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The researchers ___many types of nuts in their analysis.





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听力原文:W: It's so cold now, but this morning it was so hot and sunny. I wish there was a
way I could always be wearing the most suitable clothes for the temperature.

M: I recently read that in ten years we'll wearing clothes that change with the weather. So when it's cold, our clothes will warm up, and when it's hot, our clothes will cool off.

W: Oh, very funny. So we'll be wearing huge clothes with built-in air conditioners and heaters.

M: I'm serious. Researchers have discovered a method of treating fibers with plastic crystals which can store and release heat as the temperature changes. These treated fibers absorb more heat than untreated fibers. Researchers are still working with this, but soon this process will be widespread.

W: That's fascinating. I didn't know that fibers could store heat. How does that work?

M: These fibers work with the heat by rearranging their structures.

W: That's truly unbelievable. You said that it'll be a decade before this type of clothes will be available. What a shame! I don't think I can wait that long.

What's the man's first reaction to what the woman describes?

A.He is shocked.

B.He is excited.

C.He is upset.

D.He is doubtful.

听力原文:M: We've got three women researchers in our group: Mary, Betty and Helen. Do you
know them?

W: Sure. Mary is active and sociable. Betty is the most talkative woman I've ever met. But guess what? Helen's just the opposite.

Q: What do we learn from the woman's remark about Helen?


A.Helen is quiet.

B.Helen is talkative.

C.Helen is sociable.

D.Helen is active.

听力原文:M: It's so cold now, but this morning it was so hot and sunny. I wish there was a
way! could always be wearing the most suitable clothes for the temperature.

W: I recently read that in ten years we'll be wearing clothes that change with the weather. So when it's cold, our clothes will warm up, and when it's hot, our clothes will cool off.

M: Oh, very funny! So we'll be wearing huge clothes with built-in air conditioners and heaters.

W: I'm being serious! Researchers have discovered a method of treating fibers with plastic crystals capable of storing and releasing heat as the temperature fluctuates. These treated fibers absorb more heat than untreated fibers. Researchers are still working with this, but soon this process will be widespread.

M: That's fascinating. I didn't know that fibers had the capability of storing heat. How does that work?

W: These fibers work with the heat by rearranging their structures. The treated fibers move back and forth between two solid shapes.

M: I don't understand. What kind of shapes do they change into?

W: When the weather gets warmer, the crystals take on cube shapes and absorb heat. When the weather gets cooler, the crystals become cooler and come back to their original structure.

M: That's truly unbelievable. You said that it'd be a decade before this type of clothes will be available, What a shame! I don't think I can wait that long.


A.He is indifferent.

B.He is doubtful.

C.He is disgusted.

D.He is alarmed.

听力原文:M: American researchers have made a discovery that might help them better underst
and the mysterious sense of smell, VOA's Jessica Bermon reports.

W: There are about a thousand protein receptors in the nose that tell the brain what it's smelling. Each receptor can detect one or more odors but scientists have never before linked a specific odor molecule to a particular receptor. Writing in the journal Science, researchers at New York's Columbia University report doing just that with a meat odor and a receptor in the noses of rats. Steward Fairstine led the team of investigators. He says humans arc capable of discerning something like ten thousand different odors. Mrs. Fairstine says the research might also tell scientists more about brain chemicals and hormones which are part of the same family as odor receptors. Jessica Bermon, VOA news, Washington.

The research was done by scientists at ______.

A.New York University

B.Columbia University in New York

C.Washington University

D.Harvard University

听力原文:M: Did you watch" Undersea Discovery" last night?W: No, I missed it. Did you?M: Y

听力原文:M: Did you watch" Undersea Discovery" last night?

W: No, I missed it. Did you?

M: Yeah. It was pretty good--it was about barnacles.

W: Hmm.

M: You know how they stick themselves to stuff in the ocean-like rocks or boats?

W: Uh-huh.

M: Well, they do that when they're young, and then they stay in the same place forever.

W: It figures. Have you ever tried removing one of those things? Last summer I tried to scrape some off a pier—I had to give up after a while. You'd think they wouldn't be able to stick like that underwater.

M: Yeah. These biomedical researchers were talking about its possible uses. Orthopedists could use it for mending broken bones; or it could be used in dentistry.

W: I wish I'd seen that.


A.The reproductive cycle of barnacles.

B.A new source of protein.

C.Types of sea animals.

D.The adhesive quality of barnacles.

The ocean is heating up. That&39;s the conclusion of a new study that finds that Earth&3
9;s oceans now (27)heat at twice the rate they did 18 years ago. Around half of ocean heat intake since 1865 has taken place since 1997, researchers report online in Nature Climate Change.

Warming waters are known to (28)to coral bleaching(珊瑚白化) and they take up more space than cooler waters, raising sea (29). While the top of the ocean is studied, its depths are more difficult to (30)The researchers gathered 150 years of ocean temperature data in order to get better (31)of heat absorption from surface to seabed. They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th century (32)of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes. The extensive data sources, (33)with computer simulations(计算机模拟), created a timeline of ocean temperature changes, including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming from fossil fuel (34).

About 35 percent of the heat taken in by the oceans during the industrial era now residents at a (35)of more than 700 meters, the researchers found. They say they&39;re unsure(36)whether the deep-sea warming canceled out warming at the sea&39;s surface.

A absorb

B combined

C contribute

D depth

E emission


G explore




K level


M picture

N unsure

O voyage

Drug Reactions m a Major Cause of DeathAdverse drug reactions may cause the deaths of over

Drug Reactions m a Major Cause of Death

Adverse drug reactions may cause the deaths of over 100,000 US hospital patients each year, making them a leading cause of death nationwide, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"The incidence of serious and fatal adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in US hospitals was found to be extremely high," say researchers at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada.

They carried on an analysis of 39 ADR-related studies at US hospitals over the past 30 years and defined an ADR as "any harmful, unintended, and undesired effect of a drag which occurs at doses used in humans for prevention, diagnosis, or therapy."

An average 6.7% of all hospitalized patients experience an ADR every year, according to the researchers. They estimate that "in 1994, overall 2,216,000 hospitalized patients had serious ADRs, and 106,000 had fatal ADRs." This means that ADRs may rank as the fourth single largest cause of death in America.

And these incidence figures are probably conservative, the researchers add, since their ADR definition did not include outcomes linked to problems in drug administration, overdoses, drug abuse, and therapeutic failures.

The control of ADRs also means spending more money. One US study estimated the overall cost of treating ADRs at up to $4 billion per year.

Dr. David Bates of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, believes that healthcare workers need to pay more attention to the problem, especially since many ADRs are easily preventable. "When a patient develops an allergy or sensitivity, it is often not recorded," Bates notes, "and patients receive drugs to which they have known allergies or sensitivities with disturbing frequency." He believes computerized surveillance systems — still works-in-progress at many of the nation's hospitals — should help cut down the frequency of these types of errors.

Researchers at the University of Toronto believe that

A.ADRs have caused medical problems, though they seldom lead to death.

B.ADRs have very often caused patients to die in Canada.

C.ADRs have caused many deaths in America over the past 30 years.

D.it is easy to prevent ADRs from happening.

A new study uses advanced brain-scanning technology to cast light onto a topic that 【M1】__

psychologists have puzzled over more than half a century: social conformity. The study 【M2】______

was based on a famous series of laboratory experiment from the 1950's by a social psy 【M3】______

chologist, Dr. Solomon Asch. In those early studies, the subjects were shown two cards.

On the first was a vertical line. On the second were three lines, one of them the same length

with that on the first card. Then the subjects were asked to say which two lines were 【M4】______

like, something that most 5-year-olds could answer correctly. But Dr. Asch added a twist. 【M5】______

Seven other people, in cahoots with the researchers, also examined the lines and gave

their answers before the subjects did. And sometimes these confederates unconsciously 【M6】______

gave the wrong answer. Dr. Asch was astonished at what happened next.. After thinking 【M7】______

hard, three out of four subjects agreed with the incorrect answers given by the confederates 【M8】______

at least once. And one in four conformed 50 percent of the time. Dr. Asch, who died

in 1996, always wondered about the findings. Did the people who gave in to group do so

knowing that their answers was right? Or did the social pressure actually change their

perceptions? The researchers found that social conformity showed up in the brain like 【M9】______

activity in regions that are entirely devoted to perception. But independence of judgment

m standing up for one' s beliefs M showed up as activity in brain areas involved in emotion,

the study found, suggesting that there be a cost for going against the group. 【M10】______


听力原文:M: Did you watch undersea Discover), last night?W: No, I missed it. Did you?M: Ye

听力原文:M: Did you watch undersea Discover), last night?

W: No, I missed it. Did you?

M: Yeah, it was pretty good...It was about barnacles.

W: Hmm.

M: You know how they stick themselves to stuff in the ocean ... like rocks or boats?

W: Uh—huh.

M: Well, they do that when they're young, and then they stay in the same place forever.

W: It figures. Have you ever tried removing one of those things. Last summer I tried to scrape some off a pier...I had to give up after a while. You'd think they wouldn't be able to stick like that undcrwater.

M: That's one. reason scientists are-trying to figure out what their glue's made of. It's one of the strongest adhesive in nature, and it's a natural protein, so it probably wouldn't be harmful like some synthetic glues.

W: Really?

M: Yes. these biomedical researchers were talking about its possible uses. Orthopedists could use it for mending broken bones; or it could be used in dentistry.

W: I wish I'd seen that.


A.The reproductive cycle of barnacles.

B.A new source of protein.

C.Types of sea animals.

D.The adhesive quality of barnacles.

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The method for making beer has chang

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The method for making beer has changed over time. Hops (啤酒花),for example, which give many a modem beer its bitter flavor, are a (26)_______ recent addition to the beverage. This was first mentioned in reference to brewing in the ninth century. Now, researchers have found a (27)_______ingredient in residue (残留物)from 5,000-year-old beer brewing equipment. While digging two pits at a site in the central plains of China, scientists discovered fragments from pots and vessels. The different shapes of the containers (28)_______ they were used to brew, filter, and store beer. They may be ancient “beer-making tools,” and the earliest (29_______ evidence of beer brewing in China, the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To (30)_______ that theory, the team examined the yellowish, dried (31)_______ inside the vessels. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were from cereal crops like barley (大麦),and about 10% were bits of roots, (32)_______lily,which would have made the beer sweeter, the scientists say. Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn&39;t become a (33)_______food in central China until about 2,000 years ago, according to the researchers. Based on that timing, they indicate barley may have (34)_______ in the region not as food, but as (35)_______material for beer brewing.

A) Arrived

B) consuming

C) direct

D) exclusively

E) including

F) inform

G) raw

H) reached

I) relatively

J) remains


L) staple

M) suggest

N) surprising

O) test

【C1】______nearly a hundred years of powered flight, scientists are still trying to figure

【C1】______ nearly a hundred years of powered flight, scientists are still trying to figure out how birds fly.

Researchers have learned that the slapping noise pigeons make when they suddenly take off is the sound of super charged lift. They call it the "clap fling" effect.

Here at SRI International scientists try to duplicate the pigeons' thrust. A flashing strobe reveals the secret.

Scott Stanford, a scientist at SRI, says, You re looking at the clap fling effect, where the two wings will come together and peel apart 【C2】______ each other, thus augmenting lift 【C3】______ drawing air from the top to the bottom. "

This mechanical bug won't get off the ground. 【C4】______ its flapping wings demonstrate a potential propulsion system for robotic birds: man-made rubbery muscle.

Roy Kornbluh works at SRI. "There, I'm turning the voltage on and off, and you can see when the voltage is on, the material is larger 【C5】______ when the voltage is off."

Super computers show high-speed airflows over supersonic aircraft.

But scientists have only begun to see how air flows 【C6】______ really low speeds.

Professor Max Platzer of the Naval Postgraduate School, says, "The flapping wing is generating a thrust, this way, this is the basic physics of the phenomenon."

It's pelicans--not pigeons--the Navy is looking at. The Navy is looking at the smooth easy flight of pelicans low over water--called "ground effect." Researchers at the Naval Postgraduate School are trying to imitate the pelican's efficiency.

Assistant Professor Kevin Jones of the Naval Postgraduate School says, " 【C7】______ flapping the wings, symmetrically, we're 【C8】______ effect imitating ground effect. We now have the same feature a bird sees when it's flying, over a ground plane."

An electric motor drives the flapping wings. Researchers here are working 【C9】______ ways to beam power to the tiny bird.

David Jenn of the Naval Postgraduate School says, "There's no battery inside of here, so we're going to set this inside the radar beam, and the energy is extracted from the radar beam and will be used to propel the motor."

Scientists are learning it's one thing to build an airplane, 【C10】______ quite another to build a bird.


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