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Jane, I'd like to meet, on Tuesday, but if my plane's delayed I'll see you at Friday's mee

ting.John ______.

A.John has to postpone his meeting until Friday.

B.John will be late for his meeting on Tuesday.

C.John hopes to see Jane on Tuesday.

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更多“Jane, I'd like to meet, on Tue…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Would you like to go out for a walk with me?W: Don't you see I am doing my hom

听力原文:M: Would you like to go out for a walk with me?

W: Don't you see I am doing my homework now?

What is Jane doing?

A.Changing her clothes.

B.Doing her homework.

C.Having dinner.

听力原文:M: Jane, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Ellen.W: Glad to meet you, E

听力原文:M: Jane, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Ellen.

W: Glad to meet you, Ellen. Bob tells me you are interested in European art, too. In fact, he says that you plan to spend the summer in Italy.

Q: What do the girls have in common?


A.They will spend the summer in Italy.

B.They are both from Europe.

C.They are both students.

D.They are both interested in art.

Nov. Mr. Black,I shall be visiting Montreal on Thursday, Dec. 3rd., and would like to


Mr. Black,

I shall be visiting Montreal on Thursday, Dec. 3rd., and would like to take this opportunity to pay you a visit with a view to discuss the impending arrival of the delegation of our company.

May I suggest 10 : 30 a. m. on Tuesday, Dec. 8th, as a convenient time for my visit. If this time is unsuitable for you, please let me leave an alternative time.

Jane Gates

What is the main purpose of this note?

A.To inform. Mr. Black of Jane Gates' arrival on Thursday, Dec. 3rd

B.To discuss the impending arrival of the delegation of Ms. Gates' company

C.To inform. Mr. Black that Jane Gates would visit Montreal and want to discuss the delegation issue with him

D.To give a suggestion to Mr. Black

听力原文:M: Hey Jane, where are you going this weekend?W: Hi, Bob. I'm going to the beach

听力原文:M: Hey Jane, where are you going this weekend?

W: Hi, Bob. I'm going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to come, too?

M: Yeah, that sounds like fun. Which beach are you going to?

W: We were thinking about driving north to Grover% Beach. I like to watch the sea birds and wildlife there.

M: That sounds great! When do you plan to leave?

W: Well, I think at about four o'clock on Friday.

M: Do you have space for me in one of the ears?

W: Sure, we'll fit you into a car.

M: Great. Where should we meet?

W: Meet me on Friday in front of my house.

M: OK, I'll sec you then. Bye.



B.Sea birds.

C.A trip.


听力原文:Hello, Frank, this is Jane speaking. Do you remember Lucy's birthday? It is Octob
er the 16th, on Sunday. We are going to have a party for her and give her a great surprise. Would you like to plan with us for the great surprise? If you like, please contact with us. And then we are going to discuss some details about the party. OK, that's why I'm calling you. Call me when you're back.

Why dose Jane want to give a surprise for Lucy?

A.Because they are close friend.

B.Because they are classmates.

C.Because Lucy will graduate from school.

D.Because it's for Lucy's birthday.

听力原文:M: Jane, let' s go swimming over at the student center.W: I'd like to, Tom, but I

听力原文:M: Jane, let' s go swimming over at the student center.

W: I'd like to, Tom, but I have a paper due on Friday, and I haven' t even started it yet.

M: Just an hour. I've got a test tomorrow, so I won' t be able to stay very long.

W: I need the exercise , but I just can't spare the time.

M: Okay, How about dinner at the Grill.'? You have to eat sometime, and it' s right by the library. I'll go over there with you after dinner, and you can do your research while I study for my test.

W: Well.

M: Come on. You'll probably want to stay late, and you shouldn't walk home after dark. I'll stay until you're ready to go.

W: That would be nice, but...

M: Look, we really wouldn't be wasting any time. We'd just be doing everything we need to do, but we'd be doing it together. I just want to spend time with you.

W: Me, too. Okay. I need to go home first, then I'll meet you at the Grill about six. Is that all right?

M: That's great. We'll get everything done. You'll see.

What do Tom and Jane mainly discuss?

A.Tom's test.

B.Jane' s research paper.

C.Go swimming over at the student center.

D.Plans for the evening.

听力原文:M: Kelly, do I have many appointments today and tomorrow? What's on my schedule?W

听力原文:M: Kelly, do I have many appointments today and tomorrow? What's on my schedule?

W: Let me check. You have a dinner engagement with Mr. Greg. But this afternoon you are free. Tomorrow, you have a press conference starting at 10: 40.

M: OK, set up a meeting with Mr. White. for 9: 00 tomorrow. And I'd like to visit the Human Resource Department at 14: 00 this afternoon to meet our new manager. Is Jane free at that time?

W: Yes, she is. I will call her right now.

What does the woman do?

A.She is a clerk.

B.She is a manager.

C.She is a journalist.

D.She is a secretary.

听力原文:W1: Jane, I am starved. What do you say we go out and get some lunch first and fi
nish working on this report after we come back?

W2: That sounds like an idea, Susan. I was starting to feel a bit hungry myself. Hey, let's go and try something different today. I'm getting kind of tired of having the same food day after day.

W1: All right, do you have anything special in mind, or do you want me to suggest something?

W2: Well, I was thinking that we could go to that Thai restaurant Sean was telling us about the other day. He said the food is really good and spicy. It's been a long time since I had anything spicy, and you know how much I like spicy food.

Where is the conversation taking place?

A.At a restaurant.

B.In an office.

C.At the company cafeteria.

D.At Sean's place.

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill, you look happy.M: Yes, I've just seen a very funny film on TV.W: Wha

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill, you look happy.

M: Yes, I've just seen a very funny film on TV.

W: What was it about?

M: It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went. He couldn't do anything right.

W: So you like it?

M: Yes, I do. It made me laugh a lot.

W: But I'd rather see something not only interesting but also instructive.

M: Oh, Jane, don't be so serious. People sometimes need relaxation.

W: That's true. But I just think that watching TV is not just for entertainment.

What do we lean, about Bill?

A.He just got out of trouble.

B.He did something right.

C.tie enjoyed what he had done.

听力原文:Jane: Ron, what are you doing?Ron: Ah, nothing. I'm just looking up some informat

听力原文:Jane: Ron, what are you doing?

Ron: Ah, nothing. I'm just looking up some information on the Internet.

Jane: Like what? Let me see.

Ron: No, no, it's okay. I mean, you know...

Jane: Baldness? What are you looking that up for? [Well, you know ... ] I...I mean, you're not that bad off.

Ron: Ah, there you go. Bringing it up again!

Jane: No. I mean it. You look great! Honestly, it's net that bad.

Ron: Hey, I get enough of it from friends, and the people at work, and now from you!

Jane: Well, maybe you could wear a toupee? I think you'd look great.

Ron: Oh no. And have it slip off my head on to my date's dinner plate as I lean over to kiss her? Uh-uh.

Jane: Well, have you ever thought about seeking medical advice? There are new advances in medicines that not only retard hair loss, but help regenerate new growth.

Ron: Ah, I still don't give much credibility to medical treatment to prevent permanent hair loss.

Jane: Well, what about accepting the fact that you're just losing your hair?

Ron: I just can't give up hope. I know appearances shouldn't matter, but I don't know. I just feel that women just avoid me.

Jane: Come on. You can't be serious.

Ron: No, really. I've seen it many times. It just, I don't know...

Question : What is the problem the man is suffering from?


A.Extreme stress.

B.Hair loss.

C.Declining health.


听力原文:Twin sisters are supposed to be very much alike, aren't they? Well, my twin Jane

听力原文: Twin sisters are supposed to be very much alike, aren't they? Well, my twin Jane and I do look alike. However, we are different in many ways. We like very different styles of clothing. I prefer to dress informally, whereas my twin sister dresses like a model, always in the latest fashions. We have very similar characters in most ways. I do not get angry easily and enjoy being with friends. In this respect, my twin sister feels the same. But she likes loud music and modern dances while I find that night clubs give me a headache. She is always with friends, is the favorite of our teachers and never wants to have children, whereas I prefer to be alone at times, don't really try to impress my teachers and intend some day to have a family of my own. We have tried to live in the same room several times and even agreed on the color we like best and the kind of furniture we wanted. But I like to keep things neat and orderly while my twin sister acts as if there were a servant around to pick up all the things that get thrown on the floor. I like to go to bed early and get up early. In contrast, she doesn't seem to have any definite habits, often goes to bed very late and then sleeps late the next day.


A.Cheap clothes.

B.Expensive clothes.

C.Fashionable clothes.

D.Informal clothes.

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