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Japan and Germany have the world's oldest populations, but neithercountry has enou

gh trained health care workers to meet the needs of older adults.So, they are turning to Vietnam for help.This month, 100 young Vietnamese aregoing to Germany as part of a project to train what are called geriatric (老年的) nursesto work in the European country.The trainees recently completed a six-monthlanguage and culture class, they will spend the next two years in anoccupational training program.If the trainees pass the final exam, they willbe able to work in Germany as geriatric nurses for another 3 years.

Germany is facing a crisis as low birth rates combine with a growingpopulation of citizens who are living longer.About 20 percent of thepopulation is over the age of 65, and that percentage is expected to continuerising.

This is a problem Japan also faces.Later this year, 150 Vietnamesecandidates will go to Japan for two years of training at the country'shospitals, after that they are expected to take the national nursing exam.Japanalready trains nurses from the Philippines and Indonesia, but the health caresystem has been criticized for being too harsh.All candidates must take thesame exam, but it is very difficult for foreign applicants because few canspeak the Japanese language.

Even with an aging population, many Japanese are opposed toforeigners working in some industries.Critics say foreign labor could lead tohigher unemployment, but there is little opposition to foreign nurses.

In Vietnam, the situation is very different.60 percent of thepopulation was born after the Vietnam war ended in 1985.There are not enoughjobs for everyone who wants one in Vietnam, but learning the nursing skills canhelp them find jobs overseas.

16.The overseas Vietnamese nurses mustcomplete the following EXCEPT().

A.a culture course

B.a health care exam

C.a language training

D.a driving test

17.A Vietnamese youngster will spend at least()in Germany before working there as a geriatricnurse.

A.six months

B.one and a half years

C.two and a half years

D.five years

18.It is inferred from the passage that()inJapan.

A.the health care system is much more strict than that in Germany

B.the majority of nurses are from Vietnam,Indonesia and the Philippines

C.the Vietnamese who pass the national exams will be trained at hospitals

D.foreigners find it hard to pass nursing exams because few can speak Japanese

19.Faced with the aging population, manyJapanese().

A.welcome foreign nurses working in Japan

B.oppose foreign labor working in most places

C.criticize the government for being tooharsh

D.blame the government for highunemployment

20.The last paragraph indicates that().

A.the Vietnamese also face the agingproblem

B.over half of the Vietnamese are underthe age of 45

C.sixty percent people cannot find jobs inVietnam

D.more and more Vietnamese have found jobs abroad

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更多“Japan and Germany have the wor…”相关的问题
A.America and Spain.B.Russia, Japan and Cuba.C.Italy, Germany, Scandinavia and France.

A.America and Spain.

B.Russia, Japan and Cuba.

C.Italy, Germany, Scandinavia and France.

D.Portugal, India and Tunisia.

Which country is the second largest economy in the world?()A、ChinaB、JapanC、South KoreaD



C.South Korea


The consulting firm_______China as the seventh largest retail market in the world, behind
the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.





American students differ from those in Japan, Germany in thatA.they stay at school for a s

American students differ from those in Japan, Germany in that

A.they stay at school for a shorter time every day.

B.they do not learn as much as their counterparts abroad.

C.they devote less time to academic learning.

D.they earn a high school diploma more easily.

The problem that the population becomes aging ______ .A.is exceptional to GermanyB.has bec

The problem that the population becomes aging ______ .

A.is exceptional to Germany

B.has become universal

C.can be relieved in Japan with the shrinkage of its population to around 95 m

D.makes the economic outlook in the developed countries even more gloomy

以翻阅IMF出版的《国际金融统计》(International Financial Statistics)查找关于德国和日本的资料。

A high volume of foreign exchange intervention occurred in 1987 in connection with the Louvre accord.What data might allow you to tell whether a large portion of this intervention was sterilized? Try to find the relevant data for Germany and Japan in back issues of the IMF's International Financial Statistics.

LARRY SUMMERS, a Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, once said that "the world economy
is flying on one engine" to describe its excessive reliance on American demand. Now growth seems to be becoming more even at last: Europe and Japan are revving up, as are most emerging economies. As a result, if the American engine stalls, the global aeroplane will not necessarily crash.

American consumers have been the main engine not just of their own economy but of the whole world's. If that engine fails, will the global economy nose-dive? A few years ago, the answer would probably have been yes. But the global economy may now be less vulnerable. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, Jim O'Neill, the chief economist at Goldman Sachs, argued convincingly that a slowdown in America need not lead to a significant global loss of power.

Start with Japan, where industrial output jumped by an annual rate of 11% in the fourth quarter. Goldman Sachs has raised its GDP growth forecast for that quarter (the official number is due on February 17th) to an annualised 4.2%. That would push year-on-year growth to 3.9%, well ahead of America's 3.1%. The bank predicts average GDP growth in Japan this year of 2.7%. It thinks strong demand within Asia will partly offset an American slowdown.

Japan's labour market is also strengthening. In December the ratio of vacancies to job applicants rose to its highest since 1992. It is easier to find a job now than at any time since the bubble burst in the early 1990s. Stronger hiring by firms is also pushing up wages after years of decline. Workers are enjoying the biggest rise in bonuses for over a decade.

Higher incomes mean more spending: households spent 3.2% more in December than a year earlier. And according to Richard Jerram, of Macquarie Bank, retail sales rose in 2005 for the first full year since 1996. In other words, Japan's growth is becoming much less dependent on exports. The disappearance of deflation has also reduced real interest rates, giving further support to domestic demand.

Even the euro area is emerging from the doldrums. In Germany in particular, vigorous corporate restructuring has boosted productivity and profits. So far, however, this has been at the expense of jobs and wages, and hence of consumer spending—although with capital expenditure picking up, new hiring is likely to follow. Mr O'Neill suggests that Germany is where Japan was 18 months ago.

The Ifo survey of German business confidence also indicates that the recovery is spreading to consumers. Retailers' confidence in January rose to its highest for five years. The expectations component of the overall survey rose to its highest since November 1994. If the traditional relationship between Ifo's business-confidence index and GDP growth holds, then Germany's economy could grow this year by much more than most economists are forecasting.

For the first time in many years, Germany's domestic demand looks set to contribute more to growth in 2006 than its net exports will. Elsewhere in the euro area, domestic demand has been the main source of growth in any case. According to Morgan Stanley, since 1999 it has supplied 95% of the zone's GDP growth. These economies are therefore more resistant to external shocks than is generally thought.

Although Germany is leading the pack, businesses throughout the euro area are feeling perkier. The European Commission's survey of business sentiment rose healthily in January, to a level that could signal GDP growth of well above the consensus forecast of 2% for this year.

Alongside stronger domestic demand in Europe and Japan, emerging economies are also tipped to remain robust. These economies are popularly perceived as excessively export-dependent, flooding the world with cheap goods, but doing little to boost demand. Yet calculations by Goldman Sachs show that Brazil, Russia, India and China combined

A.Global growth is less lopsided than for many years

B.a comparison of economies of the three engines of the global airplane.

C.America's impact on the world's economy

D.The three economy's contribution to the world economy

听力原文:The discount chain store Wal-Mart began as a small shop in the US state of Arkans
as some 40 years ago. Today, it's the largest private company in the world.

The business' phenomenal growth is just one of its hallmarks. The statistics are startling: Wal-Mart has about 5,000 stores worldwide, and more than 1.5 million employees. In the fiscal year ending in January 2005, the company's sales revenues amounted to $256 billion. Besides its thousands of locations in the United States, Wal-Mart has some 1,300 stores overseas with locations in Mexico, Canada, Britain, Germany, Japan and China.

Which of the following statements is true of Wal-Mart?

A.Wal-Mart was already the largest private company 40 years ago.

B.Wal-Mart has about 5,000 stores in America.

C.Wal-Mart's sales revenues amounted to $256 billion in the fiscal year ending in January 2005.

D.Wal-Mart has 1,300 stores overseas with locations in Canada, Britain, France, Japan and China.

Kimiyuki Suda should be a perfect customer for Japan's car-makers. He's a young, successfu
l executive at an Internet-services company in Tokyo and has plenty of disposable 【B1】 . He used to own Toyota's Hilux Surf, a sport utility vehicle. But now he uses 【B2】subways and trains. "It's not inconvenient at all," he says. 【B3】 , "having a car is so 20th century. "

Suda reflects a worrisome 【B4】 in Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, 【B5】 among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices. 【B6】 mini-cars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is 【B7】 . Last year sales fell 6.7 percent, 7.6 percent 【B8】 you don't count the mini-car market. There have been 【B9】 one-year drops in other nations: sales in Germany fell 9 percent in 2007 【B10】 a tax increase. But experts say Japan is 【B11】 in that sales have been decreasing steadily 【B12】 time. Since 1990, yearly new-car sales have fallen from 7.8 million to 5.4 million units in 2007.

Alarmed by this state of 【B13】 , the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) 【B14】 a comprehensive study of the market in 2006. It found that a 【B15】 wealth gap, demographic (人口结构的) changes and 【B16】 lack of interest in cars led Japanese to hold their 【B17】 longer, replace their cars with smaller ones 【B18】 give up car ownership altogether. JAMA 【B19】 a further sales decline of 1.2 percent this year. Some experts believe that if the trend continues for much longer, further consolidation (合并) in the automotive sector is 【B20】.






Kimiyuki Suda should be a perfect customer for Japan’s car-makers. He’s young, su
ccessful executive at an Internet-services company in Tokyo and has plenty of disposable ____. He used to own Toyota’s Hilux Surf, a sport utility vehicle. But now he uses ____ subways and trains. “It’s not inconveient at all,” he says. ____, “having a car is so 20th century.”

Suda reflects a worrisome ____ in Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, ____ among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices. ____ mini-cars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is ____. Last year sales fell 6.7 percent, 7.6 percent ____ you don’t count the mini-car market. There have been ____ one-year drops in other nations: sales in germany fell 9 percent in 2007 ____ a tax increase. But experts say Japan is ____ in that sales have been decreasing steadily ____ time. Since 1990, yearly new-car sales have fallen from 7.8 million to 5.4 million units in 2007.

Alarmed by this state of ____, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA____ a comprehensive study of the market in 2006. it found that a ____ wealth gap, demographic (人口结构) changes and ____ lack of interest in cars led Japanese to hold their ____ longer, replace their cars with smaller ones ____ give up car ownership altogether. JAMA ____ a further sales decline of 1.2 percent this year. Some experts believe that if the trend continues for much longer, further consolidation (合并) in the automotive sector is ____.





When anti-globalization protesters took to the streets of Washington last weekend, they bl
amed globalization for everything from hunger to the destruction of home-grown cultures. And globalization meant the United States. The critics call it Coca-Colonization, and French sheep farmer Jose Bove has become a cult(狂热分子)figure since destroying a McDonald's restaurant in 1999. Contrary to conventional wisdom, however, globalization is neither homogenizing(使……同化)nor Americanizing the cultures of the world.

To understand why not, we have to step back and put the current period in a larger historical perspective. Although they are related, the long-term historical trends of globalization and modernization are not the same. While modernization has produced some common traits, such as large cities, factories and mass communications, local cultures have by no means been erased. The appearance of similar institutions in response to similar problems is not surprising, but it does not lead to homogeneity. In the first half of the 20th century, for example, there were some similarities among the industrial societies of Britain, Germany, America and Japan, but there were even more important differences. When China, India and Brazil complete their current processes of industrialization and modernization, we should not expect them to be exact copies of Japan, Germany or the United States.

Take the current information revolution. The United States is at the forefront of this great movement of change, so the uniform. social and cultural habits produced by television viewing or Internet use, for instance, are often attributed to Americanization. But correlation is not causation(原因). Since the United States does exist and is at the leading edge of the information revolution, there is a degree of Americanization at present, but it is likely to decrease over the course of the 21st century as technology spreads and local cultures modernize in their own ways.

Historical proof that globalization does not necessarily mean homogenization can be seen in the case of Japan. In the mid-19th century, it became the first Asian country to embrace globalization and to borrow successfully from the world without losing its uniqueness. Following the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan searched broadly for tools and innovations that would allow it to become a major power rather than a victim of Western imperialism. The lesson that Japan has to teach the rest of the world is that even a century and a half of openness to global trends dues not necessarily assure destruction of a country's separate cultural identity.

The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to ______.

A.report the progress of some new events

B.criticize extreme and violent actions

C.recall a certain period of American history

D.tell his readers not to be afraid of globalization

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