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John H. Glenn, Jr. , was the first American toA.radio a town in MexicoB.build a power stat

John H. Glenn, Jr. , was the first American to

A.radio a town in Mexico

B.build a power station

C.orbit the earth

D.fly over 60,000 miles

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更多“John H. Glenn, Jr. , was the f…”相关的问题
During his flights, John H. Glenn, Jr. , could always reach a ______A.tracking stationB.sh

During his flights, John H. Glenn, Jr. , could always reach a ______

A.tracking station

B.ship at sea

C.Mercury capsule

D.city of Perth

It can be learnt from Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. that______.A.the legitimacy of car

It can be learnt from Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. that______.

A.the legitimacy of card-check elections should be reconsidered

B.the card-check election is actually beneficial to the union

C.he doesn"t see the influence of the way of election to the union

D.the employer can gain some benefit from the card-check election

Martin Luther King Jr. By the time the Montgomery Improvement Association chose the 2

Martin Luther King Jr.

By the time the Montgomery Improvement Association chose the 26-year-old Martin Luther King Jr. as its leader, the bus boycott by the black citizens of Montgomery, Alabama, was already an overwhelming success. King would later write that his unanticipated call to leadership "happened so quickly that I did not have time to think it through. " "it is probable that if I had, I would have declined the nomination. "

Although press reports at the time focused on his inspiring oratory, King was actually a reluctant leader of a movement initiated by others. (The boycott began on DeC.5,1955. ) His subsequent writings and private correspondence reveal a man whose inner doubts sharply contrast with his public persona. In the early days of his involvement, King was troubled by telephone threats, discord within the black community and Montgomery's "get tough" policy, to which King attributed his jailing on a minor traffic violanon. One night, as he considered ways to "'move out of the picture without appearing a coward," he began to pray aloud anD.at that moment, "experienced the presence of the God as I had never experienced Him before. "

He would later admit that when the boycott began, he was not yet firmly committed to Gandhian principles. Although he had been exposed to those teachings in college, he had remained skeptical. "I thought the only way we could solve our problem of segregation was an armed revolt." he recalleD."I felt that the Christian ethic of love was confined to individual relationships. "

Only after his home was bombed in late January did King reconsider his views on violence. (At the time, he was seeking a gun permit and was protected by armed body- guards.) Competing with each other to influence King were two ardent pacifists: Bayard Rustin, a black activist with the War Resisters League, and the Rev. Glenn E. Smiley, a white staff member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Rustin was shocked to discover a gun in King's house, while Smiley informed fellow pacifists that King's home was "an arsenal. "

第 31 题 What did King think of his nomination as leader of the Montgomery Boycott?

A.He hadn't expected it.

B.He had to think about it carefully.

C.He would refuse to accept it.

D.He was prepared to accept it.

It was 3:12 a.m. when nine-year-old Glenn Kreamer awoke to the smell of burning. Except fo
r the crackling of flames somewhere below there was not a sound in the two-storey house at Baldwin, Long Island.

With his father away on night duty at a local factory, Glenn was worried about the safety of his mother, his sister Karen, 14 and his 12-year-old brother Todd. He ran downstairs through the smoke filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up. Then he helped each one through the house to the safety of the garden. There, his sister and brother, taking short and quick breaths and coughing, collapsed on the lawn.

The nine-year-old raced back into the house and upstairs to his mother's room. He found it impossible to wake her up. Mrs. Kreamer, a victim of the smoke, was unconscious, and there was nobody to help Glenn carry her to the garden. But the boy remained calm and, as a fireman said later, "acted with all the self-control of a trained adult."

On the bedroom telephone, luckily still wording, Glenn called his father and, leaving Mr. Kreamer to telephone the fire brigade and ambulance service, got on with the task of saving his mother.

First he filled a bucket with water from the bathroom and threw water over his mother and her bed. Then, with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden.

He could hear the fire engine coming up, but how would the firemen find his mother in the smoke-filled house where flames had almost swallowed up the ground floor?

Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garage, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room. Tying one end of the string to her hand he ran back, laying out the string as he went, through the hall and back out into the garden.

Minutes later he was telling fire chief John Coughlan: "The string will lead you to mother." Mrs. Kreamer was carried to safety as the flames were breaking through her bedroom floor.

Why did Glenn run downstairs first?

A.He wanted to find out what was happening.

B.He was worded about his mother's safety.

C.He wanted to save his sister and brother.

D.He went to see if his father had come back from work.

A. C. Hunter BollC. Hunter 13011 has been employed by Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. and its

A. C. Hunter Boll

C. Hunter 13011 has been employed by Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. and its predecessor, Thomas H. Lee Company, since 1986. From 1984 through 1986, Mr. Boll was with The Boston Consulting Group. From 1977 through 1982, he served as an Assistant Vice President, Energy and Minerals Division of Chemical Bank. Mr. Boll is a director of Cott Corp. , TransWestern Publishing, L. P. , and United Industries, Inc.

B. John A. Cleary

John A. Cleary was the Chief Executive Officer of Donnelley Marketing, Inc. from 1979 until 1993. Donnelley Marketing, Inc. was a subsidiary of Dun and Bradstreet Corporation until 1991 when it was acquired by a group of investors and senior manager's. Mr. Cleary continued as CEO until 1993 when he was elected Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, a position he held until 1996 when First Data Corporation acquired the company. Mr. Cleary continued as a senior advisor and consultant to the company. Mr. Cleary is also a director of SoundWater, Inc. , a non-profit environmental education organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of Long Island Sound. Mr. Cleary was also a director of the Direct Marketing Association from 1985 to 1996, and served as Chairman of its Board from 1990 to 1991.

C. Richard G. Evans

Richard G. Evans has been Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. since June 2001. Prior to joining it, Mr. Evans was Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Director of Green Tree Financial Corporation from 1985 to 1999. Prior to Green Tree, Mr. Evans served as Special Assistant Attorney General for the State of Minnesota from1974 to 1984.

D. Scott R. Fjellman

Scott R. Fjellman has been Senior Vice President and Treasurer of Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. since January 2003. Mr. Fjellman previously was Vice President, Assistant Treasurer of the Company from April 2000 to December 2002. Prior to joining it, Mr. Fjellman was with Arcadia Financial Ltd. for eight years, most recently as Vice President of Securitization and Investor Relations. Before joining Arcadia Financial, Mr. Fjellman spent three years as an auditor with KPMG LLP.

E. Thomas M. Hagerty

Thomas 1Vi Hagerty has been employed by Thomas H. Lee Partners, L P. and its predecessor, Thomas H. Lee Company, since 1988. Prior to joining Thomas H. Lee Partners, L P. , Mr. Hagerty was in the mergers and acquisitions department of Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated. Mr. Hagerty is a director of Affordable Residential Communities Inc. , ARC Holdings, Cott Corp. , Houghton Mifflin Company, MGIC Investment Corporation and Syratech Corp. Mr. Vice President of T. H. Lee Mezzanine II, the Administrative General Partner of Thomas H. Lee Advisors II, L.P. , which is the sole limited partner of the Managing General Partner of ML-Lee Acquisition Fund II, L. P. and ML-Lee Acquisition Fund (Retirement Accounts) II, L. P. Mr. Hagerty was the Interim Chief Financial Officer of Conseco, Inc. from July 2000 through April 2001. On December 17, 2002, Conseco, Inc. voluntarily commenced a case under Chapter 11 of the United States Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.

He had been an auditor for three years.

What did Glenn do to protect himself?A.He put a wet cloth around his head.B.He threw water

What did Glenn do to protect himself?

A.He put a wet cloth around his head.

B.He threw water all over himself.

C.He hid himself in the bathroom.

D.He rushed out to the lawn.






Glenn saved his family because______.A.his father had taught him to do so on the phoneB.he

Glenn saved his family because______.

A.his father had taught him to do so on the phone

B.he had learned something about first aid

C.he had dealt with the emergency calmly and wisely

D.he had followed his mother's instruction

The most popular "big bands" in the late 1930's and 1940's included the white bands of Art
ie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller and Beatles.




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