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&8226;You have just received a telephone call for your colleague,Sue Benton,who is away fr

om her desk.A sales representative,John Smith,frOm Barton's & Co has been delayed.He cannot get to a meeting with Sue,but thinks he can get there later.He has given you his mobile number and would Iike Sue to call him back.

&8226;Write a message for your colleague saying:

&8226;who has called

&8226;why he wilI be Iate

&8226;when he can get there

&8226;what he wants Sue to do

&8226;Write 30-40.words.

&8226;Write on your Answer Sheet.

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更多“&8226;You have just received a…”相关的问题
You have just joined a company as the new Computer Skills trainer. You are organizing a me
eting on Monday 2nd June to introduce yourself to the staff:

&8226;Write a memo of 40-50 words to the staff:

&8226;Saying where and when the meeting will be.

&8226;Asking all staff to attend.

&8226;Write on your answer sheet.

&8226;You are the manager of Arvon Industrial Park and you here just received the letter b
elow from FNT Ltd, a potential customer.

&8226;Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.

&8226;Then, using all your handwritten notes, write a letter of reply to FNT Ltd.

&8226;Write 120-140 words.

&8226;You are the manager of Arvon Industrial Park

&8226;you are an Assistant Sales Manager who has just handle the enquiry that Mr. Lin, Reg
ional Sales Manager passed to you on Friday.

&8226;Write a memo to Mr. Lin.

&8226;Telling him that you have dealt with the problem

&8226;Informing him of the content of the enquiry from Mr. E. King who wants a special wholesale discount

&8226;Telling him the discount that you could offer to Mr. King

&8226;Write 40--50 words on a separate sheet.

&8226;you are an Assistant Sales Manager who has j

&8226;You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merg
ed with a competitor to become Mason Golding. You have been asked to inform. staff of the change of name.

&8226;Write a memo of 40-50 words:

&8226;informing staff of the new name

&8226;telling them when to start using the new name

&8226;asking staff to use only the new name after that time.

Answer ONE of the questions 2, 3, or 4 below.1. &8226;You have just completed a six-week p

Answer ONE of the questions 2, 3, or 4 below.

1. &8226;You have just completed a six-week period working at a different branch of your company. The head of department you normally work for has asked you to prepare a report evaluating the usefulness of the experience.

&8226;Write the report, including the following information:

&8226;what your duties involved

&8226;the benefits and drawbacks of the experience

&8226;advice for colleagues preparing for a similar experience.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

2. &8226;The Human Resources Director of the company you work for is keen to improve the way in which the company recruits new staff, and has asked you to propose an improvement.

&8226;Write a proposal for the Director, including the following information:

&8226;the problems caused by the current system of recruitment

&8226;your idea for a new method

&8226;the likely benefits of the new method

&8226;any possible disadvantages of the new method.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

3. &8226;The company you work for is currently investing heavily in systems to 'improve the quality of its products.

&8226;Write a letter to your key customers explaining:

&8226;why this decision has been taken

&8226;what changes will be made within your company

&8226;how customers will benefit from these changes.

&8226;Write 200-250 words on a separate sheet.

How to approach Speaking Test Part Three&8226;In this part of the test you work with the o

How to approach Speaking Test Part Three

&8226;In this part of the test you work with the other candidate. The examiner gives you a scenario and a task to discuss. You need to have a serious discussion of the task, with the type of interaction which would be appropriate to a work environment.

&8226;You and the other candidate should try to imagine yourselves in a work environment, faced with a real situation to discuss, on which you should try to reach some decisions.

&8226;You have about 30 seconds to prepare your ideas. Use this time to ensure you understand the task. Ask the examiner to explain anything you are unsure of.

&8226;Listen to the other candidate and respond to what they say. Do not just give your own opinions, or simply agree with the other candidate.

&8226;Try to make more than just basic comments.

&8226;Following your discussion with the other candidate, the examiner will ask you questions on the same topic. Develop your answers, and give examples to show what you mean. Listen to what the other candidate says.

1. Practise discussing this task and answering the questions that follow.

Promotional video

The company you work for has decided to produce a promotional video about the company and its activities.

You have been asked to make suggestions about the video. Discuss the situation together, and decide:

&8226;which aspects of the company should be shown in the film

&8226;which members of staff should appear in the film.

Follow-up questions:

&8226;Have you seen examples of effective promotional videos?

&8226;What are the advantages to a company of having a promotional video?

&8226;What other forms of promotion are effective?

&8226;Might there be some forms of promotion which would not be effective?

&8226;Do you think technology is changing the ways companies promote themselves?

&8226;Read the article below about telephone skills.&8226;For each question 31-40 write on

&8226;Read the article below about telephone skills.

&8226;For each question 31-40 write one word in CAPITAL LE'I'I'ERS on your Answer Sheet.

How to deal with difficult people on the phone

One of the skills required of today's successful business people is the ability to deal with difficult people on the phone. The Reed Employment agency has come (31) with some advice to help business people get the best from the caller.

First of all, accept that people can be rude when they are (32) pressure. Try to find out (33) they are angry - even if you have to guess. And, importantly, never get angry back. Many problems are caused by a simple misunderstanding. Therefore it is essential (34) remain calm so that you can get to the root of the problem and thus have (35) better chance of resolving it, Understand that maintaining your calm is much easier than it sounds - but you can prepare (36) designing a strategy. Most call centres train staff (37) these techniques; other office workers need to train themselves. The trick is to be really nice back (38) that they end up thanking you for your help, understanding and assistance.

Secondly, listen carefully and empathise with the person making the comlaint. You don't (39) to compromise your company or your colleagues just because you show understanding. Agree to a course of action and stick to it and, finally, always try to be courteous. Sometimes you are the one (40) will have to apologise and you just have to accept that.


听力原文:Man: I just wanted to say well done for getting that contract. You did a great jo
b and we know it wasn't easy. What would you say to a celebratory meal? I know a very good restaurant near here. I'm sure we could get a table for lunch if you're free.

&8226;You will hear another five recordings.

&8226;For each recording, decide the reason for the telephone call.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay the recordings.


A.book a table

B.cancel a meeting

C.place an order

D.sell something

E.offer a lift

F.congratulate someone

G.check an address

H.make an appointment

听力原文:Dave. Hi, this is Helen, Sorry this is late notice, but I just need to update you
on the trip to Bern there've been some changes. First, Something for your briefcase. We're holding prices on the list at the same level as last year, but with all the product changes, you do need to have the latest catalogue with you. And, on top of talking to the marketing people, you'll need to set up a meeting with someone I've just found out they've appointed a new IT co-ordinator, so you'll need to organise a session with him, obviously. And it's vital that you set aside some time to go through the strategy document carefully - it's got to be agreed soon, before we set the new targets. And finally - sorry there's so much! - they've been carrying out some market research, so be sure, once you've done your presentation, you remember to say you want to see the findings should be interesting. 01~ well that's it for the time being.

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear an answerphone message about arrangements for a business trip.

Conversation One

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear an answerphone message about arrangements for a business trip.

Bern trip - changes

need to take (1) ........................

have meeting with the (2) ........................

important to check the (3) ........................

ask to see results of (4) ........................

How to approach Speaking Test Part Two&8226;In this part of the test you give a short talk

How to approach Speaking Test Part Two

&8226;In this part of the test you give a short talk (approximately one minute) on a business topic.

&8226;You choose one of three topics. Each one is in the form. of a question beginning What is important when ... ? There will be two words or phrases to help you develop your ideas, but it isn't essential to use these.

&8226;You have I minute to prepare your ideas. In this time make brief notes to give you a structure and some key words.

&8226;When you talk, make the structure clear, for example by giving a brief introduction and conclusion, and using linking words and phrases to introduce each section.

&8226;Speak to both the examiner and the other candidate, and listen to what the other candidate says. You will have to ask the other candidate a question about their presentation after they have spoken.

&8226;Remember that you are being tested on your ability to speak in English, not on your knowledge of specific areas of business, so if you don't know much about a topic, just say what you can about it.

1. Practise preparing short talks on the topics below and on the next page.

Task Sheet One


Advertising a product or service

- Appropriate media

- Competition




Preparing to attend a conference

- Information about the speakers

- Planning the journey




Setting targets

- Staff morale

- Planning



2. Task Sheet Two


Managing staff

- Motivation

- Experience




Attracting investment

- Strategic planning

- Public relations




Preparing for a product launch

- People involved

- Costs



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