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Pruning is probably usually done to______.A.make the small branches thickerB.get rid of th

Pruning is probably usually done to______.

A.make the small branches thicker

B.get rid of the small branches

C.improve the shape of the tree

D.make the tree grow taller

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Trees should only be pruned (修剪, 整枝) when there is a good and clear reason for doing s

Trees should only be pruned (修剪, 整枝) when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and, fortunately, the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of overgrown and unwanted branches, and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way. First, pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut out diseased or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus causing wounds. The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air. One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease, but it is a wound that will heal. Often there is a race between the healing and the disease as to whether the tree will live or die, so that there is a period when the tree is at risk. It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce that risk of death as far as possible. It is essential to make the wound on the tree which has been pruned smooth and clean for healing will be slowed down by roughness. You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hours and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops produced especially for this purpose. Pruning is usually done in winter, for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without interference from the leaves and it is. too very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed. If this does happen, it is, of course, impossible to paint them properly.

Pruning is probably usually done to______.

A.make the small branches thicker

B.get rid of the small branches

C.improve the shape of the tree

D.make the tree grow taller

Why should pruning be done?A.To make the tree grow taller.B.To improve the shape of the tr

Why should pruning be done?

A.To make the tree grow taller.

B.To improve the shape of the tree.

C.To get rid of the small branches.

D.To make the small branches thicker.

Tress should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , the

Question 26 to 30 are based on the following passage .

Tress should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , the number of such reasons is small . Pruning involves the cutting away of overgrown and unwanted branches , and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from the tree to grow in its own way .

First , pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size . The object may be to get a tree of the right height , and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches , which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape . Secondly , pruning may be done to make the tree heavier . You may cut out diseased or dead wood , or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds . The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the center and so preventing the free movement of air . One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease , but it is a wound that will heal . Often there is a race between the healing and the disease as to whether the tree will live or die , so that there is a period when the tree is at risk . It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce that risk of death as far as possible . It is essential to make the area , which has been pruned smooth , and clean , for healing will be slowed down by roughness . You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hours and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops especially for this purpose . Pruning is usually done in winter , for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without interference from the leaves and also it is very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed . If this does happen , it is , of course , impossible to paint them properly .

26. Pruning should be done to _____.

A)make the tree grow taller . B) does not protect them form. the wind

C)get rid of the small branches D) make the small branches thicker .

27. Trees become unhealthy if the gardener_______

A)allows too many branches to grow in the middle

B)does not protect them from the wind

C)forces them grow too quickly

D)damages some of the small side branches.

28 . Why is a special substance painted on the tree ?

A)to make a wound smooth .

B)to prevent disease entering a wound .

C)to cover a rough surface .

D) to help a wound to dry .

29. A good gardener prunes tree ____

A) at intervals throughout the year

B) as quickly as possible

C) occasionally when necessary

D) regularly every winter

30 . What was the author’s purpose when writing this passage ?

A)to give practical instruction for pruning a tree

B)to give a gardener description of pruning

C)to explain how trees develop disease

D)to discuss different methods of pruning

A.He is probably a teacher.B.He is probably a bus driver.C.He is probably a swimming t

A.He is probably a teacher.

B.He is probably a bus driver.

C.He is probably a swimming trainer.

D.He is probably a manager.

听力原文:M: Hi, Clare.W: Hello, Alan, how are you?M: I'm fine, where are you going?W: Oh,

听力原文:M: Hi, Clare.

W: Hello, Alan, how are you?

M: I'm fine, where are you going?

W: Oh, I'm on my way home from work.

M: I didn't know you had a job.

W: Yeah. I got a part-time job at the supermarket.

M: What do you do there?

W: I work in the produce section, cleaning and wrapping fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes when it really gets busy, I work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Alan?

M: Yeah, I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, pruning trees, planting flowers, things like that.

W: I'd like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.

M: Sometimes it is, except when it rains, snows or gets too hot or too cold.

W: I guess every job has its drawbacks. There are times when I get pretty tired of carrying things around at my job. A job is a job. Got to earn money for school.

M: Me too, tuition sure is high, isn't it? Well, I'd better go now I have to plant some trees for my neighbors this afternoon.

W: Well, don't work too hard, holding a job, going to class, studying, sometimes can become mo much for one person. Take it easy.

M: You too. it was great seeing you. Clare.


A.She was going to the supermarket where she worked.

B.She was going home from the supermarket.

C.She was going to a store to buy some groceries.

D.She was returning to school.





How is the woman most probably feeling now?A.Relieved.B.Worried.C.Confused.D.Indifferent.

How is the woman most probably feeling now?





The word "elude" in the second paragraph probably means ______. A.help B.te

The word "elude" in the second paragraph probably means ______.

A.help B.tell

C.confuse D.answer

What will the woman probably do?A.She does not understand.B.She will probably go to Hong K

What will the woman probably do?

A.She does not understand.

B.She will probably go to Hong Kong with the man.

C.She will take the man to Hong Kong.

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