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A.Tax cuts during his first term and the short depression.B.Tax cut and some governmen

A.Tax cuts during his first term and the short depression.

B.Tax cut and some government spending programmes.

C.The short depression and some government spending programmes.

D.Tax cuts, the short depression and some government spending programmes.

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更多“A.Tax cuts during his first te…”相关的问题
What does the speaker credit for the success of Regency Title?A.Tax cutsB.Customer loyalty

What does the speaker credit for the success of Regency Title?

A.Tax cuts

B.Customer loyalty

C.Innovative leadership

D.An active housing market

A.Brush up on his German.B.Buy souvenirs for Claudia's family.C.Visit Berlin during hi

A.Brush up on his German.

B.Buy souvenirs for Claudia's family.

C.Visit Berlin during his visit.

D.Call on Claudia's relatives.

Where is the person advised to put his hands during the contest?A.On the table.B.Behind hi

Where is the person advised to put his hands during the contest?

A.On the table.

B.Behind his back.

C.Under his bottom.

D.On his lap.

听力原文:W: Hi, George. Can you tell me what you're planning to write about for your class
research projects?

M: Yes. Andrew and I are both thinking about investigating the history of Africa during the time of the great Egyptian civilization. Maybe Andrew will focus on why it declined. I'm taking a different focus.

Q: What subject is the man speaker going to focus on?


A.He will focus on the history of Africa.

B.He will focus on the great Egyptian civilization.

C.He will focus on the class research project.

D.He will focus on some other aspects.

In the author' s opinion, which of the following is "revenue-raising measures"?A.Tax emplo

In the author' s opinion, which of the following is "revenue-raising measures"?

A.Tax employer-provided health benefits.

B.Tax individual-purchased health insurance.

C.Ending taxing employer-provided health benefits.

D.Ending taxing individual-purchased health insurance.

What is probably the speaker's job?A.Tax attorneyB.Bank loan officerC.Financial analystD.R

What is probably the speaker's job?

A.Tax attorney

B.Bank loan officer

C.Financial analyst

D.Real estate agent

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack! What is so interesting?M: Hi, Jane. I'm thinking about a problem. (1

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack! What is so interesting?

M: Hi, Jane. I'm thinking about a problem. (19) You know recently I have read about a book naming Setting Life Goal. I am deeply touched by it.

W: Really? What is this book about?

M: You know Jerry White?

W: Yes. I know something about him.

M: He is so great that he always succeeds in whatever he does. Do you know why he is so successful?

W: Sorry, and why?

M: He succeeds because he has the definite life goals.

W: What is goal by your understanding then?

M: (20) A goal is something that a person hopes to get in the future. Everyone should have a goal or goals in life if he or she hopes to lead a successful life.

W: Ok. Tell me in detail about what the book says.

M: Well, there are three kinds of goals, they are, lifetime goals, intermediate goals and short-term goals.

W: What is a lifetime goal then?

M: A lifetime goal means the goal that a person hopes to get in all his life. (21) It should be clear, reasonable and written out, such as the goal to become a lawyer as you are longing for, and so on.

W: I see. But what kind of goal will be the intermediate goal?

M: It relates to the outcomes during the next few years.

W: Then the third one...

M: It is a short-term goal, which involves outcomes expected during the next twelve months. (22) This goal helps with achievement of intermediate goals,

W: Great! Goals actually are important for the different stages of our life. And now I must work out what are the life goals of mine.


A.He has been attacked by someone.

B.He has got confused about the book.

C.He has read an instructive book.

D.He has contacted the writer.

A.Tax collectors.B.The wealthy.C.Soldiers.D.State officials.

A.Tax collectors.

B.The wealthy.


D.State officials.

听力原文:M: Hi Jane, it's nice to see you again. I heard you went to the US during your va

W: Yes. I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.

M: Wow. You were lucky. How long did you stay there?

W: About 50 days. I went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.

M: How about the course?

W: The course was very good. The teachers were nice. They taught us to listen, speak, read and write in English, but it was mostly speaking. One interesting thing I found is freedom. You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom. You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class, and you are welcome to share your ideas with the class. I really liked this kind of class.

M: How interesting! Maybe our teacher should try that.

What was the woman's main purpose of going to New York during the vacation?

A.To learn English.

B.To visit an American family.

C.To do business.

听力原文:(Woman) Hi, Steve. I was wondering if you would like to play volleyball with us o

听力原文:(Woman) Hi, Steve. I was wondering if you would like to play volleyball with us on Saturday afternoon.

(Man) Uh... it sounds like fun, but I have to tell you, I am really out of shape. I'm afraid I'm not much of an athlete these days.

(Woman) That's all right. We just play to socialize, have some fun, and get a little exercise. Don't worry about it— we're not professionals! We'd love to have you on the team, and we really could use you on Saturday—one of our players was injured during the last game.

(Man) In that case then, I'll see you at the gym.

What does the woman say about the volleyball team?

A.It participates in professional tournaments.

B.It has a championship game on Saturday.

C.It will play its first game this weekend.

D.It is a relaxed and noncompetitive team.

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