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Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?A.The salesman from London.B.The two girl

Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?

A.The salesman from London.

B.The two girls inside the car.

C.The man standing nearby.

D.The driver of the sports car.

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更多“Who did Paul think was to blam…”相关的问题
Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?A.The two girls.B.Himself.C.The man who g

Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?

A.The two girls.


C.The man who got into the car.

D.The driver.

Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?A.The driver of the sports car.B.The two

Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?

A.The driver of the sports car.

B.The two girls inside the car.

C.The man standing nearby.

D.The salesman from London.

听力原文:M: Why did Molly give Tim flowers?W :I think yesterday was Tim's birthday. Who ga

听力原文:M: Why did Molly give Tim flowers?

W :I think yesterday was Tim's birthday.

Who gave Tim flowers?

A.The man.



听力原文:M: Why did Mary give Jim flowers?W: I think yesterday was Jim's birthday. Who gav

听力原文:M: Why did Mary give Jim flowers?

W: I think yesterday was Jim's birthday.

Who gave Jim flowers?

A.The man.



听力原文:M: Welcome to my house!W: Well, Mr. Robinson, I' m greatly surprised with all the

听力原文:M: Welcome to my house!

W: Well, Mr. Robinson, I' m greatly surprised with all the work you've done on your house. (19)How long have you been working on it?

M: (19)I first became engaged in Do-it-yourself work several years ago. You see, my son Paul is disabled since childhood. (21)He's always in the wheelchair and(20)I just had to make some changes for him to the house.

W: Then, what sort of changes did you make?

M: First of all, some practical things to help Paul. Just imagine the problems a disabled person would have in your house. We need a large house with wide corridors so that Paul could move from one room to another as he like.

W: What else did you do?

M: By the time I'd altered everything for Paul, Do-it—yourself work had become a hobby of mine. I really enjoyed doing things with my own hands.

W: What are you working on now?

M: I've just finished the kitchen. (21)Now I'm building an extension so that Paul will have a large room on the ground floor where he can work.

W: I heard that you have got a prize of $10 000 in the Do-it-yourself Competition. How are you going to spend it?

M: (22)I'm hoping to start my oven business soon so that I can convert ordinary houses for disabled people. I think I've become an expert on the subject.


A.For several months.

B.For seven years.

C.For a year or two.

D.For several years.

听力原文:W: Did you read that letter in the newspaper about smoking? The person who wrote
that must be crazy.

M: I don't think so. I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking.

W: Maybe so. But a law prohibiting cigarettes would do no good.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A man.

B.A letter in the newspaper.

C.A law.

D.The government.

听力原文:W: I thought the actor who played the role of Julius Caesar was very good.M: I ag

听力原文:W: I thought the actor who played the role of Julius Caesar was very good.

M: I agree, but I thought they all did a terrific job.

Q: What docs the man think of the actors' performance?


A.They were all great.

B.They were all terrible.

C.Some were good.

D.Only one was good.

听力原文:W: Well, I'm very impressed by all the work you've done on your house, Mr. Miller
. How long have you been working on it?

M: I first became interested in do-it-yourself several years ago. You see, my son Paul is disabled. He's in a wheelchair and I just had to make alterations to the house.

W: Have you had any experience of this kind of work?

M: No. I got a few books from the library but they didn't help very much. Then I decided to go to evening classes so that I could learn basic carpentry and electrics.

W: What sort of changes did you make to the house?

M: First of all, practical things to help Paul. Just imagine the problems a disabled person would have in your house. We need a large house with wide corridors so that Paul could get from one room to another. We didn't have much money and we had to buy this one. It's over ninety years old and it was in a very bad state of repair.

W: Where did you begin?

M: The electrics. I completely rewired the house so that Paul could reach all the switches.

W: What else did you do?

M: By the time I'd altered everything for Paul, do-it-yourself had become a hobby. I really enjoyed doing things with my hands.

W: What are you working on now?

M: I've just finished the kitchen. Now I'm building an extension so that Paul will have a large room on the ground floor where he can work.

W: There's a $10,000 prize for the Do-it-yourself competition. How are you going to spend it?

M: I'm hoping to start my own business so that I can convert ordinary houses for disabled people. I think I've become an expert on the subject.


A.He likes to do things with his own hands.

B.He wants to make things easier for Paul.

C.His house was in a very bad shape when he bought it.

D.He wants to save money.

听力原文:W: Paul, did you place that order for Mr. Tremblay? We want to get his office set
up as soon as possible.

M: Yes. I managed to find ail of the desk equipment with our usual supplier, but for some of the special pens and the calendar he wanted, I had to call the other place.

W: I'm afraid it's going to be too expensive to do two small orders. The company that has the pens and the calendar should have all of the desk equipment, too. See if you can cancel the first order, and buy everything from one place. If the order is big enough, they should give us free shipping.

M: Okay, I'll call them as soon as possible and sort that out. They usually don't ship them right away anyway.

Who is the order for?

A.A new employee.

B.A client.


D.The president.

听力原文:M: You know these people who want to visit the company? W: Yes. You are meeting t

听力原文:M: You know these people who want to visit the company?

W: Yes. You are meeting them next week, aren't you?

M: Hum. Where should I take them, the office perhaps?

W: I suppose you prefer this office because it is more comfortable.

M: Well. I did think here, yes. But maybe the factory somewhere.

W: I think they prefer to see where our products are made.

M: OK, I'll meet them there.

When will the man meet these people wanting to visit the company?

A.This week.

B.Next month.

C.Next week.

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