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听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. The Washington Post and. The Sun. What about you?

M: (22) I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday?

W: Yes, that way I'm sure not to miss any of my favorite sections. (23)Doesn't the tile size of tile daily paper surprise you?

M: (23)Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff—the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators—must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, don't they?

W: I'm sure they do. Of course, much of a newspaper's income comes from advertisements.

M: That's true. I try to read the whole paper, don't you?

W: No. (24)I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business

arefully. Do you read those?

M: No, but I do read the editorials aid the news section. You saw the article about tile earthquake in Japan, didn't you?

W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that?

M: Certainly they should! They're part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Don't you agree?

W: Yes, (25)I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society

nd more comic strips Don't you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events?

M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you don't like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two newspapers? If I were you, I wouldn't read a newspaper at all.


A.Newspaper of low price.

B.Newspaper with attractive headline.

C.Newspaper with sports page.

D.Newspaper with business section.

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更多“听力原文:W: I often read two newsp…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: How long have you known Susan?M: I've known her about three years. I met her i

听力原文:W: How long have you known Susan?

M: I've known her about three years. I met her in the library where we used to read, but now I can only see her on the campus occasionally.

Where did Susan often go to read?

A.In the library.

B.In the college.

C.On the campus.

听力原文:W: How long have you known Susan?M: I've known her for about three years. I met h

听力原文:W: How long have you known Susan?

M: I've known her for about three years. I met her in the library where we used to read, but now I can only see her on the campus occasionally.

Where did Susan often go to read?

A.In the library.

B.In the college.

C.On the campus.

D.In the classroom.

听力原文:M: I wish I had more time to just read for pleasure.W: Me too, reading novels alw

听力原文:M: I wish I had more time to just read for pleasure.

W: Me too, reading novels always helps me digest the day.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She often has a lovely day when she reads.

B.She eats well when she reads.

C.She has more ability to manage life.

D.Time goes faster when she reads.

听力原文:M: What do you often do on Saturdays, Mary?W: I usually go to the park and do som

听力原文:M: What do you often do on Saturdays, Mary?

W: I usually go to the park and do some exercises in the morning, read books in the afternoon and watch TV in the evening. How about you?

M: I like play basketball.

What does Mary usually do on Saturday afternoon?

A.She reads books.

B.She goes to the park.

C.She does some exercises.

D.She watches TV.

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you?M:I w

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you?

M: I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday?

W: Yes, that way I'm sure not to miss any of my favorite sections. Doesn't the size of tile daily paper surprise you?

M: Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff—the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators—must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, don't they?

W: I'm sure they do. Of course, much of a newspaper's income comes from advertisements.

M: That's true. I try to read the whole paper, don't you?

W: No. I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business section carefully. Do you read those?

M: No, but I do read the editorials and the news section. You saw the article about the earthquake in Japan, didn't you?

W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that?

M: Certainly they should! They're part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Don't you agree?

W: Yes, I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society section and more comic strips. Don't you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events?

M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you don't like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two news papers? If I were you, I wouldn't read a newspaper at all.


A.Newspaper of low price.

B.Newspaper with attractive headline.

C.Newspaper with sports page.

D.Newspaper with business section.

听力原文:M: What are you looking for, Alice?W: I'm looking for my pen, Mike. I can't see m

听力原文:M: What are you looking for, Alice?

W: I'm looking for my pen, Mike. I can't see my pen.

M: It's here, on the desk.

W: I'm sorry. But I'm getting so nearsighted. I'm afraid I have to wear glasses.

M: Your eyesight used to be very good, why?

W: Recently I have formed the habit of reading in bed. Sometimes I read on the moving bus.

M: Alice, you should pay attention to the care of your eyes. You should get rid of the bad reading habit. What's more, you should relax your eyes as often as possible.

W: Thank you, Mike.

What is the possible relationship 'between the two speakers?


B.Doctor and patient.

C.Teacher and student.

听力原文:How often should I send you the updates?(A) Thanks, I'll read it tonight.(B) By e

听力原文:How often should I send you the updates?

(A) Thanks, I'll read it tonight.

(B) By e-mail would be good.

(C) Once a week should be plenty.





听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress,especially women.I wonder what most peopl

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress, especially women. I wonder what most people can do to relax themselves?

M: Well, I read of a global study about this. According to it, listening to music is what most people do to ease stress.

W: I guess, that's because we have easy access to music via radio, TV, personal CD players and so many other channels.

M: Yeah, and watching TV is listed as the next popular stress reliever, followed by taking a bath or shower.

W: Well, I've heard that it is quite popular in your country for people to consult psychologists and doctors.

M: I'm afraid that's not true. I believe only a few people think it's helpful.

W: I have noticed that our manager always looks energetic, even though he works more than 12 hours a day. Perhaps, he takes some specific medicine.

M: I know his recipe. He likes dancing and often visits bars alone so that he can dance to his heart's content.

W: So that's how it is. But when I feel anxious or exhausted, I prefer to take a walk or read a funny story.

M: That's not a bad idea. Meanwhile, you can find some other ways to relax yourself if they are suitable for you.


A.Listening to music.

B.Listening to CD players.

C.Watching TV.

D.Taking a bath.

听力原文:M: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on?W: Excuse me. Do you need any

听力原文:M: Let me see now. Which train do I need to get on?

W: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

M: Yes. I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I'm really lost. This is my first visit to Japan, so I have no idea on how to ride the trains.

W: First, you need to buy a ticket to your destination. From there, it's a hundred and thirty yen.

M: A hundred and thirty yen. OK.

W: Then, get on the Hibita Subway Line at Platform. 4.

M: Number 4, all right. Oh, and how often do the trains come round this time of day?

W: Usually, they come about every six minutes.

M: All right. And where do I get off the train?

W: Get off at Kamiyacho Station, three stops from here. The sign at the station is written in English, so you'll be able to read it.

M: Three stops. Got it. Thanks for your help.

W: No problem. Good luck.

Where does the man want to go?

A.Tokyo train station.

B.Tokyo Museum.

C.Tokyo Tower.

听力原文:W: I often go to cinema.M: Really?W: What does the woman often do?(19)A.Read book

听力原文:W: I often go to cinema.

M: Really?

W: What does the woman often do?


A.Read books.

B.Watch TV.

C.See films.

听力原文:M: I often go to school by bike. How about you?W: I often walk there.Q: How does

听力原文:M: I often go to school by bike. How about you?

W: I often walk there.

Q: How does the woman go to school?


A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By bike.

D.By taxi.

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