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What do the recent studies show according to the news?A.Human activities make the Earth wa

What do the recent studies show according to the news?

A.Human activities make the Earth warmer.

B.Glaciers are melting faster.

C.Stronger hurricanes are rising.

D.Climate changes dramatically.

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更多“What do the recent studies sho…”相关的问题
What do we know about Mount Etna from the passage?A.One of Etna's recent eruptions made ma

What do we know about Mount Etna from the passage?

A.One of Etna's recent eruptions made many people move away.

B.Etna's frequent eruptions have ruined most of the local farmland.

C.Etna's eruptions are frequent but usually mild.

D.There are signs that Etna will erupt again in the near future.

In recent years, we have been witnessing a growing number of Chinese people celebrating we
stern festivals, such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas Day. What do you think of the phenomenon? Write a composition of about 200 words on the topic: On Celebrating Western Festivals You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

听力原文:W: What sports do you often go in for, Mr. Clinton?M: Oh, football—both kinds, yo

听力原文:W: What sports do you often go in for, Mr. Clinton?

M: Oh, football—both kinds, you know, soccer and rugby. I play quite a bit of cricket, too. Do you like sports, too, Miss Li?

W: Yes, very much. I play basketball, but my favourite sport is table-tennis. What's your favourite sport?

M: Mine is football. It's the best way to build up your health, I think.

W: That's true. I'm interested in it, too.

M: Is football very popular in China now?

W: Not really. In fact, only in recent years have people taken an interest in football. It's getting more and more popular, though. What about watching the football match tomorrow evening? I've got two tickets.

M: Why, yes, that'll be nice. Thank you.

W: By the way, people say in Britain there are many football fans behaving as troublemakers. Is that true?

M: Yes, sometimes. In fact, only a few get out of control.

W: British people have a keen interest in the game, as I can see.

M: Right! Football fans are so dedicated that they travel hundreds of miles to see their favourite team in action and cheer it on to victory.


A.Differences between soccer and rugby.

B.A football match between China and Britain.

C.Chinese and British football fans.

D.One's favorite sport.

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. I haven't seen a film for half a year. Do you have some free time to
go to the cinema with me this weekend?

M: Sure. But I don't have any information about the recent films. What about you?

W: Well, my workmate tells me that "Harry Porter and His Magic Stone" will be on:

M: What's that?

W: I don't know. It is said that kids like it a lot.

M: Perhaps you can take our son here. It's boring for me to sit there for two hours.

W: Oh, you're that kind of man. Um, a violent film called "The Most wanted" will also be on at the same time. Maybe you can come with us.

M: That's a clever idea. I like American films very much. We can go to the same cinema and come home together, but watch different films.


A.Harry Porter and His Magic Stone.

B.The Most Wanted.

C.Both A and B

D.Another film she prefers.

听力原文:W: We've been talking a lot about indoor and outdoor games. What about other type
s of sports -- athletics, mountaineering, skiing and so on?

M: I suppose athletics must be one of the oldest forms of sport in existence. The Greeks went in for these sports with great enthusiasm and their Olympic Games included most of the sports we go in for today.

W: But games like football and cricket became popular only in the last century.

M: Yes, that's true. Mountaineering and skiing are comparatively recent sports too, aren't they?

W: And so are motor-racing and cycling. What about country sports? Do you like them?

M: Do you mean sports like hunting, shooting and fishing?

W: Yes.

M: I don't approve of killing animals for sport. And 1 don't like boxing and bull-fighting, either. They are not real sports.

W: But you can see skills in them.

M: No doubt, but I still don't like them.

W: What about aquatic sports.9 Do you like sailing?

M: Yes, it's a wonderful sport! I also like swimming and I'm very fond of rowing. For me the great sporting event of the year is the Dragon Boat Race. I watch that every year.

W: Me too.


A.It's cruel.

B.It's interesting.

C.She objects to killing animals for sport.

D.They are full of skills.

听力原文:W: Hey! You got a new television.M: Yeah! It was delivered yesterday.What do you

听力原文:W: Hey! You got a new television.

M: Yeah! It was delivered yesterday. What do you think of it?

W: It's huge. It practically takes up the entire side of the room.

M: I know. I know. You don't think it's, well, excessive, do you?

W: I didn't say that. I mean, 'if you enjoy it, why not? What happened to your old TV, anyhow?

M: It just stopped working last Friday. It was pretty old and didn't work well. I thought I can afford it. Why not get a new one?

W: It must've been expensive.

M: Well, not as much as you might think. I got it on sale for 50% off.

W: Really? Where?

M: At the stereo city on Route 20. You know at first I just wanted to replace what I had. A TV of about the same size and quality. But the salesman was pushing these because of the 50% off.

W: Yeah. But 50% off what?

M: $ 2,400.

W: You spent $ 1,200 on a TV?

M: It's got a lot of special features. Look at this remote control.

W: I'm sure. But that's still a lot of money for a television. I didn't think you watched TV that much.

M: Well, I don't. Do you think I ought to return it? If I do it within a week of purchase, I can get my money back.

W: Honestly, yes. And you know that. I think you ought to read up on TV's first and choose the make and model you want before you go to the store. That way you will get what you want.

M: I think you are right.


A.A popular television program.

B.A breakthrough in technology.

C.A recent purchase.

D.A new electronic store.

听力原文:W: I heard that your family arrived yesterday, didn't they?M: Yes, they did. W: T

听力原文:W: I heard that your family arrived yesterday, didn't they?

M: Yes, they did.

W: That's good! Dr. Morrison, your family is now in China with you. You won't miss them, then. To talk about the family, I want to ask you some questions about American families. Er. . . Do you most Americans live in "small families" or "big families"?

M: In the United States, most people normally choose to live in "small families", but we call them "nuclear families".

W: What is the average size of a nuclear family?

M: Well, it depends on the number of children, because the nuclear family consists of a husband, a wife and children. However, if there are no children, then the husband and wife are the nuclear family. Of course, there may be only one parent due to a death, separation or divorce. In this ease, the nuclear family is the single parent and children.

W: Are there any big families in the United States?

M: Oh, you mean the extended family. No, not many. Most Americans, both the elderly and the young couples prefer to live in their own homes.

W: Since most Americans live in nuclear families rather than in extended families, the majority of the elderly do not see their children and their relatives, do they?

M: Wall, people often make such assumptions, but that is not the case according to recent sociological research.

W: Oh, what's that?

M: The recent research shows that more elderly people in the United States live within ten minutes of their children by car than in Denmark, and over 78 percent of the elderly have seen their children within a week.

W: Now I've got a general idea about American family structure. Thank you.

M: You're welcome.

Most Americans prefer to live in

A.big families

B.small families

C.nuclear families

D.middle size families

听力原文:Thank you all for coming. I called this meeting to address the competition we fac
e from the recent release of Cyber Online's Insta-talk software. As of last week, Insta-talk is the leading instant messaging software on the market according to a number of business sources. Although our Quicklink is still second, we are quickly losing ground to newer, more user-friendly programs. We need to think of a way to reinvent and improve Quicklink so that it will be better able to compete against new messaging programs. We will be meeting to discuss what we can do next week on Monday at 5:30 in the conference room. I've compiled some information on Insta-talk. Please review this information and come to the meetings prepared to discuss how we can make Quicklink more competitive.

What issue does the speaker address?

A.Falling sales

B.Declining profits

C.Growing competition

D.Increased customer demand

听力原文:Dogs have often been referred to as a man's best friend. But medical studies are
now proving that dogs often improve and extend the quality of people' s lives. A recent study conducted by the Association for Human and Animal Relations says that people who own at least one dog have an 80% chance of living beyond 75 years of age. Those who do not own a dog were found to have only a 63% chance of living beyond 75 years of age. Dog owners also have a lower stress or anxiety level than non-dog owners. Dog owners are also considered more outgoing and more physically active than those who do not own a dog. The results come from a study involving 2,000 men over the age of 55. The study will appear in next month's issue of Dog Discoveries Magazine.

What does the study mainly say?

A.Men with dogs lead healthier lives.

B.Dogs need to be treated properly.

C.Men without dogs have less stress.

D.Dogs are harmful to senior citizens.

听力原文:Woman: The tremendous growth of the sportswear industry had been one of the great
success stories of recent years. Sportswear manufacturers have made a great deal of money. Here with me in the studio to talk about this is Brent Collins, of Super Fashion Limited, who in recent years has become one of the country's leading manufacturers of sportswear. Brent—I notice you aren't wearing sports shoes or a tracksuit.

Man: Not at the moment, Sandy. But I was earlier this morning.

Woman: Can we start off by looking at the finances of this great success story? How much exactly is the sportswear industry worth?

Man: At the moment I would say it's worth something like £3,500 million a year.

Woman: To whom? Where are people going for their sportswear?

Man: Well, traditionally, up to the end of the 80s, shall we say, sportswear was produced almost exclusively by sportswear specialists and passed on to the department stores to be sold. In the last 10 years there's been an interesting development of the mail-order business but most sportswear by far is still produced by sportswear companies like our own and then retailed through our own specialist outlets.

Woman: Approximately what proportion of expenditure on all clothing and footwear is spent on sportswear? Do you know?

Man: I'm not absolutely sure of the very latest figures, but it's something in the region of 9%. That includes expenditure on children's sportswear. What I think is more interesting or surprising is that a recent survey showed that last year 41% of sportswear was purchased by adults, not for use as sports clothes, not, I mean, to play a sport, but just as casual wear for their entertainment activities.

Woman: You say adults. But my impression is that it is the young who buy this sort of clothing. I mean, my mother hasn't bought any sports shoes yet and they've been in fashion for years. I'm not sure she ever will buy any now.

Man: Of course it basically is a youth market. However, one surprising fact is that the 16-25 age-group is in fact getting smaller and will continue to do so for a few more years. The size of this group has fallen from 9.5 million in the mid 1980s to something like 7.5 million now. And yet the sportswear market has expanded considerably during the same period. It can't be simply a youth market.

Woman: What do you see as the reason for the development in sportswear?

Man: It's hard, if not impossible, to give you any single reason. There are even plenty of reasons why it shouldn't have happened, such as the rising costs of production and marketing, leading to much higher prices. What's clear is that changing social conditions have greatly helped. The market couldn't have grown to its present size without the relaxation in codes of dress that has taken place since the late 70s. We have relaxed some of our rules. This has allowed sports participants to wear their tracksuits and sports shoes for many other activities they are not designed for. At a very practical level, clothing and footwear which are suitable for sports are so easily used for other non-sporting activities as well. For DIY, or gardening, or just playing with the children.

Woman: And how do you see the future for sportswear?

Man: I expect increased competition between the manufacturers to produce more attractive and fashionable materials. I don't expect this to affect the number of manufacturers active in the marketplace but it could well bring the prices down.

Woman: Will we be wearing the same sportswear products then? Five years from now.

Man: Almost definitely. This is not just a passing fashion. It will last. People young and old are putting an ever-increasing emphasis on the importance of feeling, and looking, fit and healthy. Most experts believe that sportswear will actually increase its market share over the next few years.

•You will hear a radio interview about the sportswear industry.

•For each question (23

A.as a consultant to the sportswear industry.

B.for a sports centre.

C.for a sportswear company.

听力原文: The city's museums are much more than cultural centers. They are major contribut
ors to the city's economy. Not only do they provide jobs for people living in the city, but also the museums attract tourists who spend money in hotels, restaurants and stores. Each year mass-motoring tours visit our museums and spend millions of dollars in the city, but only a fraction of that money is ever seen by the museums. This, in addition to recent cuts in government aid, has hurt the museums. And museums are in trouble, though we can all help by-increasing our contributions and encourage others to support cultural institutions. We should help the museums and help ourselves too. This message is by Crocker Bank, which is interested in keeping New York financially healthy.

What is the main thought expressed in this appeal?

A.The museums are a financial success.

B.People are leaving New York too rapidly.

C.The public should support cultural institutions.

D.Crocker Band wants new depositors.

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