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The Ancient Road Building A quick review of ancient history since men began keeping record

The Ancient Road Building

A quick review of ancient history since men began keeping records of their achievements would show that all the great empire (帝国) builders were also road builders. They knew well that good roads were necessary for keeping the extended empire together.

The first of the great empire road builders were the Persians (波斯人). Between 500 and 400 B. C. all the parts of the Persian Empire were connected by roads with the capital city. The main, or "royal", road began near what is now Turkey(土耳其), and ended in Susa. The road had well-built inns where travelers could rest and eat, and tax-houses like those on a modern highway.

The people of Greece, unlike the Persians, believed that their city-states could remain independent only if the roads between them were not too good. Besides, the landscape (风景) full of mountains in Greece made road building an extremely difficult job. As a result, the Greeks turned to the sea, and instead of highways, developed sea routes that reached distant lands.

By far the greatest of the ancient road builders were the Romans. The Romans, like the Persians before them, recognized the importance of land routes to keep their empire together. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire covered about 2,000,000 square miles. It extended from Spain in the west to the banks of the Caspian Sea(里海) in the east. And from England in the northwest, the empire stretched south to include the coastal lands of North Africa. By about 120 A.D. the Romans had built an extraordinary network of about 50,000 miles of roads. The roads were originally built for military traffic moving from one part of the empire to another, but during periods of peace these same roads were busy with traders and travelers.

You can still travel over Roman roads in many parts of Europe today. The Roman engineers knew how to build things that would last and last.

The Persians started to build roads about ______.

A.500 years ago

B.2000 years ago

C.1600 years ago

D.2500 years ago

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更多“The Ancient Road Building A qu…”相关的问题
The ancient Persian's "royal" road was like the modern highways today in that it ______.A.

The ancient Persian's "royal" road was like the modern highways today in that it ______.

A.began near what is now Turkey

B.required payment for its use

C.connected many parts of Europe

D.was well built with modern traffic facilities(设施)

The Ancient Road BuildingA quick review of ancient history since men began keeping records

The Ancient Road Building

A quick review of ancient history since men began keeping records of their achievements would show that all the great empire (帝国) builders were also road builders. They knew well that good roads were necessary for keeping the extended empire together. The first of the great empire road builders were the Persians (波斯人). Between 500 and 400 B. C. all the parts of the Persian Empire were connected by roads with the capital city. The main, or "royal", road began near what is now Turkey(土耳其), and ended in Susa. The road had well-built inns where travelers could rest and eat, and tax-houses like those on a modern highway.

The people of Greece, unlike the Persians, believed that their city-states could remain independent only if the roads between them were not too good. Besides, the landscape(风景) full of mountains in Greece made road building an extremely difficult job. As a result, the Greeks turned to the sea, and instead of highways, developed sea routes that reached distant lands.

By far the greatest of the ancient road builders were the Romans. The Romans, like the Persians before them, recognized the importance of land routes to keep their empire together. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire covered about 2,000,000 square miles. It extended from Spain in the west to the banks of the Caspian Sea(里海) in the east. And from England in the northwest, the empire stretched south to include the coastal lands of North Africa. By about 120 A.D. the Romans had built an extraordinary network of about 50,000 miles of roads. The roads were originally built for military traffic moving from one part of the empire to another, but during periods of peace these same roads were busy with traders and travelers.

You can still travel over Roman roads in many parts of Europe today. The Roman engineers knew how to build things that would last and last.

The Persians started to build roads about ______.

A.500 years ago

B.2000 years ago

C.1600 years ago

D.2500 years ago

What do we learn from the news item?A.The ancient city shows evidence of human sacrifice.B

What do we learn from the news item?

A.The ancient city shows evidence of human sacrifice.

B.The Wari state existed some four hundred years ago.

C.The Inca state built Peru’s first extensive road network.

Ancient Egypt Brought Down by Famine Even ancient Egypt's mighty pyramid (金字塔) bui

Ancient Egypt Brought Down by Famine

Even ancient Egypt's mighty pyramid (金字塔) builders were powerless in the face of the famine (饥荒) that helped bring down their civilization around 21-80 BC. Now evidence collected from mud deposited by the River Nile suggests that a shift in climate thousands of kilometers to the south was ultimately to blame--and the same or worse could happen today.

The ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile's annual floods to irrigate !heir crops.But any change in climate that pushed the African monsoons (季风) southwards out of Ethiopia would have reduced these floods.

Declining rains in the Ethiopian highlands would have meant fewer plants to stabilize the soil. When rain did fall it would have washed large amounts of soil into the Blue Nile and into Egypt, along with sediment (沉积) from the White Nile.Blue Nile mud has a different isotope (同位素) signature from that of the White Nile.So by analyzing isotope differences in mud deposited in the Nile Delta, Michael Krom of Leeds University worked out what proportion of sediment came from each branch of the river.

Krom reasons that during periods of drought, the amount of Blue Nile mud in the river would be relatively high. He found that one of these periods, from 4500 to 4200 years ago, immediately came before the fall of the Egypt's Old Kingdom.

The weakened waters would have been disaster for the Egyptians. "Changes that affect food supply don't have to be very large to have a ripple (波浪) effect in societies," says Bill Ryan of the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory in New York.

Similar events today could be even more devastating, says team member Daniel Stanley, a scientist from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. "Anything humans do to shift the climate belts would have an even worse effect along the Nile system today because the populations have increased dramatically."

第 36 题 Why does the author mention "Egypt's mighty pyramid builders".

A.Because they once worked miracles.

B.Because they were well-built.

C.Because they were actually very weak.

D.Because even they were unable to rescue their civilization.



茶马古道(Tea-horse Ancient Road)两边,生活着20多个少数民族。不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理,丽江古城,香格里拉(Shangrila),雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫(Potala Palace)。古道的两旁有庙宇、岩石壁画、骚站(post house),古桥和木板路,还有少数民族舞蹈和民族服装。时至今天,虽然这条古道的踪迹都消失了,但它的文化和历史价值仍然存在。

听力原文:(A) The shutters are all closed.(B) All of the windows are very clean.(C) The bui

听力原文:(A) The shutters are all closed.

(B) All of the windows are very clean.

(C) The building is three stories tall.

(D) The building is being torn down.

听力原文:(A) The shutters are all closed.(B) All of th

A.Living on his farm.B.Riding and hunting.C.Writing about politics.D.Designing the bui

A.Living on his farm.

B.Riding and hunting.

C.Writing about politics.

D.Designing the buildings.

A lot of tall buildings ______ in our city last year.A.was builtB.were builtC.had been bui

A lot of tall buildings ______ in our city last year.

A.was built

B.were built

C.had been built

听力原文:F: When was the building built?M: It was built in 1909. When was the building bui

听力原文:F: When was the building built?

M: It was built in 1909.

When was the building built?




According to the passage, the first full-scale giant recycling plants will ______.A.be bui

According to the passage, the first full-scale giant recycling plants will ______.

A.be built in Britain

B.appear in 15 years

C.take us 15 years to build them

D.be found only in some big cities

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