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Of all the foods we know, fruit is one of the most healthful. It is also one of the most t

asty foods. Almost everyone enjoys fruit. Fruit is grown in almost every part of the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of fruits. And there are thousands of different varieties. In the United States alone, there are several hundred types of apples.

In general, though, there are three separate groups. There are tropical fruits. These are most important. In this group, we have bananas and pineapples. They are shipped from tropical countries and are eaten all over the world.

Next come the subtropical fruits. The most important of these are the citrus fruits. Oranges, tangerines, limes, and grapefruit are favorites. Other fruits in this class are figs, dates, and olives.

The last group comes from the temperate zone. In this group are pears, apples, grapes, and plums. Many kinds of berries fit this group, too.

Fruits are very important to the human diet. Besides being tasty, they provide important acids, salts, and vitamins. Also, they are easy to digest. Nutrition experts say that the more fruit people eat, the healthier they become.

Down through the centuries fruit has played a part in tales and history. In a Greek myth, Hercules sent Atlas to pick "golden apples" to pay for a crime. Today we believe these golden apples were oranges. During the 1700's, British ships began to carry limes. It was found that sailors who drank the lime juice did not get sick. Since that time, British sailors have been called "limeys."

The peach also has an exciting history. It has been a world traveler. Its journey began many, many centuries ago. Peaches were first grown in China. From China, traders of long ago carried peach trees to Persia. From there, Alexander the Great brought the fruit to Europe. From Europe, Spanish ships carried peaches to the New World.

Through the years, fruit trees and plants have been improved. Today's fruits are bigger. They also taste better. Different kinds of fruits are often being bred. We now have fruit that can travel to all parts of the world and still stay fresh. Even after traveling for some time, these new fruits keep the vitamins and minerals that are so good for our diet. Fruit will always be prized as a basic food that now can be enjoyed the whole year round.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A.Most people enjoy eating fruit.

B.Fruit can be grown almost all over the world.

C.There are less than a hundred kinds of fruits.

D.There are three groups of fruits.

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更多“Of all the foods we know, frui…”相关的问题
We get energy from the foods we eat. Our food supplies energy to keep our organs worki
ng. Our food also supplies heat to warm our bodies.

The main energy foods are the carbohydrates (碳水化合物). These are sugars and starch (淀粉). Wheat and rice are rich in starch and many fruits and vegetables contain considerable amount of sugar. Sweets, honey and jam are also rich in sugar.

Like carbohydrates, fats are food that provides us with energy. Butter, margarine, certain types of fish, eggs, cooking oils and most red meats are rich in fats. Fats can be stored in various parts of the body as reserves of energy. Because fats in general are slowly digested, they satisfy hunger for long periods.

Proteins (蛋白质) are very complex substances. The body needs proteins for the growth of new cells and for the repair and replacement of old cells. Foods rich in proteins are essential to a balanced diet. Milk, some vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, cheese, grains and nuts are some foods rich in proteins.

A good diet will contain a variety of foods so that the body contains all the minerals it needs for good health.

Vitamins are necessary for the proper working of the body. If we eat a variety of foods, we can be sure of obtaining all the vitamins we need.

Water makes up about 70 per cent of the weight of the human body. The average adult needs about two liters of water daily to replace the water the body loses.

If equal weight of the following substances is “burned” in the body, the largest amount of energy is produced by().




D、mineral salts

?Read the job advertisement below.?In most of the lines 34-45, there is one extra word. It

?Read the job advertisement below.

?In most of the lines 34-45, there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LE'I-I'ERS on your Answer Sheet.


For all the diversity of the people who work at WP Foods, there is one single thing that unites to us all: a passion to create something special

34. and a determination to be the best in whatever we do. We've been

35. producing high-quality foods for over than a century, and we travel to the

36. ends of all the earth to create the next generation of foods and drinks so

37. as to give delight our millions of customers. And thanks to our dedicated

38. staff, our much-loved brands just keep getting on better. We are now

39. seeking to appoint as innovators to manage a number of new teams in

40. the organisation. Applicants must have qualified a research degree in

41. Food Technology plus at least four years' industrial experience. We

42. need people with a high level of their team spirit who show themselves

43. be capable of explaining technical concepts to non-technical people.

44. Those appointed will spend significant amounts of time in other countries

45. for seeking new ingredients, but will also have a major influence on change throughout the business.


Should We Eat Living Foods or Dead Foods?Why should this question arise?Because the people

Should We Eat Living Foods or Dead Foods?

Why should this question arise?

Because the peoples of America and the world suffer grievously from widespread disease. Recent research has revealed that the quality of nutrients we put into our bodies determines the quality of our lives. We are all aware that engines perform. well or poorly, depending upon the quality of the fuel used. Few of us realize that food quality directly determines our physical and mental performance abilities.

I frequently receive phone calls and letters that go like this: Is it okay to eat corn? Potatoes? Bread? Prepared cereals? Beans? Tofu? And many other substances which must be cooked in order to be eaten.

What questioners really meant was why these foods aren't okay? I must then tell them of the many evils and curses that result from the eating of foods that have been heat deranged(扰乱). I tell them: "If you can't relish(享受) it in the fresh raw state, you shouldn't be eating it at all. " To save myself a lot of letters and communications, I will, in this article, spell out many of the salient reasons why "dead" foods should never enter the human mouth.

The First thing I do with writers and callers is present the benefits of the living food enormous diet. For instance I might say: Living food eaters have more energy and stamina.

Then I get the inevitable "why" which is a way of saying "prove it." I proceed to heighten their curiosity with further statements like:

Those who live on living foods are better rested and better slept in less time.

Those who eat most living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically.

Those who undertake the eating of live foods, especially in conjunction with an exercise regime(生活方式), experience drastic weight loss. This is great for those people who need to lose weight.

Those who rely upon living foods become more active and precise in their motions and actions as well as their thoughts. Hence they perform. much better and with more competence.

Living food eaters are less subject to stresses and nervous tensions than conventional eaters. Moreover, if an exercise regime of 15 to 30 minutes a day is followed, they are even less subject to stress.

Living food eaters become virtually sickness-free!

Of course a great deal of skepticism is often expressed after all, they need dispensation(特赦) as well as justification for their love affairs with pizza, bread, potatoes and so on. They may even tell me that this is all just anecdotal, that is, just like old wives tales. I then tell them: "Why not try it yourself and experience the wonderful results. Then you can tell your own experiences anecdotally just as you are now anecdotally expressing your skepticism." Then I proceed to start putting the clinchers(关键性的话) on my case as follows:

In nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by nature. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments.

Only humans regularly and .consistently suffer premature death. Natural death in humans is so rare that it isn't even listed as a cause of death in our almanacs or statistics.

Then the question often arises: "What's so terrible about cooking foods? Everybody does it."

To which I respond: "Just about everybody has cavities, poor eyesight that requires glasses, colds and other sicknesses, don't they?" Then I answer further with some statements and citations that are obviously true:

Cooking is a process of food destruction from the moment heat is applied to the foodstuff.

Long before dry ashes result, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand for just a moment into boiling water, or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just




In the ginseng trial the researchers tested the potency of ginseng__________A.that led th

In the ginseng trial the researchers tested the potency of ginseng__________

A.that led the researchers in Duke’S School of Nursing to study it

B.by giving different dose of the herb to patients with different cancers

C.whether the foods and supplements patients took every day were good or not

D.though both flaxseed and ginseng are all healthy alternative medicines

E.that either of them iS benefieial to cancer patients

F.because we still have to see if flaxseed can prevent prostate cancer

听力原文:The food we eat seems to have produced profound effects on our health. Although s

听力原文: The food we eat seems to have produced profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that eight percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is relined to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon (结肠). Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illness became of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates (硝酸盐) and nitrites (亚硝酸盐), commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, caused cancer. Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult to know which things on the packaging labels of processed foods are helpful or harmful. The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and administered to animals not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animal in order to obtain a higher price on the market, Although the Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly tried to control these procedures, the practices continue.


A.It has made many additives.

B.It has caused most cancers.

C.It makes some cultures more prone to cancer.

D.It has made many foods unfit to eat.

In the ginseng trial the researchers tested the potency of ginseng__________A. that led t

In the ginseng trial the researchers tested the potency of ginseng__________

A. that led the researchers in Duke’S School of Nursing to study it

B. by giving different dose of the herb to patients with different cancers

C. whether the foods and supplements patients took every day were good or not

D. though both flaxseed and ginseng are all healthy alternative medicines

E. that either of them iS benefieial to cancer patients

F. because we still have to see if flaxseed can prevent prostate cancer

Infrared Scanning TechnologyHow do we get more young people to increase their consumption

Infrared Scanning Technology

How do we get more young people to increase their consumption of iron-rich foods? Many nutritionists are advocating the fortification of a number of foods. This may help, but I contend that we should also intensify our efforts in nutrition education among our young people. I simply do not believe the argument that it is futile (徒劳的) to try to change eating habits. Once an intelligent person--and this includes adolescents--understands the need for a healthy diet, I think he 6r she will act accordingly. As for specific actions: I suggest that blood hemoglobin (血红蛋白) should be checked as a routine part of a youngster's yearly physical. It should contain at least 11 grams per 100 milliliters of blood for a girl and at least 12 grams for a boy. If it is any lower, the physician probably will prescribe an easily absorbed iron supplement.

Adolescents--and everyone else--should cut out highly processed foods and drinks, which may be how in iron and other nutrients. Read the labels for iron content. Especially make sure that all bakery products are made with enriched flour or whole grains. Try adding liver, chicken, beef, veal or any other variety to the weekly menu.

Finally, even when you're trying to lose weight, always eat a sensible, well-balanced diet made up of a variety of fresh of very lightly processed foods. This way, you stand a good chance of getting not only enough iron, but also adequate amounts of all the other essential nutrients.

The author recommends that young people ______.

A.check blood hemoglobin yearly

B.be on a strictly vegetarian diet

C.lose weight

D.do some more studies on hemoglobin

When we speak of a human need, we mean somethingwhich is unnecessary to life, something we

When we speak of a human need, we mean something

which is unnecessary to life, something we can live with. 【M1】______

Food is a human need. We will starve to death if there 【M2】______

were no food on earth; but even if we have plenty of food,

but of the wrong kind, our bodies will have problem from

lack of the right food. This is known for malnutrition (营 【M3】______


In countries where are not developed, man's food 【M4】______

needs are the same like in the most advanced societies. We 【M5】______

all need food and could live a good life on very few types of

food. People in very developed countries eat only the kinds 【M6】______

of food which can be grown near their homes, whereas

people in developed countries eat foods which are often

grown many thousands of miles away form. their homes.

People in undeveloped countries are happy with less

different kinds of foods than people in very developed ones

are, so we can say that despite the needs of the two kinds 【M7】______

of people are the same, their wants are different. People in

very developed countries eat many different types of

meat--they could live by only one, but they would be very 【M8】______

unhappy because every time what they ate was the same.

Even such special foods like chicken would be less fun to 【M9】______

eat if you had them every day. But we can't just live on

meat--we need other kinds of food like bread, rice, and

vegetables which are no more necessary to our bodies. 【M10】______


Food and Health The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although sci

Food and Health

The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon (结肠). Different cultures are more likely to develop certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates (硝酸盐)commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, accused cancer. Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin(青霉素) to beef and poultry(家禽),and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drags are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, hut for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.

As a result of scientific intervention (介入) ,some harmful substances have been added to our food.



C.Not mentioned

All of us eat everyday, but most of us don't understand nutrition (营养). We often make mi

All of us eat everyday, but most of us don't understand nutrition (营养). We often make mistakes in talking about good diet.

For example, many people think that food, such as rice, bread and potatoes, will make one grow fat. In fact, those food are very good to one's health. They are good sources of many vitamins (维他命). And in comparison with steak and beef, they contain less amount of calories.

Some people don't like canned or frozen vegetables, because they think fresh vegetables cooked at home are always better. This is again wrong. In fact, whether the vegetables are good or not depends more on how they are prepared. Overcooking, for example, destroys many good qualities of vegetables. Vegetables cooked in too much water can lose a large amount of vitamins.

It is widely believed that extra vitamins provide more energy. But taking more than the body needs doesn't make it function better.

It is also wrong to say that vegetables grown in poor, worn-out soil are lower in vitamins than vegetables grown in rich soil. The vitamins in our foods are in the plants themselves. They don't come from the soil. However the minerals in a plant depend on the minerals in the soil.

In short, there are many false ideas about nutrition. We need to correct them.

This passage is mainly about ______.





The primary consideration in achieving a balanced diet is not how much or how little we ea
t, but what we eat. The body is a highly complex self-generator, that is to say, provided it is given the right fuel, it is capable of both curing and warding off disease. Like any other machine, however, if it is inexpertly cared for, over-taxed or insufficiently used, it will become rusty, sluggish or clogged and parts of its mechanism may even grind to a halt. The proper care of the body requires an understanding of its needs, allowing for variations resulting from climate, age or occupation. To keep in good running order, the body requires the raw materials for growth and the replacement of tissues when necessary. Our bodies burn food like fuel to produce the energy we need.Basically we need carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, together with regular but not excessive exercise.

Carbohydrates are found in foods such as bread, potatoes and sugar. They are excel- lent energy producers, but if eaten too excess may be largely converted to fat and a reduction in the amount of carbohydrates or "starchy' foods is one of the obvious ways to reduce weight, since most of us eat too much of them anyway. Protein, found in meat and cheese, is used for tissue building and in the developed countries most people eat about ll0g daily, which is a good deal more than the recommended minimum of 70g a day. In underdeveloped countries where food is scarce and periodical famine may occur, children in particular suffer from protein deficiency, since this is the material most need- ed for growth. Animal fats, e. g. butter, are also good sources of energy, but are some- times held to cause increased cholesterol levels in the blood (which may lead to fatty de- posits in the arteries) and are therefore best avoided by people suffering from certain forms of heart disease, vegetable fats being recommended as a substitute.

Vitamins are another essential requirement for health. There are about forty known vitamins, but the most generally referred to are A, B, C, D and E. Deficiency of Vita- min A, found in carrots, liver, etc., is alleged to affect the vision and the skin and re- duce resistance to infection. Vitamin C, present in nearly all fruit, particularly oranges and other citrus fruit, has come to be regarded as particularly effective in the prevention of colds and low energy states and claims have recently been put forward regarding the efficacy of large doses of Vitamin C in the treatment of certain mental illnesses.

Among the minerals we need, the most important are calcium, iron and iodine. Milk is one of the richest sources of calcium, which helps to build our bones and our teeth. Lack of iron in the blood produces anaemia and children and others suffering from anaemic conditions are generally advised to increase their intake of iron, which may be found in liver, molasses and dates among other foods.

In any diet, natural foods are best. In the Western world, at least, we have become increasingly dependent on "convenience foods": frozen peas, tinned meat and fish, ready-to-eat meals from the supermarket, anything which is quick to prepare, looks more or less appetising and satisfies our immediate hunger. We have ceased to care that most of what we eat has had the goodness processed out of it. We rely on pills to supply what our food lacks. We ignore the preservatives, artificial coloring and additives in the packaged foods we buy. In the kind of world we live in, however, there is, of course, no quick, easy answer.

Climate and work play an important part in diet. People in hot climates require fewer carbohydrates than those in colder regions, and those engaged in heavy manual labor or physical exertion, such as dockers or athletes, require more protein to keep them fit for their work. We are all individuals and a balanced diet must take into account genetics, environment, employment and, last but not least, emotional stress. Te

A.a generator

B.regular replacement of its mechanisms

C.a balanced diet and excessive exercise

D.a balanced diet and regular exercise

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