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One of the most pressing problems regarding the sea today concerns not its resources, but

its conservation. There are limits to the amount of waste that can be absorbed by the oceans. Already, fish catches in the Baltic and the Caspian seas have decreased by 90% during the past forty years. An International Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea was signed by ninety states in 1972 to restrict dumping toxic wastes beyond the continental shelves. It is not yet ratified, and even when it is, who will police it? With the increasing of exploration and mining at sea, in all probability, the amount of waste will do.

Urgent research into the ecological balances of sea life and how they are affected by pollution is needed. As scientific knowledge stands now, we do not know how much damage the oceans can endure.

The oceans contain enormous resources of energy, food, and raw materials. Judiciously exploited, these resources can make a significant difference to man's survival and the quality of his life in an overpopulated world. Some operational framework for safeguarding the interests of all nations must clearly be formulated to prevent those nations, who possess the technology and can afford the research and exploitation, from obtaining the wealth for themselves.

To try to institute a system of government for the oceans is fraught with obvious difficulties. Failure to come to an agreement would undermine confidence in the viability of international action to bring about peaceful political and economic relations in other spheres. On the other hand, if agreement at a future conference could be realized only by abandoning the principle of internationalism embodied in the concept of the oceans as the common heritage of mankind, this would be the greater failure.

Internationalism in this context need not aim at supernational administration and safekeeping of the oceans; what is needed, rather, is the formulation and acceptance of guidelines to ensure that the oceans benefit the greatest number of nations. This would require nations with immediate economic and political stakes in the oceans and the power to enforce their self-interest to hold off that very power and to weigh se]f-interest against the long-term interest of the concert of nations.

One of the most pressing problems regarding the sea is its conservation because of ______.

A.the high percent decrease of fish catches during the past forty years

B.ever-increasing amount of waste dumping into the sea

C.invalidness of an international law

D.Both A and B

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更多“One of the most pressing probl…”相关的问题
What should one do if he’s got an urgent call during a meeting?A.Explainto the people pres

What should one do if he’s got an urgent call during a meeting?

A.Explainto the people present and then answer the call.

B.Cutthe call off at once and apologize to the caller later.

C.Answerthe call before apologizing to the chairperson.

D.Leavethe room immediately to answer the call.

Bill understands_________ A.his friends' attitudes B.the feeling of being pres

Bill understands_________

A.his friends' attitudes

B.the feeling of being pressured

C.that a single person does better financially

D.that he is better off settling down with one person

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A.Inman and Conley pres

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A.Inman and Conley present an unconvincing explanation.

B.No one has ever made any effort to ,solve the puzzle in the passage.

C.The beach is full of mysteries, but now some scientists have thrown a new light on them.

D.Scientists like to make trouble out of nothing.

?Look at the article about the poll and the questions below.?For the question 13- 18, mark

?Look at the article about the poll and the questions below.

?For the question 13- 18, mark one letter A,B,C or D on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The Use of Ads

Advertising may legally contain opinions and exaggerations which are misleading. There "legal lies" are called puffs because they puff up a product's qualities and make it seem better than it really is. Learn how to spot advertising puff.

Advertising is controlled by law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates the content of advertisements—what the manufacturer can and can not say about its product. You as a Consumer can protect yourself from misleading ads by learning how to recognize them.

Misleading advertising often presents the seller's opinion as if it were fact. "Zeno's Cola is the finest soft drink. Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town." When you see advertisements like this, ask yourself "Who says so?" This is the type of advertising puff that reflects an opinion. The words "finest" and "most" show that a judgement is being made—a personal opinion, not a statement of fact. Of course the Zeno Company thinks their cola is the finest. They want you to think so too, so you'll buy it.

Some advertising puffs try to connect an unrelated quality to a product. For example, beauty and popularity are often linked with perfume, cars, mouthwash, or toothpaste. This kind of advertising is called "image making". Will you really meet nicer people if you drive a Panther automobile? Will people think you're sexier if you brush your teeth with Sparkle toothpaste? Of course not. When you see these advertisements, remember that very few products will automatically make you a better or happier person. Some advertising puffs describe the product accurately but are still misleading. For instance, a leading hamburger is described as a quarter of a pound. This statement is true: the hamburger does weigh a quarter of a pound—before cooking. Since it's purchased after being cooked, this claim may be classified as puff.

Check the frozen food aisle in your supermarket. A frozen pie is labeled as a "nine-inch pie." This statement is true if you measure the pie from the outside of the rim on one side to the other side. The actual body of the pie is only 7.5 inches. If you buy a standard nine-inch pie plate for making your own pres, you'll see that the nine inch measurement is for the inside of the pie.

You should always question the claims made by any advertisement. Ask yourself: will the product really do all of these things? Is it truly the best?

Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the seller's opinion?

A.Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.

B.Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth.

C.White Cat, washes whiter.

D.All of the above.

Happy Marriage, Happy HeartHappily married people have lower blood pressure (51) unhappily

Happy Marriage, Happy Heart

Happily married people have lower blood pressure (51) unhappily married people or singles, a Brigham Young University study says.

On the other hand, even having a supportive social network did not translate into a blood pres sure benefit for singles or unhappily (52) people, according to the study.

"There seem to be some unique health benefits from marriage. It's not just being married (53) benefits health-what's really the most protective of health is having a happy (54) " study author Julianne Hoh-Lunstad, a psychologist who specializes in relationships and health, said in a prepared statement.

The study included 204 married and 99 (55) adults who wore portable blood-pressure monitors for 24 hours. The (56) recorded blood pressure at random intervals and provided a total of about 72 readings.

"We wanted to capture participants' blood pressure doing whatever they normally (57) in everyday life. Getting one or two readings in a clinic is not really (58) of the fluctuations that occur throughout the day, " Hoh-Lunstad said.

Overall, happily married people scored four points (59) on the blood pressure readings than single adults. The study also found that blood (60) among married people--especially those in happy marriages-- (61) more during sleep than in single people.

"Research has shown that people whose blood pressure remains high throughout the night are at (62) greater risk of heart disease than people whose blood pressure drops. " Hoh-Lunstad said.

The study was published in the March 20 (63) of the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

The study also found that unhappily married adults have higher blood pressure than (64) happily married and single adults.

Hoh-Lunstad noted that married couples can encourage healthy habits in one (65) such as eating a healthy diet and having regular doctor visits. People in happy marriages also have a source of emotional support, she said.






根据以下材料,回答题Happy Marriage, Happy HeartHappily married people have lower blood pres


Happy Marriage, Happy Heart

Happily married people have lower blood pressure 51_______ unhappily married people or

singles, a Brigham Young University study says.

On the other 52_______ , even having a supportive social network did not translate into a blood pressure benefit for singles or unhappily married people, according to the study.

"There seem to be some unique health benefits from marriage. It"s not just being married 53_______ benefits health-what"s really the most protective of health"is having a 54_______ marriage," study author Julianne Holt, Lunstad, a psychologist who specializes in relationships and health, said in a prepared statement.

The study included 204 married and 99 55_______ adults who wore portable blood-pressure monitors for 24 hours. The 56_______ recorded blood pressure at random intervals and provided a total of about 72 readings.

"We wanted to capture participants" blood pressure doing whatever they normally 57_______ in everyday life. Getting one or two readings in a clinic is not really 58_______ of the fluctuations that occur throughout the day," Holt-Lunstad said.

Overall, happily married people scored four points 59_______ on the blood pressure readings than single adults. The study also found that blood 60_______ among married people- especially those in happy marriages—— 61_______ more during sleep than in single people.

"Research has shown that people whose blood pressure remains high" throughout the night are at 62_______ greater risk of heart disease than people whose blood pressure drops," Holt-Lunstad said.

The study was published in the March 20 63_______ of the joumal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

The study also found that unhappily married adults have higher blood pressure than bothhappily married 64_______ single adults.

Holt-Lunstad noted that married couples can encourage healthy habits in one 65_______ , such as eating a healthy diet and having regular doctor visits. People in happy marriages also have a source of emotional support, she said.

回答(51)题 查看材料





The use of heat pumps has been held back largely by skepticism about advertisers' claims t
hat heat pumps can provide as many as two units of thermal energy for each unit of electrical energy used, thus apparently contradicting the principle of energy conservation.

Heat pumps circulate a fluid refrigerant(致冷剂) that cycles alternatively from its liquid phase to its vapor phase in a closed loop. The refrigerant, starting as a low-temperature, lowpressure vapor, enters a compressor 'driven by an electric motor. The refrigerant leaves the compressor as a hot, dense vapor and flows through a heat exchanger called the condenser, which transfers heat from the refrigerant to a body of air. Now the refrigerant, as a high-pressure, cooled liquid confronts a flow restriction which causes the pressure to drop. As the pres

sure falls, the refrigerant expands and partially vaporizes, becoming chilled. It then passes through a second heat exchanger, the evaporator, which transfers heat from the air to the refrigerant, reducing the temperature o{ this second body of air. Of the two heat exchangers, one is located inside, and the other one outside the house, so each is in contact with a different body of air: room air and outside air, respectively.

The flow direction of refrigerant through a heat pump is controlled by valves. When the refrigerant flow is reversed, the heat exchangers switch function. This flow-reversal capability allows heat exchangers switch function. This flow-reversal capability allows heat pumps either to heat or cool room air.

Now, if under certain conditions a heat pump puts out more thermal energy than it consumes in electrical energy, has the law of energy conservation been challenged? No, not even remotely: the additional input of thermal energy into the circulating refrigerant via the evaporator accounts for the difference in the energy equation.

Unfortunately, there is one real problem. The heating capacity of a heat pump decreases as the outdoor temperature falls. The drop in capacity is caused by the lessening amount of refrigerant mass moved through the compressor at one time. The heating capacity is proportional to this mass flow rate: the less the mass of refrigerant being compressed, the less the thermal load it can transfer through the heat-pump cycle. The volume {low rate of refrigerant vapor through the single-speed rotary compressor used in heat pumps is approximately constant. But cold refrigerant vapor entering a compressor is at lower pressure than warmer vapor. Therefore, the mass of cold refrigerant—and thus the thermal energy it carries—is less than ii the refrigerant vapor were warmer before compression.

Here, then, lies a genuine drawback of heat pumps: in extremely cold climates—where the most heat is needed—heat pumps are least able to supply enough heat.

The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.explain the differences in the working of a heat pump when the out-door temperature changes

B.contrast the heating and the cooling modes of heat pumps

C.describe heat pumps, their use, and {actors affecting their use

D.advocate the more widespread use of heat pumps

—Look at the article about the poll and the questions below.—For the question 13- 18, mark

—Look at the article about the poll and the questions below.

—For the question 13- 18, mark one letter A,B,C or D on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The Use of Ads

Advertising may legally contain opinions and exaggerations which are misleading. There "legal lies" are called puffs because they puff up a product's qualities and make it seem better than it really is. Learn how to spot advertising puff.

Advertising is controlled by law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates the content of advertisements—what the manufacturer can and can not say about its product. You as a Consumer can protect yourself from misleading ads by learning how to recognize them.

Misleading advertising often presents the seller's opinion as if it were fact. "Zeno's Cola is the finest soft drink. Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town." When you see advertisements like this, ask yourself "Who says so?" This is the type of advertising puff that reflects an opinion. The words "finest" and "most" show that a judgment is being made—a personal opinion, not a statement of fact. Of course the Zeno Company thinks their cola is the finest. They want you to think so too, so you'll buy it.

Some advertising puffs try to connect an unrelated quality to a product. For example, beauty and popularity are often linked with perfume, cars, mouthwash, or toothpaste. This kind of advertising is called "image making". Will you really meet nicer people if you drive a Panther automobile? Will people think you're sexier if you brush your teeth with Sparkle toothpaste? Of course not. When you see these advertisements, remember that very few products will automatically make you a better or happier person. Some advertising puffs describe the product accurately but are still misleading. For instance, a leading hamburger is described as a quarter of a pound. This statement is true: the hamburger does weigh a quarter of a pound—before cooking. Since it's purchased after being cooked, this claim may be classified as puff.

Check the frozen food aisle in your supermarket. A frozen pie is labeled as a "nine-inch pie." This statement is true if you measure the pie from the outside of the rim on one side to the other side. The actual body of the pie is only 7.5 inches. If you buy a standard nine-inch pie plate for making your own pres, you'll see that the nine inch measurement is for the inside of the pie.

You should always question the claims made by any advertisement. Ask yourself: will the product really do all of these things? Is it truly the best?

Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the seller's opinion?

A.Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.

B.Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth.

C.White Cat, washes whiter.

D.All of the above.

Which model of microwave oven is the most expensive one?A.Sharpe R-3R29B.Philip R-3R29C.Ph

Which model of microwave oven is the most expensive one?

A.Sharpe R-3R29

B.Philip R-3R29

C.Philip M903

D.Sony 645 X

This is one of () important books on physics.


B.most of the

C.the most of

D.the most

The Grand Canyon in north-western______is one of natures most impressive sights.A.UtahB.Ar

The Grand Canyon in north-western______is one of natures most impressive sights.





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