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The Greek alphabet was simpler than the Egyptian system for all the following reasons EXCE

PT that ______.

A.the former was easy to write

B.there were fewer signs in the former

C.the former was easy to spell

D.each sign stood for only one sound

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更多“The Greek alphabet was simpler…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Good morning, sir. What would you like?M: I'd like a red wine, please.W: Anyth

听力原文:W: Good morning, sir. What would you like?

M: I'd like a red wine, please.

W: Anything else?

M: What snacks have you got?

W: The menu is on the board over there. There's pancake, Greek salad, steak and chips...

M: I'll try the Greek salad, please. Do I pay now?

W: Oh, yes, if you would. That's 75 cents for the wine and $1.30 for the salad.

Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a night club.

C.In a supermarket.

听力原文:W: Wow!I do like this campus: all the big trees,the green lawns,and the old build
ings with tall columns. It's really beautiful.

M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the eighteenth century here.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.An art museum.

B.A beautiful park.

C.A college campus.

D.An architectural exhibition.

听力原文:W: Ah,I really like this campus.Look,all the big trees,the green lawns,and the ol
d buildings with tall columns.It's really beautiful.

M: It sure is.The Greek style. was popular in the 18th century here.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.A college campus.

B.A beautiful park.

C.An art museum.

D.An old building.

听力原文:W: Wow! I do like this campus: all the big trees, the green lawns, and the old bu
ildings with tall columns. It's really beautiful.

M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the eighteenth century here.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


A.An art museum.

B.A beautiful park.

C.A college campus.

D.An architectural exhibition.

听力原文:W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on the Greek my

听力原文:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to read some articles that are on the Greek mythology.

W: Are you the student of Professor Brown's class?

M: That's right. How do you know?

W: Well, you are not the first person coming in asking for those articles.

M: Oh, seeing as how I haven't read any of them yet, it doesn't really matter which one you give me first.

W: I'm afraid I can't give you any of them at the moment. They've all been checked out.

M: Are you kidding? All of them?

W: Every last one. I've asked Professor Brown already to bring in additional copies of the articles, but shortly after I put them on the shelves, some one will come and borrow them away. See that girl in the black sweater? She's been waiting for half an hour for these same articles to be returned.

M: And here I went out of my way to free out the whole afternoon to read.

W: I'm sorry, but there is not a whole lot I can do about it. All I can suggest is that you come in first thing tomorrow morning and try again, we open at eight.






People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years. The earliest pictures were p
ainted by people who hunted animals. They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill. Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain. No one knows why they were painted there. Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals. Or perhaps human beings have always wanted to tell stories in pictures.

About 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas, and also to represent the sounds of their language. The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet. The Egyptians used to record information and to tell stories by putting picture writing and pictures together. When an important person died, scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was buried. Some of these pictures are like modern comic strip stories. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip. But, for the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple. The ordinary people could not understand it.

By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write, and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system. This was because each sign, or letter, represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet. The Romans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world. These days, we can write down a story, or record information, without using pictures. But we still need pictures of all kinds: drawing, photographs, signs and diagrams. We find them everywhere: in books and newspapers, in the street, and on the walls of the places where we live and work. Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting.

According to the first paragraph, pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves because ______.

A.the pictures were thought to be helpful

B.the painters wanted to tell stories in pictures

C.the painters wanted to paint their hunted animals

D.both A and B

听力原文:W: Hi, Sam! Haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been these days?M: Hi, Lind

听力原文:W: Hi, Sam! Haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been these days?

M: Hi, Linda. I went to Paris on business and then I did some sightseeing there.

W: So you were in Paris. Tell me about it, will you?

M: Well, there's so much to say about it. I don' t know where to begin.

W: Tell me about the Eiffel Tower first.

M: Oh, it's great. It's the symbol of the city, you know. Hard to imagine how it was built over a hundred years ago.

W: Did you go to the top of the tower?

M: Sure. I dined at a restaurant on the top platform. and enjoyed the splendid view of Paris at night. The footlights on the magnificent buildings and palaces are so beautiful that the city has got a nickname of a City of Light.

W: What about the Louvre Palace? Did you go there?

M: How could I miss it! I spent a whole day inside and still couldn't finish seeing all its collections of world-famous treasures.

W: What treasures?

M: You must have heard about Mona Lisa, haven' t you?

W: Yes, of course. Did you see the original painting?

M: Yes. And I saw the Greek statue of Venus de Milo, too.

W: The Greek goddess of love? Oh, You're so lucky, Sam. I really wish I could have a chance to visit Paris.

M: You will, I'm sure. And there is the Arch of Triumph.

W: Is that the one that was built in Napoleon's time?

M: Well, it was Napoleon who started building it but the Arch was not completed until fifteen years after his death.

W: Where else did you visit in Paris?

M: I walked along the Seine River and enjoyed the views on both banks.

W: Did you take any pictures?

M: Yea. I took a great many. I'll show them to you and tell you more about the city.

W: That's great.


A.He was having a vacation in Paris.

B.He was visiting some friends in Paris.

C.He was visiting some famous sights in Paris while on a business trip there.

D.He was studying art in Paris.

The best title for this passage is ______.A.History of PicturesB.Pictures and Alphabet Sys

The best title for this passage is ______.

A.History of Pictures

B.Pictures and Alphabet System

C.Origin of Pictures

D.The Ancient Egyptians

A.A new dependence on people far away and money.B.The introduction of a new alphabet a

A.A new dependence on people far away and money.

B.The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.

C.Necessity of farming and hunting.

D.Large family units and money problems.

How long did it take Sequoyah to develop his alphabet?A.A few days.B.Several months.C.Twel

How long did it take Sequoyah to develop his alphabet?

A.A few days.

B.Several months.

C.Twelve years.

D.All of his life.

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