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It is bad manners to interrupt.(英译中)

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It is bad manners to ______people when they are speaking.A.interviewB.intimateC.interfereD

It is bad manners to ______people when they are speaking.





It is bad manners for you to say ______ when someone asks you a question.A.I don't knowB.a

It is bad manners for you to say ______ when someone asks you a question.

A.I don't know

B.a lot of things


The story tries to tell us ______.A.that a bad impression is easily left on the trainB.tha

The story tries to tell us ______.

A.that a bad impression is easily left on the train

B.that young people should behave well on the train

C.that people with bad manners are not welcome

D.not to leave things behind when travelling by train

According to the passage, the unsuccessful people often share a lot in______, such as delu
sional thinking, bad manners, putting first things last, punishing friends etc.

According to Simon, what is the influence of bad manners on people?A.People do not feel a

According to Simon, what is the influence of bad manners on people?

A.People do not feel a big deal.

B.People feel rather humiliated.

C.People feel shocked and hurt.

D.People feel angry and exasperate

听力原文:W: Aren't you ready? The Brown's lunch is for one o'clock. We'd better leave righ
t away or we'll arrive late. They'll think we have bad manners.

M: It isn't bad manners to be late. In France everybody is late.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.They don't have to arrive for the Brown's lunch on time.

B.It's impolite to be late for the Brown's lunch.

C.They don't have to have manners in France.

D.They have no time to lose.

Women were angry with him because ______.A.they got frightened when Mr. West gave a shoutB

Women were angry with him because ______.

A.they got frightened when Mr. West gave a shout

B.Mr. West showed bad manners

C.they thought Mr. West was like a woman

Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia, some friends ask you to eat with them.
What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud "burp(饱嗝) fter you finish eating". Burping shows that you like the food.

In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say "Excuse me, please".

In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. People show good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.

What are manners like in an East African town? People try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you.

Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that, all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

In Mongolia, burping is a way to show that ______.

A.the host is very friendly with the visitors

B.one doesn't want to eat anything at all

C.one enjoys the meal that is prepared by the host

D.one is not polite at table

From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.(从婴儿时开始我们就被教

From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.(从婴儿时开始我们就被教以礼貌规矩。) We are taught how to hold a knife and a fork and not to talk with our mouths full. We are taught how to shake hands and when to stand and when to sit and the way to introduce people.

Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else. Almost everywhere eating together means that you are very friendly to each other. But in parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. They politely turn their backs on each other when they are taking food.

Some East Africans spit four times as a kind of blessing(祝福). They do it to show that they want a sick person to get well, or to bless a new born baby. In most other places, spitting means just something completely different. It's something to do to show that you hate someone.

When we go to visit someone we say "Hello" and "How are you" and things like that. If you were visiting an East African village, everyone would be very careful not to pay any attention to you. The polite thing there would be for you to go quietly, without speaking to anyone, and sit beside your friend. You would wait until he had finished what he was doing and then he would begin talking to you.

In a village in Arab, a visitor walks behind all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If he passed in front,he would be invited into each tent and asked to eat. It was rude to refuse.

1.We have been taught________.

A.it's bad manners to stand and to sit

B.it's good manners to hold a knife and a fork

C.it's good manners not to talk with our mouths full

D.how to shake hands when we introduce people

2.In parts of Polynesia it's not polite________.

A.to be eating alone

B.to stand eating

C.to be seen eating

D.to take food away

3.In most places,spitting means________.

A.a kind of blessing

B.you want a sick person to get well

C.you give a new-born baby the blessing

D.you hate someone

4.If you visit an East African village, you________.

A.had better say "Hello" or "How are you" to others

B.will keep quiet and not to speak to anyone

C.should be very careful and not to pay any attention to others

D.must wait until the villagers have finished their work and then begin to talk to them

5.If you pass in front of the tents in Arab, ________.

A.you would be invited in and eat in each tent

B.you just refuse to go into the tent

C.you can walk behind all the tents

D.you can't get to the one you want to visit

回答下列各题 MobilePhone Manners Mobile phones have changed the waywe communicate(交流);th

回答下列各题 MobilePhone Manners Mobile phones have changed the waywe communicate(交流);they have also brought about problemsin phone manners(礼仪).Gaik Lira,aSingapore-based advisor,has some adviceon phonemanners. When dealing with missed calls,the person being called should return the call.“Calls should bereturned as soon as possible,and no laterthan the following day.Anything laterthan that,and anapology or a reason for the delay should go with the call.” Textmessages should be kept short and to the point.If they go beyond tour or five lines,call or e—mail instead.“The use ofshort forms should be among family members and friends.never in abusiness simafion.” Speak in a low voice as if you weretalking to someone next to you.If theconnection is bad,don’t raise your voice in order to be heard,simply move to another place where the connection may bebetter.And if that doesn’t work,tell the caller to callyou back or offer to call at a later time. When a conversation is cut off dueto a bad connection,the person whostarted the conversa—tionshould call back.“It may be inconvenientfor the other person to return the call,especially if it’s anunlisted number,or an overseas call.” When running late for a date ormeetin9,it is acceptable totext to inform. that you’II be de—layed.Messages should be apologetic.“A message like‘Sorry.Will be about 30 minutes late due toflight delay’is considered politeand thoughtful.” Taking calls during meetings isonly acceptable if you have informed the chairperson that you areexpecting an urgent(紧急的)call.If you get an unexpected but urgent call,apologize to those presentand offer a quick explanation as to why you have to take that call.Then leave the room to continueyour phone conversation. What should one do if he has missed a call?

A.Textan apology to the caller.

B.Callback if it is from abroad.

C.Waittill the caller calls again.

D.Returnthe call as early as one call.

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