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The book stands as a monumental testimony to the historical circumstances ______ it was wr


A.by which



D.in where

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Passage These are the times that try men s souls; The summer soldier and the sunshine pat
riot will in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: This dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods. Questions:

Which book is this passage taken from?

Mark Twain: One of America's Best Known and Best Loved WritersMark Twain wrote "The Advent

Mark Twain: One of America's Best Known and Best Loved Writers

Mark Twain wrote "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in 1884. Since then, the book has been published in at least 60 languages. Some people say it is the best book ever created by an American writer. American students still read this book. And parents, teachers and literary experts still debate the issues discussed in the book.

The writer who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in 1835. He grew up in Hannibal, Missouri on the Mississippi River. After his father died in 1847, young Samuel went to work as an assistant to a publisher. 10 years later, he became a pilot on a steamboat that sailed on the Mississippi. He heard the riverboat workers call out the words "mark twain !" that was a measure for the depth of water.

In 1861, the American Civil War put an end to steamboat traffic on the Mississippi. So Clemens traveled west and became a reporter for newspapers in Nevada and California.

Began to Write

Later, he wrote funny stories and called himself Mark Twain. Twain became famous for his story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" in 1865. It tells about a jumping competition among frogs.

Twain also traveled a lot and began writing books about his travels. His stories about a trip to Europe and the Middle East were published in "The Innocents Abroad." And his stories about life in the western United States became the book called "Roughing It."

In 1870, he married Olivia Langdon and moved to Hartford, Connecticut. During the 1880's, he wrote books for children, such as "The Prince and the Pauper." It tells about a poor boy who trades identities with a member of England's ruling family. Twain also wrote "Life on the Mississippi." This book describes his days as a steamboat pilot and his return to the river 20 years later.

A Successful Writer and Speaker

Mark Twain was already a successful writer before he became famous as a public speaker. Over the years, he had invested a lot of money in unsuccessful businesses. In 1893, he found himself deeply in debt. So to earn money, he traveled around the world giving humorous talks. His speeches made people laugh and remember events they had experienced.

However, his later life was not a happy one. Two of his daughters died. His wife died in 1904 after a long sickness. Some critics think Mark Twain's later works were more serious because of his sadness. He died of heart failure in 1910.

Mark Twain was the first writer to use the speech of common Americans in his books. He showed that simple American English could be as fine an instrument for great writing as more complex language. Through his books, he captured American experiences as no other writer had.

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Many of the stories take place in Hannibal, Missouri. The small wooden house where he lived as a boy still stands there. Next to the house is a wooden fence. It is the kind described in Twain's book, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," published in 1876.

In that story, Tom bas been told to paint the fence. He does not want to do it. But he acts as if the job is great fun. He tricks other boys into believing this. His trick is so successful that they agree to pay him money to let them finish his work. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is considered one of the best books about an American boy's life in the 1800s.

Tom Sawyer's good friend is Huckleberry, or "Huck," Finn. Mark Twain tells this boy's story in "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Huck is a poor child, without a mother or home. His father drinks too much alcohol and beats him.

Huck's situation bas freed him from the restrictions of society. He explores in the woods and goes fishing. He stays out all night and does not go to school. He smokes tobacco.





听力原文: Host: Every language has a phrase for" thank you". It' s a sentiment children ev
erywhere are encouraged by their parents to express easily and often.

Every religion has a special way to say" thank you" to God. In the Jewish faith, these" thank you" often take the form. of formal blessings, or" brachot."

In addition to" thank you blessings" for food and health, there are also brachot to be recited upon seeing a rainbow, a wise person, a beautiful woman, a long-lost friend or a king. There is even a long blessing one says after using the toilet, which gives thanks for the smooth functioning of the human body.

Michael Strassfeld is the rabbi of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism in New York and the author of recently a book of Life: Embracing Judaism as A Spiritual Practice.

Voice: Being Grateful I think makes us aware or reminds us of the blessings of our lives. It reflects a sense of how important it is to go through life and go through every day really appreciating the miracles of every day. And I don' t think it' s about making the sun stand still as it were or dividing the Red Sea, but really just the everyday aspects of life, for nature and beauty and relationships. All those things we enjoy every day, but often we forget about.

Host: Rabbi Strassfeld says that traditional Jews also thank God at painful moments. When one hears of a death, for example, one blesses God as" the true Judge".

Voice: And it' s a way of expressing an acknowledgment that death is also part of life. It doesn't mean that death is a blessing or that that person is better off, but it just really understands that everything in life is part of life, and that everything from a traditional viewpoint is created by God. So all of life is part of that. Blessing and gratitude allows you to emphasize or to focus more on the good things and to put the difficult things in the broader perspective.

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld says that one should be grateful ______.

A.when everything goes smoothly

B.when the sun stands still

C.for people' s appreciation

D.for everyday aspects of life

Top Ten Ignores Four of Five Sacred MountainsIn its October issue, the Chinese National Ge

Top Ten Ignores Four of Five Sacred Mountains

In its October issue, the Chinese National Geography magazine announced the results of its search for the "Most Beautiful Places in China", including a list of Top Ten Mountains that has caused some controversy.

Of China's traditional "Five Sacred Mountains", only Mount Tai (Shandong) made it into the Top Ten, the rest of which were: Mt. Namjagbarwa (Tibet), Mt. Gongga (Sichuan), Mt. Qomolangma (Tibet), Meili Snow Mountain (Yunnan), Mount Huangshan (Anhui), Daocheng Sacred Peaks (Sichuan), Mount Chogori (Xinjiang), The Kangrinboqe Peak (Tibet) and Mount Emei (Sichuan).

The state of the natural environment was a key factor in selections. Experts cast their votes on the mountains according to a whole range of criteria including: height, the surrounding environment and ecosystem and scientific interest.

Mt. Namjagbarwa in the southeast of China Autonomous Region, the highest peak in the eastern section of the Himalayas, is the world's only unconquered peak above 7,500 meters. The mountain stands 7,788 meters above sea level, capped all year round with a transparent sheet of ice and snow, and is hard to view because it is constantly encircled in fog. Once in a while, the peak of the mountain peeks out from the mist, so it is nicknamed "shy girl". There are three huge valley glaciers between Namjagbarwa Peak and Naipeng Peak to the south that reach down to the green and immense forest.

The Mountain Minya Gongga stands on the borders of Kangding, Luding and Jiulong counties, 7,556 meters above sea level. It is the highest mountain in Sichuan and the 11th highest in the world. Around the summit, in area of 292 square kilometers, there are 145 ice peaks whose altitudes are above 5,000 meters and 110 glaciers of various sizes. The top of Gongga is hidden in cloud almost all year round and it possesses virgin forests, snow mountains, grassland, lakes, hot springs, waterfalls and is worshipped by the locals as a supreme holy mountain.

Mt. Qomolangma, also known as Everest, is the highest mountain in the world and stands among the jagged(参差不齐的) landscape of the Himalayas on the border of China and Nepal. The seemingly pyramidal shape of the 8,844. 43meter mountain dominates the center of the scene if viewed from south. The northeast side of this grand mountain rises steeply without break for 3,600 meters. Like the other peaks at this high altitude, Qomolangma has been carved by glaciers that move under their own weight. The re suiting sharp peaks, steep walls, and Ushaped valleys characterize the almost surreal(犹如梦幻的) landscape. Glaciers at the base of these peaks seem to snake down every possible valley. While numerous attempts to reach its summit were made between 1921 and 1952, it was not until May 20, 1953 that Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary finally succeeded.

Meili Snow Mountain is located about 10 kilometers west of Deqing City in Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province. As the sun rises in the east, the snowmountain looks splendid draped in gold. This scene is described in a book named The Lost Horizon. Lowaltitude modern glaciers can be found in this area, of particular interest to those engaged in geological research. Under Kawageber Peak, Mingyuchia and Sichia glaciers stretch down to the forest at an altitude of 2,700 meters; this area is accessible. However, Kawageber Peak, the highest at 6,740 meters above sea level, is still a "virgin peak" untouched till now. Meili Snow Mountain is the highest holy Tibetan Mountain in the world, shrouded in mist, cloud and mystery.

Mount Huangshan, located in the southern part of Anhui Province, extends across four counties—Shexian, Yixian, Taiping, and Xining. Within an area of 154 square kilometers there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble, and when it is cloudy the pinnacles(顶峰) loom




A.R stands for loyalty.B.It stands for disloyalty.C.R stands for uprightness.D.It stan

A.R stands for loyalty.

B.It stands for disloyalty.

C.R stands for uprightness.

D.It stands for integrity.

IMF stands for ______.

听力原文:Thirty years ago, anyone blaming loneliness for physical illness would have been

听力原文: Thirty years ago, anyone blaming loneliness for physical illness would have been laughed at. But as scientists studied different populations, loneliness kept emerging as a risk factor. In one study, Californian researchers followed 4,700 residents of Alameda County for 10 years, starting in 1965.

At first, the participants reported their key sources of companionship and estimated the time they devoted to each other. During the study, the people who reported the least social contact died at nearly three times the rate of those reporting the most. The source of companionship didn't matter, but time spent with others was critical.

Since then, researchers have studied men, women, soldiers and students from countries all over the world. And the same pattern keeps emerging. Women who say they feel isolated go on to die of cancer at several times the expected rate. College students who report "strained and cold" relationships with their parents suffer extraordinary rates of hypertension and heart disease decades later. Heart-attack survivors who happen to live by themselves die at twice tile rate of those who live with others.

For those of us who are still healthy, the lesson should be obvious. It's clear that reaching out to others can help our bodies thrive. It's equally clear that we're growing more isolated. In 1900, only 5 percent of U.S. households consisted of one person living alone. The proportion reached 13 percent in 1960, and it stands at 25 percent today. In a book entitled Bowling Alone, author Robert Putnam shows that oar social connections are disappearing on other levels, too In 1976, Americans attended an average of 12 club meetings a year. The current average is five. Card games, dinner parties and shared family meals have all followed the same pattern. We all have a good excuse we're too busy but we shouldn't be surprised when it catches up with us.


A.The key source of connections.

B.The time spent with others.

C.The kind of social contact.

D.The degree of solitude.

USDA in this passage stands for ______.

In many countries, the gesture “V” ______ victory.

A.applies to

B.calls for

C.responds to

D.stands for

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