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听力原文:Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they

听力原文: Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they need advice, they don't usually ask people they know. Instead many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines, they can get advice on many different subjects, such as family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and how to buy a house or a car.

Most newspapers print letters from readers with problems. There are answers written by doctors, lawyers or educators. But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work. One of them is called "Dear Abby" by readers and the other is called "Dear Ann Landers". Experience is their preparation for giving advice.

What will most Americans do when they need advice?

A.Turn to their parents.

B.Write to newspapers and magazines.

C.Ask people who they don't know.

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更多“听力原文:Most Americans don't like…”相关的问题
听力原文:Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But

听力原文: Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered.

The Roman emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China.

Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles I enjoyed that treat very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. Americans eat more than two billion quarts a year.


A.They think that ice cream is very new.

B.They know that ice cream is brought from Europe.

C.They think that ice cream was an American idea.

D.They don't know what ice cream is.

听力原文:Today, I ask you to focus on the challenges of the Information Age. The dimension
s of the Information Revolution and its limitless possibilities are widely accepted and generally understood, even by lay people. But to make the most of it, we must acknowledge that there are challenges, and we must make important choices. We can extend opportunity to all Americans or leave many behind.We can accelerate the most powerful engine of growth and prosperity the world has ever known, or allow the engine to stall.

What is the main topic of the passage?

A.Opportunities for All Americans

B.Challenges of the Information Age

C.Engineering and Industrial Revolution

D.Progress and Prosperity

听力原文:Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Without a car most of pe

听力原文: Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Without a car most of people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor he doesn't feel really poor when he has a car.

Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers. He probably didn't know how much the car was going to affect American culture. The ear made the United States a nation on wheels. And it helped make the United States what it is today.

There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States. First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form. of the transportation.

The second reason is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form. of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world.

The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don't like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don't like to follow an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time. And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.


A.When they don't have a job.

B.When they don't have a car.

C.When they can't afford a house.

D.When they live in a large city.

听力原文:W: I heard that your family arrived yesterday, didn't they?M: Yes, they did. W: T

听力原文:W: I heard that your family arrived yesterday, didn't they?

M: Yes, they did.

W: That's good! Dr. Morrison, your family is now in China with you. You won't miss them, then. To talk about the family, I want to ask you some questions about American families. Er. . . Do you most Americans live in "small families" or "big families"?

M: In the United States, most people normally choose to live in "small families", but we call them "nuclear families".

W: What is the average size of a nuclear family?

M: Well, it depends on the number of children, because the nuclear family consists of a husband, a wife and children. However, if there are no children, then the husband and wife are the nuclear family. Of course, there may be only one parent due to a death, separation or divorce. In this ease, the nuclear family is the single parent and children.

W: Are there any big families in the United States?

M: Oh, you mean the extended family. No, not many. Most Americans, both the elderly and the young couples prefer to live in their own homes.

W: Since most Americans live in nuclear families rather than in extended families, the majority of the elderly do not see their children and their relatives, do they?

M: Wall, people often make such assumptions, but that is not the case according to recent sociological research.

W: Oh, what's that?

M: The recent research shows that more elderly people in the United States live within ten minutes of their children by car than in Denmark, and over 78 percent of the elderly have seen their children within a week.

W: Now I've got a general idea about American family structure. Thank you.

M: You're welcome.

Most Americans prefer to live in

A.big families

B.small families

C.nuclear families

D.middle size families

听力原文:M We're here talking with small business expert, Wendy Stevens. Wendy, a recent n
ational poll says that 85 percent of Americans prefer small businesses to large ones. What do you think?

W I'm not surprised, Jerry. Most people like the friendly service of small businesses.

M 85 percent is high. Do you know why they prefer small businesses?

W Yes, most people associate good things, such as friendly, personal service, with small businesses. Not to mention, Americans have always had a pioneering spirit.

Who is Ms. Stevens?

A.An economist

B.A stock analyst

C.A business expert

D.A local business leader

听力原文:Today, I'm pleased to announce that starting on July 1 for the very first time, m
edicare will cover tests and education for Americans with diabetes. With this announcement today, the 20 percent of older Americans with diabetes will be able to take preventive steps to help them and their families avoid the pain and loss that can come when this disease is undetected and untreated.

What can be concluded from the passage?

A.Medical tests and education for Americans with diabetes are not covered by the present healthcare schemes.

B.If you are 20 years old or more, you are more likely to suffer from diabetes.

C.Family help is the more important and most effective in detecting and treating diabetes.

D.In the US, July 1 is a day of celebration for hospital staff, nurses and patients.

听力原文:About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of eve

听力原文: About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States. Some people go on diets. This means they eat less of certain foods, especially fats and sugars. Other people exercise with special equipment, take diet pills, or even have surgery. Losing weight is hard work, and it can also cost a lot of money. But why do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

Many people in the United States worry about not looking young and attractive. For many people, looking good also means being thin. Other people worry about their health. Many doctors say being overweight is not healthy. But are Americans really fat?

Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent more than their ideal weight. In fact, the United States is the most overweight country in the world. "The stored fat of adult Americans weighs 2.3 trillion pounds," says University of Massachusetts anthropologist George Armelages. He says burning off that stored energy would produce enough power for 900,000 cars to go 12,000 miles.

Losing weight is hard work, but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat. Bookstores sell lots of diet books. These books tell readers how to lose weight. Each year, dozens of new books like these are written. Each one promises to get rid of fat.


A.To cat nothing.

B.To work hard.

C.To have surgery.

D.To cost a lot of money.

听力原文:W: The Americans came from America. That's easy, isn't it?M: I'm sorry to say you

听力原文:W: The Americans came from America. That's easy, isn't it?

M: I'm sorry to say you are wrong! The Americans came from almost every part of the world. That's to say, mare than 230 million people now call America home, but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. That's why America has long been known as a "melting pot". It is believed that the first to arrive were the American Indians. They came titan Asia in very ancient times, more than 10,000 years ago. There used to be millions of them, but today they only number about 850,000. Half of them live on special land of their own in 31 states, while the others have "melted" in with the rest of America's 230 million people.

W: Do the American Indians have anything to do with the Indians of India?

M: No, nothing. As a matter of fact, the American Indiana came from Siberia.

W: Then, why do people call them Indians?

M: Because when Christopher Columbus made his historic voyage in 1492, he expected to reach India. So he called the people of the New World "Indians" and Indian is the name that has remained till now.


A.Because Americans love melting pot.

B.Because Americans came from almost every part of the world.

C.Because America is famous for melting pot.

D.Because America contains a large number of people.

听力原文:Professional sports are very popular in the United States,and they are big busine

听力原文: Professional sports are very popular in the United States,and they are big business.The most popular sports are baseball,football and basketball.Each has its own season,and millions of supporters.Professional teams are named after the cities where they are located Their strongest supporters live in these cities When a team plays in a championship game,most people in the city follow the game with interest and enthusiasm.Basketball is well known around the world.Professioal basketball games in the United States are played indoors during the winter months. From November to April one can find a professional basketball game several nights a week in most large American cities.Baseball is an American sport.It has been called the national pastime.The game is played in the evenings nearly every day of the week and on weekends as well.The season begins in April and finishes with the World Series in October.Football has become the most popular professional sport in the U.S.It is played on Sundays during the fall from August to January.American football is different from interational football,which Americans call soccer.Both games require strength and specialized skills. Professional athletes are very well paid.The most famous athletes make millions of dollars for their playing skill. America'S best athfetes have higher salaries than the country's president.


A.They are supported by the local government.

B.They are named after the cities where they live.

C.Their players gathered from all over the country.

D.They play professional basketball games in November only.

听力原文:American visitors to Eastern Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how Asian cu

听力原文: American visitors to Eastern Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how Asian cultures and customs differ from those in the United States. What's considered typical or proper social conduct in one country may be regarded as odd, improper or even rude in the other. For example, people from me Eastern Asian countries may begin a conversation with a stronger by asking personal questions about family, home or work. Such questions are thought to be friendly, whereas they might be considered offensive in the United States. On the other hand, people in most Asian cultures are far more guarded about expressing their feelings publicly than mast Americans are. Openly displaying annoyance or anger, yelling, arguing loudly and so forth is considered illmannered in countries such as Japan. Many Eastern Asians prefer to hold their emotions in check and instead express themselves with great politeness. They try not to be blunt and avoid making direct criticisms. In fact, they often keep their differences of opinion to them selves and merely smile and remain silent rather than engage in a confrontation. By comparison, Americans are often frank about displaying both positive and negative emotions on the street and in other public places. Americans visiting Asia should keep in mind that such behavior. may cause offense. A major difference between American culture and most Asian cultures is that in Asia, the community is more important than the individual. Most Americans are considered a success when they make a name for themselves.


A.By displaying their feelings and emotions.

B.By exchanging their views on public affairs.

C.By asking each other some personal questions.

D.By greeting each other very politely.

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