table is full. Would you like to sit at table 10? There are many representatives from international firms at that table.

Where most likely are the speakers?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a convention center.

C.At an office.

D.At a hotel.

听力原文:M: Why do park keepers always prohibit people from walking on the grass?W: I thin

听力原文:M: Why do park keepers always prohibit people from walking on the grass?

W: I think you should go to ask the officials over there.

The two speakers are probably

A.in a park.

B.in a parking lot.

C.in an office.

D.in a store.

听力原文:W: Why was I fined for speeding? I was only driving 60mph.M: Don't you know that

听力原文:W: Why was I fined for speeding? I was only driving 60mph.

M: Don't you know that the speed limit on the road is only 40mph?

What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Policeman and driver.

C.Salesperson and customer.

D.Doctor and patient.

听力原文:W: Dr. Gary's Office.M: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Gary, ple

听力原文:W: Dr. Gary's Office.

M: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Gary, please.

W: Is this your first visit?

M: Yes, it is.

W: Okay. Could I have your name please?

M: Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.

W: And may I ask how you got the information of our office?

M: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday.

W: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock?

M: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I usually pick up my kids from school around that time.

W: Okay. Urn... How about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thin, day at 8:15 A.M.?

M: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30?

W: No. I'm sorry.

M: Well, in that ease, Thursday would be fine.

W: Okay. Could I have your phone number please?

M: It's 564-0541.

W: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit?

M: Well, to toil the truth, I fell flora a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and I hurt my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. My hands and knees were also hurt, hit I'm most concerned that my ankle ached terribly.

W: Well, did you put ice on it immediately after this happened?

M: Well yeah. I just Failed the paint can with ice and...

W: And so after you removed the paint can...

M: Well, that's part of the problem. Uh, the paint can is still on my foot.

W: Look, Mr. Schuller. Please come in today. I don't think your case can wait.


A.He found Dr. Gary's office when he was driving.

B.A friend told him about Dr. Gary's office.

C.He found Dr. Gary's number in the phone book.

D.He was Dr. Gary's friend.

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