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No one would willingly ______ himself ______ such indignities.A.subject; toB.submit; toC.d

No one would willingly ______ himself ______ such indignities.

A.subject; to

B.submit; to

C.dedicate; to

D.prefer; to

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更多“No one would willingly ______ …”相关的问题
The priest asked the only listener if he would be willing to have a shortened service. Thi
s suggests ________.

A.he preferred a short one

B.he wanted to leave soon

C.the only listener couldn't arouse his spirits

D.he was a priest fond of only short prayers

As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct ac
ts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence producers who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value, that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton, or how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties'desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or not keen on fish.

Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacture of a person could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage; even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on would involve obvious disadvantages-imagine a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

Using money as a medium of exchange means that______.

A.you have to sell something in order to buy something

B.you have to buy something in order to sell something

C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

I have been asked on occasion whether I would like to live my life over again. On the whol
e it has been a pretty good life, perhaps better than most peoples, but I should see no point in repeating it. It would be as idle as to read again a detective story that you have read before. But supposing there were such a thing as reincarnation, belief in which is explicitly held by three quarters of the human race, and one could choose whether or not one would enter upon a new life on earth, I have in the past sometimes thought that I should be willing to try the experiment on the chance that I might enjoy experiences which circumstances and my own idiosyncrasies, spiritual and corporeal, have prevented me from enjoying, and learn the many things that I have not had the time or the occasion to learn.

?Read the article below about how to build your career.?Are sentences 16-22 on the opposit

? Read the article below about how to build your career.

? Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong' ? If there is not enough infor-mation to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't Say'.

? For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

Building Your Career

At one time in the United States, joining an organization meant you would most likely be employed with that same organization for life. You would start at the bottom step of the hierarchy and, through seniority, climb the ladder to success. Today the average person beginning a career in the United States will probably work in tan or more jobs for five or more employers before retiring. So getting a job after graduation is only one step toward building your career.

Employers am seeking people who are able and willing to adapt to diverse situations, who thrive in an ever-changing workplace, and who continue to learn throughout their careers. Employers want team players with strong work records. So try to gain skills you can market in various industries. Join networks of professional colleagues and friends who can help you stay informed of where your occupation, industry, and company are going. As you search for a permanent job that fulfills your career goals, take interim job assignments, consider temporary work or freelance jobs. Employers will be more willing to find (or even create) a position for someone they've learned to respect, and your temporary or freelance work gives them a chance to see what you can do.

American people used to change jobs frequently.



C.Doesn't Say

As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct ac
ts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence products who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding the cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of One in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value--that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton, or how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties' desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or is not keen on fish. Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged in only one stage in the manufacture of product could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage; even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on end would involve obvious disadvantages--imagine a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

Using money as a medium of exchange means that _________.

A.you have to sell something in order to buy something

B.you have to buy something in order to sell something

C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

Flight attendants, who start as low as $ 12,000 per year, are paid meagerly. No question.

But for all the rhetoric stirred by last month's strike against American Airlines, few have dared to breathe perhaps the key question—a 60-year-old question. Are flight attendants indispensable guardians of passengers' safety and well-being? Or, are they flying waitresses (85% are women) and waiters who are becoming less important to passengers willing to sacrifice frills for cheap fares? Fright attendants find the second suggestion repugnant. "We're very highly trained in first aid and CPR," says Wendy Palmer, an American Air fines flight attendant based in Nashville, "Our goal is to evacuate an airplane in a minute or less. That's what we're there for. In the meantime, we do serve drinks and food. "

"But maybe the time has come to let the free market determine if passengers value flight attendants enough to pay for them," says Thomas Moore, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Customers willing, there's no reason airlines can't hand out sandwiches and soft drinks as passengers board. Then they could be on their way with, perhaps, one safety expert on board.

"I'd suspect some people would be willing to pay dirt-cheap fares," says Bill Winter, spokesman for the Libertarian Party, an opponent of government regulation, "Other (airlines) would go in the opposite direction and there would be three attendants for each flier. "

Already millions of passengers have shown an eagerness to sacrifice service for lower fares. Southwest Airlines, which doesn't offer meals or assigned seating, has been the fastest-growing and most profitable airline in the industry. Southwest never staffs a jet with more attendants than the Federal Aviation Administration requires.

The FAA requires at least one flight attendant for every 50 seats. A 122-seat Boeing 737 must have three flight attendants even if it's flying only a few passengers. Union contracts often require more. Among its demands, American Airlines wants the option of staffing its jets at the FAA minimum.

No other form. of transportation falls under such rigid government control. Passengers aboard Amtrak and Greyhound aren't even required to wear seat belts. But climb aboard a Boeing 757, and you not only have to be strapped in, but four specialists are there to supervise a rare evacuation.

The National Safety Council estimates that 1 in 2.2 million people are killed in airline crashes each year. There are about 90,000 airline flight attendants employed by U. S. carriers. They cost the airlines $ 2.7 billion a year, assuming they average $ 30,000 per year in salary and benefits. If they save 100 lives per year, each life costs $ 27 million.

Dee Maki, National president of the Association of Flight Attendants, says 100 saved lives is a gross underestimate. No one tracks the actual number, but Maki says more than 100 heart-attack victims are saved each year by attendants.

Maybe one on-board attendant is all that's needed for safety, says Moore, an opponent of government regulation. "I don't know. But the FAA undoubtedly makes the wrong decision. Government always makes the wrong decision because they don't have the right information.

John Adams, former vice president of human resources for Continental Airlines, doubts that deaths would increase much if the number of flight attendants were cut in half. "Flying is very safe. It's much safer than riding a bus or a train," he says.

No one doubts that flight attendants have a tough job. They make about 20% what pilots make and often less than baggage handlers. Stuck in a metal tube for hours with cramped passengers battling nicotine fits, they are constantly being driven to go the extra mile for customer service.

They have to worry about policies concerning theft wei

A priest (牧师) had to give services in several churches every Sunday, and one of them was

A priest (牧师) had to give services in several churches every Sunday, and one of them was in the center of a big city where there were lots of offices, but where very few people hived. As a re- suit, hardly anyone ever went to this church on Sunday. The priest used to go there in a taxi, and one Sunday he arrived as usual and told the taxi-driver to wait while he read the service. When he entered the church, he found that there was only one man there, so he inquired whether he would be willing to have a shortened service.

"No," replied the man firmly and without any hesitation, "I' d like to have the full service, without omitting anything.”

When the priest said the last prayer(祈祷) and left, he discovered that the man in the church had been his taxi driver, whose meter (计程器) had been adding up the expense throughout the service.

How did the driver possibly go into the church?

A.He went with the priest.

B.He followed the priest.

C.He went through another door by running.

D.He went into the church faster before the priest while he did not notice him.

听力原文:I'm afraid there's no way we can allow you to use any part of any of our client p
rojects in your portfolio, I'm sorry. Having said that, I do recognize that having samples to provide as part of a portfolio is important, so if you can do it while protecting our client's confidentiality, I'm willing to be a little flexible. One thing I've suggested to others in the past is to mock up something that is similar to the client's materials, but that strips out proprietary content and logos. In addition to stripping out proprietary content and logos, the other thing you need to do is to not distribute your portfolio electronically, for example, on web sites, or through e-mail, etc. I would limit the portfolio to one-on-one distribution, preferably by regular mail, to industry folks who are interested in working with you.

What is the speaker mainly discussing?

A.Designing effective company logos

B.Developing a personal portfolio of work

C.Trying to work in an unfamiliar industry

D.Handling difficult job interview questions

听力原文:Economic experts say that the world economy should improve some this year. They s

听力原文: Economic experts say that the world economy should improve some this year. They say there will be exploding economic growth in most of Asia. There will be moderate economic growth in the United States and Canada, and there will be little or no growth in Europe and Japan, but China is expected to have the most economic growth this year, probably ten percent.

The New Year is expected to bring more underpayment in industrial countries. The organization for economic Cooperation and Development says about 35 million people in its 24 member countries could be without jobs by the middle of the year. That would mean an average unemployment rate in industrial countries of about eight and one hall per cent. Unemployment in some European countries, however, could be much higher. It could climb to eleven and one half percent. Economic experts in the United States say the American economy will continue to expand. They say Americans are feeling sure that economic conditions are improving. This means they are willing to spend more money. Economic experts also think American industries will invest more money to increase production.


A.There will be exploding development in economy.

B.There will be moderate growth.

C.Them will be stagnation actually.

D.There will be no growth at all.

It was expected by Futron Corp thatA.not all the rich people would be willing to take the

It was expected by Futron Corp that

A.not all the rich people would be willing to take the survey.

B.many rich people would be interested in space travel.

C.very few rich people would prefer the longer flight.

D.some rich people would suggest a price cut for the flight.

How Do American Consumers Borrow ?Young consumers often have not established their credit

How Do American Consumers Borrow ?

Young consumers often have not established their credit ratings. Many do not have steady incomes. They might have difficulty borrowing money from an agency in business to make loans. Parents or relatives are usually their best source of loans. Of course, the parents or relatives would have to have money available and be willing to lend it. You might even get an interest-free loan. However, a parent or relative who lends should receive the same interest as any other lender.

There are disadvantages in borrowing from parents or relatives. One is that they may not insist on you paying back the money by a certain time. As a result, you might let the loan drag on. This is especially true if you are not required to pay interest. This is not a way to develop good credit habits.

For most consumers, the cheapest place to borrow is at a commercial bank. Banks are a good source of installment loan which may run for 12 months or up to 30. Most banks also make single-payment loans to consumers for short periods--30,60 ,or 90 days.

The newest type of bank loan is one that a depositor can get simply by writing a check. It is usually called something like "ready credit" or "reserved checking." It works like this. A depositor is given a limited amount of credit, usually between $500 and $1,000. He or she may write checks up to the amount allowed. Once a check has been written, the amount of the check becomes a loan. Usually no charge is made for interest until the loan is made. A typical interest rate is 3 cents per $100 per day, or just under I percent a month. Suppose that you used $100 of your credit and repaid it in 30 days. The cost would be 90 cents. If you repaid it in 10 days, the cost would be only 30 cents.

The advantage of borrowing from a bank is that banks generally charge lower rates than most other lenders. One reason is that banks have more strict credit requirements than most other lenders. A consumer must have a fairly good credit rating to get a bank loan.

According to the first paragraph, young people ______.

A.have difficulty borrowing from their parents or relatives

B.can't get an interest-free loan from their parents or relatives

C.always borrow money from an agency

D.usually borrow from their parents or relatives

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