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Social fund to relieve poverty is slow in coming and small farmers have been compelled to sell land

as they could no longer endure po______.
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更多“Social fund to relieve poverty…”相关的问题
What is this passage mainly concerned?A.Education fund needs social mobility.B.Education n

What is this passage mainly concerned?

A.Education fund needs social mobility.

B.Education needs new policy and reform.

C.Children pay more premiums in schools, so there are difficulties in their lives.

D.Children were recruited from disadvantaged backgrounds, so they are very poor.

The world's exploding population signals even more growing pains ahead for already crowded
areas. A new United Nations study forecasts that by the year 2000,2 billion persons will be added to the 4.4 billion in the world today.

Even more troubling than the increasing number of inhabitants are the projections of where they will be concentrated. The study by Rafael M. Solos, executive director of the U. N. Fund for Population Activities, notes that by the year 2000:

Nearly 80 percent of all people will live in less developed countries, many hard pressed to support their present populations. That compares with 70 percent today.

In many of these Third World lands metropolises (大城市) will become centers of concentrated urban poverty because of a flood of migration from rural areas.

The bulging(膨胀的) centers mainly in Asia and Latin America, will increasingly become fertile fields for social unrest. More young residents of the urban clusters(一群) will be better educated, unemployed and demanding of a better lifestyle.

To slow the rush to urban centers, countries will have to vastly expand opportunities in the country side, the study suggests. Solos says: "The solution to the urban problem lies as much in the rural areas as in the cities themselves."

Worldwide, the numer of large cities ,will multiply. Now 26 cities have 5 million or more residents each and a combined population of 252 million. By the end of the decade, the number will escalate to 60. with an estimated total of almost 650 million people.

In the last paragraph, the word "escalate" means ______.



C.go down


In early June, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)—the club o

In early June, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)—the club of the world's wealthy and almost wealthy nations released a 208-page document perversely titled "Pensions at a Glance". Inside is a rundown of how generous OECD members are to their burgeoning ranks of retirees.

The US is near the bottom, with the average wage earner able to count on a government-mandated pension for just 52.4% of what he got (after taxes) in his working days—and higher-income workers even less. But the picture at the other end of the scale (dominated by Continental Europe) is misleading. Most of these governments haven't put aside money for pensions. As the ranks of retirees grow and workforces do not, countries will have to either renege on commitments or tax the hides off future workers.

What the OECD data seem to suggest is that you can run a retirement plan that's fiscally sound but stingy, or you can make big promises that will eventually go sour. The US fits mostly in the former category—for all the gnashing of teeth about Social Security, its funding problems are modest by global standards.

But is that really the choice? Actually, no. At least one country appears to have found a better way. In the Netherlands—"the globe's No.1 pensions country," says influential retirement-plan consultant Keith Ambachtsheer—the average retiree can count on a pension equal to 96.8% of his working income. Ample money is set aside to fund pensions, and it is invested prudently but not timidly. Companies contribute to employees' accounts but aren't stuck with profit-killing obligations if their business shrinks or the stock market tanks.

The Dutch have steered a middle way between irresponsible Continental generosity and practical Anglo-American stinginess. They have also, to lapse into pension jargon, split the difference between DB and DC plans. In a defined-benefit (DB) plan, workers are promised a retirement income, and the sponsor—usually a corporation or government—is on the hook to provide it. In a defined-contribution (DC) plan, the worker and sometimes the employer set aside money and hope it will be enough.

The big problem with DB is that sponsors are prone to lowball or ignore the true cost. In the U. S. , where corporate pensions provide a key supplement to Social Security, Congress has felt the need to pass multiple laws aimed at preventing companies from underfunding them. In response, some companies spent billions shoring up their funds; many others simply stopped offering pensions. Just since 2004, at least 66 big companies have frozen or terminated their DB plans, estimates Barclays Global Investors. Corporate DB has given way to individual DC plans like the 401(k) and IRA, but these put too much responsibility on the shoulders of individual workers. Many don't save enough money, and those who do set aside enough earn returns that are on average much lower than those of pension funds.

The Netherlands, like the US, has long relied on workplace pensions to supplement its government plan. The crucial difference is that these pensions were mandatory. Smaller employers had to band together to make a go of it, and industry-wide funds became standard. Run more as independent cooperatives than as captive corporate divisions, the Dutch funds were less prone to underfunding than their US counterparts. When they nonetheless ran into financial trouble in 2002 after the stock market crashed and interest rates sank, the country came up with a unique response. The Dutch funds are now no longer on the hook for providing a set income in retirement no matter what happens to financial markets that is, they've gone DC—but they didn't shunt everything to individual workers. Risks are shared by all the members of a pension fund, and the money is managed by professionals.

Pension consultant Ambachtsheer argues that thi

A.the US does not have big pension problems in comparison with other countries

B.continental Europe is in fact not doing that well with retirement-related issues

C.governments are generally reneging on their promises with pension problems

D.countries are all doing pretty well with retirement issues

开放型基金(open—end fund)

开放型基金(open—end fund)

?Read the following article about a company's program and the questions on the opposite pa

?For each question 15-20, mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

Caught in the spotlight of hostile scrutiny, global companies from the Gap to McDonald's to Wal-Mart have launched so-called social-compliance programs to fend off critics of their supply chain practices. These new programs frequently require company suppliers to meet basic labor-practice standards. That compliance is all excellent first step, but it requires strategic thinking, not just-in-time tactical responses.

Starbucks has charted a course that suggests a new strategic template, one that other brand-driven multinationals might want to explore. When anti-globalization activists singled out Starbucks for having exploited third-world farmers, the company saw the attack as a direct threat to the brand and to its public commitments to social responsibility. But rather than assume a purely defensive posture, Starbucks launched a pilot program to fundamentally change its relationship with its suppliers. The company began to actively cultivate and reward environmentally and socially responsible suppliers a strategic gamble it calls sustainable sourcing. Not only could sustainable sourcing defend against Starbucks's critics, company executives reasoned, but it could build the brand and even drive the company's growth. This spring, Starbucks announced that it was making sustainable sourcing a cornerstone of its global strategy.

With annual growth in the late 1990s at about 20%, Starbucks executives were confident the demand was them to sustain this rate of growth. But they knew their supply chain's future was less predictable and reliable. If the flow of specialty beans from around the globe fell short, both its growth plans and the quality of its coffee would be at risk.

To protect its coffee supply, Starbucks realized it had to identify and nurture partners that could meet its quality standards and keep pace with its increasing demand. Moreover, to protect its brand, the company had to be certain that these suppliers shared its commitment to corporate citizenship. In 2001, the company launched a pilot called the preferred supplier program to attract and reward farmers committed to socially and environmentally responsible farming. The company reasoned that the farms that took the best care of their employees and land would be the most sophisticated, responsive, and responsible suppliers just the sort to help Starbucks fulfill its aggressive growth plan.

To become a preferred supplier, farmers must apply to the program. Reviewers evaluate applicants on 20 measures to determine how well they adhere to sustainable environmental practices (procedures that protect the scarce real estate on which high-quality coffee can grow ) and responsible social practices (methods, for example, that reduce the risk that deliveries will be compromised by labor unrest, corruption, or legal violations ). Suppliers accepted into the program are awarded points for meeting environmental, social, and economic criteria; the more points they earn, the more Starbucks pays them for their coffee. Preferred providers will typically receive a 5% premium on each pound of beans they sell. They can also win long-term contracts to reduce market risk and receive credit to fund improvements that promote sustainability. With the recent expansion of the pilot program to all of its supply chain, Starbucks expects that in five years 60% of its coffee will come from preferred suppliers.

Starbucks's idea is innovative and refreshingly proactive. But it's clearly a gamble. It's uncertain whether sourcing this way will pay off, either by satisfying the company's critics or by assuring adequate supplies. While the jury's still out, brand-driven companies may want to try this e

A.They are being criticized for what they have done.

B.The programs are part of their long-term strategy.

C.They want to be operating in accordance with relevant standards.

D.Their supply chain practices have lagged behind modem development.

It is vital that enough money____________to fund the subject.A、be collectedB、must be co

It is vital that enough money____________to fund the subject.

A、be collected

B、must be collected

C、is collected

D、can be collected

If you were looking to invest in a specific country or region, which mutual fund would be
best suited for you?______.

A.Global fund

B.Regional fund

C.Growth fund

D.Socially responsible fund

Sinking Fund
COPENHAGEN: Population and climate change are intertwined but the population issue has rem
ained a blind spot when countries discuss ways to mitigate climate change and slow down global warming, according to Zhao Baige, vice-minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China (NPFPC) "Dealing with climate change is not simply an issue of CO2 emission reduction but a comprehensive challenge involving political, economic, social, cultural and ecological issues, and the population concern fits right into the picture, " said Zhao, who is a member of the Chinese government delegation.

Many studies link population growth with emissions and the effect of climate change."Calculations of the contribution of population growth to emissions growth globally produce a consistent finding that most of past population growth has been responsible for between 40 percent and 60 percent of emissions growth, " so stated by the 2009 State of World Population, released earlier by the UN Population Fund Although China's family planning policy has received criticism over the past three decades, Zhao said that China's population program has made a great historic contribution to the well-being of society. As a result of the family planning policy, China has seen 400 million fewer births, which has resulted in 18 million fewer tons of CO2 emissions a year, Zhao said.

The UN report projected that if the global population would remain S billion by the y^ar 2050 instead of a little more than 9 billion according to medium-growth scenario, "it might result in 1 billion to 2 billion fewer tons of carbon emissions" Meanwhile, she said studies have also shown that family planning programs are more efficient in helping cut emissions, citing research by Thomas Wire of London School ot Economics that states; "Each $7 spent on basic family planning would reduce CO2 emissions by more than one ton whereas it would cost $ 13 for reduced deforestation. $ 24 to use wind technology, S 51 for solar power, $ 93 for introducing hybrid cars and $ 131 electric vehicles". She admitted that China's population program is no: without consequences, as the country is entering the aging society fast and facing the problem of gender imbalance.

The word "mitigate" in Paragragh 1, Line 2 is closest in meaning to

A.try to control

B.make--less serious

C.make-more serious

D.try to decrease

It is vital that enough money__________to fund the project.A.be coilectedB.must

It is vital that enough money__________to fund the project.

A.be coilected

B.must be collected

C.is collected

D.can be collected.

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