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听力原文:M: York Police Station. Can I help you?W: It's about my daughter, Cathy. She went

听力原文:M: York Police Station. Can I help you?

W: It's about my daughter, Cathy. She went to school this morning and...

M: Just a moment, your name and address, please?

W: I'm Helen Brown, 32 Sun Road.

M: Thank you, Now Mrs. Brown, what exactly is the matter?

W: Well, my little daughter Cathy, left home this morning at about a quarter to nine. Then her teacher telephoned me about an hour ago and asked if Cathy was ill. I said, "No, why?" And then she said, "Well, Cathy hasn't come to school yet." So I said I didn't know where she was. The a I decided to ring you.

M: Quite fight, Perhaps she went to visit a friend? Have you asked your neighbors ?

W: Yes, I have. You rung all the neighbors and they haven’t seen her, and their children are all at school.

M: I see. Now, let's have a few details. How old is Cathy?

W: She's eight.

M: And what docs she look like?

W: She's got fair hair, long fair hair with a ribbon in it, a red ribbon. Er, she's got blue eyes.

M: And what's she wearing?

W: She's wearing a gray coat and brown shoes, red pants and a red sweater. Yes, that's right.

M: We'll do our best to find her, Mrs. Brown. I expect she's just playing truant. Now you keep calm and we'll telephone you as soon as we find her.

W: Thank you. Goodbye.

M: Goodbye, Mrs. Brown. And try not to worry.

Why does the woman make the call?

A.Because she just wants to say hello.

B.Because she wants to tell the policeman what her daughter looks like.

C.Because her daughter is playing truant and she can't fried her.

D.Because her daughter is missing.

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更多“听力原文:M: York Police Station. C…”相关的问题
听力原文:The United States says it will officially ask France to return an American man wa

听力原文: The United States says it will officially ask France to return an American man wanted for killing a doctor 3 years ago in New York State. French police arrested James Cope Thursday in France. He is charged with killing a doctor who helped women end unwanted pregnancies. The head of America's Federal Bureau of Investigation Louis Free says the United States will work closely with France.

Q: When did French police make the arrest?


A.On Thursday.

B.On Tuesday.

C.On Friday.

听力原文:W: Are you going to New York tomorrow?M: Yes. I thought I'd drive or fly, but I d

听力原文:W: Are you going to New York tomorrow?

M: Yes. I thought I'd drive or fly, but I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper and more convenient than driving or flying.

How will the man get to New York?

A.By car.

B.By plane.

C.By bus.

听力原文:W: So, how long have you lived in New York?M: All my life. I was born hero. Sound

听力原文:W: So, how long have you lived in New York?

M: All my life. I was born hero. Sounds like you're new in town.

W: Two months. I just moved here from Michigan. Sounds like you're new in town.

M: Wow! That's a big change. New York must be quite a shock.

W: Well, not exactly. I lived here once before, when I went to the graduate school. So, I guess you could say that I'm used to life in New York, if that's possible.

M: When did you live hero?

W: Oh, let's see.... it must have been about eight years ago. Boy, the city sure has changed since then.

M: I suppose so. I mean, they've really cleaned up Times Square. It used to be so dirty. I mean, now it's just full of tourists.

W: Yeah. And the subways seem to run more on schedule now.

M: Basically, I think the city is safer anywhere you go, probably because we have so many more police officers on the street.

W: Oh, that's for sure! You know, though, one thing I can't get used to is the noise especially those garbage tracks! They come at five in the morning and are so loud. The noise wakes me up every time!

M: I guess I've lived hero so long I don't hear it anymore. I can sleep through just about anything. You know the one thing I am tired of—the weather. I mean, I'm so sick and tired of these long, cold winters. I'm thinking aobut moving next year.

W: Really?

M: Yeah. I mean, like I said, I've lived hero all my life, and I feel like I need some kind of change. You know, a new environment. It's time to get out of New York.

W: Hmm. Not me! I love the nightlife: the theater and the great restaurants. I can't wait to get out to discover all that New York is offering!


A.Since he was born.

B.Since his early childhood.

C.Two years.

D.Two months.

听力原文:W: A police man saw you go through that red light.M: It was yellow. Anyway he tur

听力原文:W: A police man saw you go through that red light.

M: It was yellow. Anyway he turned left at the last comer.

Q: What will the driver probably do now?


A.Pay a traffic ticket.

B.Continue to drive.

C.Let the passenger out.

D.Park at the corner.

听力原文:M: Excuse me. I'm new in town and I'm looking for the closest laundry.W: That's n

听力原文:M: Excuse me. I'm new in town and I'm looking for the closest laundry.

W: That's no problem. Take a right at the next corner. Continue four blocks, and there is one next to the police station.

Q: What is the man looking for?


A.A drug store.

B.The police station.

C.A map of the town.

D.A place to wash his clothes.

听力原文:M: Ontario and upper New York State have lots of orchards, don't they?W: Yes, man

听力原文:M: Ontario and upper New York State have lots of orchards, don't they?

W: Yes, many types of fruit grow near the Great Lakes because of the northern climates.

Q: According to the woman, why does fruit grow in Ontario and New York?


A.The northern climate.

B.The water from the lakes.

C.The well. managed orchards.

D.The great northern terrain.

听力原文:M:George is going to work in New York for the summer.W:Can he do that and go to s

听力原文:M: George is going to work in New York for the summer.

W: Can he do that and go to summer school?

Q: What does the woman imply about George?


A.He decided not to attend summer school.

B.He may have difficulty working and studying at the same time.

C.He's working hard so that he can afford to go to New York.

D.He's teaching school this summer.

听力原文:M: Can we travel to New York together?W: Certainly, I'll pick you up at 2:00 and

听力原文:M: Can we travel to New York together?

W: Certainly, I'll pick you up at 2:00 and we should arrive in New York by 5:00 if the traffic isn't too heavy.

What means of transportation are the man and woman using?





听力原文:W: How much will it cost for my daughter and me to go to New York?M: It's $120 fu

听力原文:W: How much will it cost for my daughter and me to go to New York?

M: It's $120 full-fare and half-fare for your daughter since she is under 12.

Q: What is the total cost for both tickets?


A.$ 120.

B.$ 240.

C.$ 60.


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