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A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to______.A.prohibit farmers from hunting

A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to______.

A.prohibit farmers from hunting foxes

B.forbid hunting foxes with dogs

C.stop hunting wild animals in the countryside

D.prevent large-scale fox hunting

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更多“A new law may be passed by the…”相关的问题
A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to ______.A.prohibit farmers from huntin

A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to ______.

A.prohibit farmers from hunting foxes

B.forbid hunting foxes with dogs

C.stop hunting wild animals in the countryside

D.prevent large-se, are fox hunting

A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to ________. A) prohibit farmers

A new law may be passed by the British Parliament to ________.

A) prohibit farmers from hunting foxes

B) forbid hunting foxes with dogs

C) stop hunting wild animals in the countryside

D) prevent large-scale fox hunting

It can be implied from the passage that ______.A.there will be a new law against pay discr

It can be implied from the passage that ______.

A.there will be a new law against pay discrimination in the near future

B.it is not very likely that the law could be dramatically shifted to the interests of the working population

C.civil right advocates will never give up until they succeed in overturning the Ledbetter case

D.the Democratic Congress may cooperate with a Republican in pushing a final legislation against pay discrimination

听力原文:Iraq's interim constitution says that Islamic law may serve as a source for legis
lation, though it will not be the law's main underpinning as some religious conservatives had hoped.A bill of rights similar to that in America guarantees the right to free speech and freedom of religion.

Even with a bill of rights, Iraq's new constitution is primarily based on Islamic codes.



听力原文:American law makers visiting Pakistan say President Pervez Musharraf may soon ann

听力原文: American law makers visiting Pakistan say President Pervez Musharraf may soon announce new measures to ease tensions with India. General Musharraf is to give a speech to the nation later this week. American Senator Joseph Lieberman said the Pakistani president may propose a plan to control militants in his country. Mr. Lieberman said he hopes both India and Pakistan withdraw troops from their shared border. He spoke in Islamabad. Indian officials say Islamic militants have attacked an Indian army camp in Kashmir. The officials say one Indian soldier and two militants were killed. Later Indian and Pakistani soldiers shot at each other across the border in northwestern Kashmir.

Q: When will President Musharraf give a speech?


A.Next week.

B.This week.

C.Last week.

Sometime soon, according to animal-rights activists, a great ape will testify in an Americ
an courtroom. Speaking through a voice synthesizer, or perhaps in sign language, the lucky ape will argue that it has a fundamental right to liberty. "This is going to be a very important case." Duke University law Prof. William ReppyJr. told the New York Times.

Reppy concedes that apes can talk only at the level of a human 4-year-old, so they may not be ready to discuss abstractions like oppression and freedom. Just last month, one ape did manage to say through a synthesizer, "Please buy me a hamburger." That may not sound like crucial testimony, but lawyers think that the spectacle of an ape saying anything at all in court may change a lot of minds about the status of animals as property.

One problem is that apes probably won't be able to convince judges that they know right from wrong, or that they intend to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Since they are not persons, they don't even have legal standing to sue. No problem, says Steven Wise, who taught animal law for 10 years at Vermont Law School and is now teaching Harvard Law School's first course in the subject. He says lawyers should be able to use slavery-era statues that authorized legal nonpersons (slaves) to bring lawsuits. Gary Francione, who teaches animal law at Rutgers University, says that gorillas "should be declared to be persons under the constitution. "

Unlike mainstream animal-welfare activists, radical animal-rights activists think that all animals are morally equal and have rights, though not necessarily the same rights as humans. So the law's denial of rights to animals is simply a matter of bias-speciesism. It's even an expression of bias to talk about protecting wildlife, since this assumes that human control and domination of other species is acceptable. These are surely far-out ideas. "Would even bacteria have rights ?" asks one exasperated law professor, Richard Epstein of the University of Chicago Law School.

For the moment, the radicals want to confine the rights discussion to apes and chimps, mostly to avoid the obvious mockery about litigious lemmings, cockroach liberation, and the issue of whether a hyena eating an antelope is committing a fights violation that should be brought before the world court in the Hague. One wag wrote a poem containing the line, "Every beast within his paws/Will clutch an order to show cause. "

The news is that law schools are increasingly involved in animal issues. Any radical notion that vastly inflates the concept of rights and requires a lot more litigation is apt to take root in the law schools. ("Some lawyers say they are in the field to advance their ideology, but some note that it is an area of legal practice that could be profitable," reports the New York Times.)

A dozen law schools now feature courses on animal law, and in some cases, at least, the teaching seems to be a simple extension of radical activism. The course description of next spring's "Animal Law Seminar" at Georgetown University Law Center, for instance, makes clear to students which opinions are the correct ones to have. It talks about the plight of "rightless plaintiffs" and promises to examine how and why laws "purporting to protect" animals have failed.

Ideas about humane treatment of animals are indeed changing. Many of us have changed our minds about furs, zoos, slaughterhouse techniques, and at least some forms of animal experimentation. The debate about greater concern for the animal world continues. But the alliance between the radicals and the lawyers means that, once again, an issue that ought to be taken to the people and resolved by democratic means will most likely be pre-empted by judges and lawyers. Steven Wise talks of using the courts to knock down the wall between humans and apes. Once apes have rights, he says

A.taken to the public and resolved by democratic means

B.resolved by a few judges and lawyers

C.looked on as a mockery

D.confined to such animals as apes

听力原文: In an attempt to resist the rising cost of fuel and fight the pollution choki
ng our cities, many outgoing students have taken to riding bicycles to school. The unfortunate result of this otherwise positive trend is the traffic problems caused by bicycles having to share the same road with cars. Unfortunately, traffic accidents involving bicycles are on the increase throughout the country, so this new solution has led to a dilemma. To solve this dilemma, special bike paths have been created on most roads leading to and from college campuses. It is essential that cyclists stay on those paths. It is necessary for the safety of those of you who ride bicycles as well as the motorists that you share the road with. Obviously, it may be inconvenient to ride in the bike paths at times, but we must insist on it. To enforce the necessity of staying on the paths, there are fines for bicyclists who ride down the middle of the street. The federal fines are currently running at $25 for a first-time violation, but if the law is continually violated, the fines will increase by different amounts depending on your local orders. The money that is collected from the fines will go towards a fund to help build better bike paths. You may have special bicycle bridges in your neighborhood right now. If not, you can count on seeing them in the future. We are committed to making bicycling a safe alternative to using cars and we appreciate your help in making that goal a reality. Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard. 16. What is the newest problem facing people who ride to school? 17. What is the basis for the law that doesnt allow bicyclists in the middle of the street? 18. How will the money from the fines be used? 19. What can we learn about bicycles from the passage?16.

A.The law of the road.

B.International law.

C.Federal law.

D.Local law.

听力原文: The breach of the university's online application database exposed "dozens" of r
ecords to unauthorized individuals, said Katharine Harrington, USC dean of admissions and financial aid. She could not be more specific about the number of people whose personal data may have been viewed by the hacker or what their motivation was for the computer break-in. The university was not able to identify exactly which records may have been exposed. The site will be back up once new security measures are taken, the university said in a written statement. A California law that took effect two years ago requires institutions to inform. those affected when their personal information has been stolen or accidentally released. A number of states are considering similar legislation, and a bill is pending in the U.S. Senate that would also require institutions to tell people when the privacy of their personal information has been compromised. Consumer advocates say such notification is important because it provides an opportunity for consumers to put a fraud alert on their credit file. Identity theft is the top consumer fraud com- plaint, according to the Federal Trade Commission, which estimates that some 10 million people are affected each year.

What happened to the university?

A.Many computers were broken.

B.Dozens of records of applicants were hacked into.

C.A number of people could not be identified.

D.The new computer software was stolen.

Buying a New CarDecide What You Can Afford, Want, and NeedA car is one of the most importa

Buying a New Car

Decide What You Can Afford, Want, and Need

A car is one of the most important and costly purchases you may make. By preparing yourself before you start shopping for a car, you can make the buying process much easier. Besides helping you decide what is best for you, your research and preparation will help you get the best deal.

Some people may have saved enough money to be able to pay cash for a new car. Others must finance the purchase. Take a careful look at your budget to determine how much you can afford to spend as a down payment on a new car and how much you can spend on monthly payments.

Once you have decided on your price range, decide what type of car you want and need. When making this decision, consider how many passengers will be riding in the vehicle and the kind of driving you do. While a sports coupe(双座四轮车) might be just what you need to get back and forth to work, a larger vehicle may be in order if you need the car to shuttle children to and from various activities.

Information Equals Bargaining Leverage (杠杆)

Once you decide on the type of car you need, it is time to do your research to narrow down the choices. A number of publications and other resources can provide comparison information rating the vehicles within specific categories. Compare such areas as safety, reliability, fuel economy, warranties, operating costs, general features, and options when making your decision.


Consider the safety features offered in a car. More and more auto makers are offering air bags on the front passenger's side, in addition to the driver's side. Air bags automatically inflate (膨胀) on impact to provide a cushion.

Other optional safety features include built-in child safety seats, anti-lock brakes, and traction control. Anti-lock brakes keep the wheels from locking up and skidding out of control when the driver slams on the brakes suddenly, or hits a slick spot in the road. Also, consider whether the car has good outward visibility, and whether or not the gauges on the instrument panel are easy to read. Reliability

A number of sources compare maintenance costs on vehicles and have compiled information about repairs that are likely with particular models. Information is also available on the number of complaints filed about particular cars.

Fuel Economy

Mandated(批准) by federal law, fuel economy has improved over the years. The average fuel economy is now more than 28 miles per gallon. Federal law requires an Environmental Protection Agency label to be placed on the window of every new car, listing average fuel economy for city and highway driving according to EPA tests. The ratings are intended to be a comparison between models. Depending on how and where you drive, your actual mileage may not match the estimates.


Compare each car's warranty coverage, which may vary widely among car manufacturers. Consider the length of the warranty, mileage limits, and deductibles. Some cars have basic warranties, which cover the entire vehicle, while others have limited warranties.

Operating Costs

A number of publications offer estimates on what it costs to operate a car in a year's time. These costs vary greatly from one model to another, with luxury cars costing more than economy cars. The factors included in operating costs arc fuel, oil, maintenance, and tires. Other costs associated with ownership, which also vary greatly, are insurance, depreciation, taxes, and licensing.

General Features

Consider your particular needs when analyzing different vehicles, For instance, if you need a lot of trunk space for hauling groceries, baseball equipment, or boxes of supplies for your office, cho




听力原文: What is cloning? Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA fro
m a single "parent", bypassing the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA as the parent.

The most common process takes DNA from one cell and puts it in a hollowed-out egg. Chemicals and electricity are then used to encourage the new DNA to fuse with the egg and develop into an embryo. This technique is called nuclear transfer.

The first cloned animal in human history was a sheep called Dolly. It was very important because it was the first mammal to be cloned using DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously, animals had only been cloned using embryo cells, which already have the potential to become complete embryos in their own right. The big breakthrough with Dolly was that a clone was made from an ordinary, adult cell.

When it comes to the question of whether cloned animals are normal and healthy, the answer is YES. Dolly is, but scientists do not yet know whether this is the exception or the rule. Some early evidence suggests that clones may have health problems and that they may age prematurely.

With the birth of Dolly, many people are worried that a human clone may be born soon. It's possible in theory. But the technology of reproductive cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. What's more, human cloning is already banned by law in the United Kingdom. The former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, proposed banning research into producing human clones in the U. S. for five years. Some measures have also been taken to establish international agreements banning live human clones.

What has cloning bypassed?

A.The nuclear transfer.

B.The process of taking DNA

C.The normal reproductive process.

D.The creation of cells.

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