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A manager's consideration of the relationships and resources is essential to a company's s

urvival and success.




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听力原文:Applicant: Good morning, sir. It's very nice to meet you. I’ve come for an interv

Manager: I see. Good morning. Take your seat, please.

Applicant: Thank yon. I received your letter yesterday, and you told me to come this morning for an interview.

Manager: Oh, so you are Mr. Smith, and you are one of the applicants to have answered our advertisement in the paper for an assistant account. Yes, we do have a vacancy, and I am expecting you.

Applicant: Thank you very much ,sir. Nice office here. I suppose your company's business is very good.

Manager: Well, not bad. May I see your reference materials? Frankly speaking, I'm quite satisfied you’re your qualifications since you have six years' experience in office work. I consider you the right man for this position. By the way, what company are you working with now?

Applicant: Well, I am out of job for the time being. 1 used to work in a Chinese firm whose boss was the sole proprietor. But two months ago the boss went back to China with his family, so the firm was closed down.

Manager: Does it mean that you can come here to work any time on call if we hire you?

Applicant: That's right. By all means.

Manager: I think you understand that we'll have to take you on a three-month probation first.

Applicant: Of course, I understand. I'll do my best, and I think I can do a good job. By the way, what is the salary?

Manager: One thousand and five hundred dollars a month to start with, and in three months' time your salary would be adjusted. And a year from now, you will have two weeks' annual leave.

Applicant: That's great. And when shall I start to work?

Manager: Let's see--today is Friday. You may start working on Monday. What do you say to it?

Applicant: I think it's the best. Thank you very much, sir.

Manager: Good luck to you.

Where did the applicant get the information about the job vacancy?

A.From his friends.

B.From TV advertisement.

C.From advertisement leaflets.

D.From newspaper advertisement.

The manager demanded time to ________ on what to do.A) studyB) thinkC) considerD) refle

The manager demanded time to ________ on what to do.

A) study

B) think

C) consider

D) reflect

听力原文:Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the w

听力原文: Trade between countries is one of the most important economic activities in the world today. The U.S. has many trading partners, one of the most important is Japan. The trade between the two countries amounts to several billion dollars a year. Many U.S. banks therefore have offices in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and Osaka, the largest cities. Jean McPherson is the manager of' one of those for branch banks in Tokyo.

Jean majored in accounting and business administration in college. After graduation she got a job with a large New York bank. After two years in accounting, she was transferred to the loan department. Many of the loans which she was asked to consider involved international transactions. Some of them were so complicated that Jean felt she didn't have a broad enough background to understand them.

To get more experience, she asked for a transfer to the bank's international department. She became so expert in international finance that it became her career. When the bank decided to open a branch in Tokyo, Jean was selected to set it up and run it for the flint few years. She has been in Tokyo for more, than three years now.


A.She is a trading representative of the U.S. in Tokyo.

B.She is a government official of the U.S. in Tokyo.

C.She is the manager of an American bank in Tokyo.

D.She is the manager of a Japanese bank in Tokyo.

As a client relationship manager, one has to always consider the needs of the customers __

The self-important manager didn’t seem to attach much importance to my advice .()





?Your company needs to promote publicity in ways other than advertisements. Your manager f
eels that the company can gain reputation if more of its employees publish articles in newspapers. You have been asked to write a proposal regarding the need to encourage the employees to write articles for newspapers.

?Write your proposal, including the following.

?a brief description of the employees' engagement in writing articles for newspapers

?an explanation of why published articles can contribute to the company's publicity in terms of its technical expertise

?recommendations for incentive measures that urge the employees to consider writing articles for journals.

Question 3

?Your company has planned to screen out socially inappropriate massages from all of its advertisements. You have been instructed to write a report about biased ads which might foster negative stereotypes of some group.

?Write the report for your manager, including the following information:

?what stereotypes of people have appeared in the ads

?why it is compelling to stop running or changing the ads in their current forms

?whet general lesson can be learnt from this incident.

Question 4

?Your company, which runs a transportation business, has received a letter requesting adjustment on damaged shipment from a client. You are responsible for writing letters to inform. clients of how reimbursement is made to clients under such circumstances.

?Writing the letter to this client:

?expressing your awareness of this affair and your apology for the damage

?informing him of the granted adjustment

?reminding him of what needs to be done before the reimbursement is made.

— Look at the sentences below and the advice for secretaries and personal assistants about
dealing with a new manager on the opposite page.

— Which company (A, B, C or D) does Bach sentence 1-7 refer to?

— For each sentence 1 - 7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

— You will need to use some of the letters more than once.


If you are a secretary, or personal assistant, getting a new manager means that your job will probably change, too. The new person is likely to have different ideas about how things should be done, and you may well find that some of these are changes for the better. But remember that the new manager might be feeling nervous. If you treat their first day in the job as though it's your own first day, too, it will ease the transition for them, and benefit you both.


Your new manager may have different ideas from your previous one about personal habits, such as eating at your desk, and you will have to accept that. Their changes may not always be appropriate or helpful, however. It could be that you are asked to open the post later on in the day, when you know that it is important to get it sorted first thing. In this case, rather than grumbling about it and spreading discontent around the office, explain if there is a genuine reason for a particular way of working.


If your new manager has joined the company from outside, they will be on a steep learning curve. You can really show your worth by bring them up to speed on the company history and culture. The appointment of a new manager is also the ideal opportunity for you to discuss your prospects for training and promotion with them, though raising the subject on their first day is unlikely to give them a good impression of you.


If you are concerned about changes that your new manager wants to make to your job, first check your job description, if you have one, then speak to him or her calmly about it. If work is being put your way that is someone else's responsibility, say so. Make it clear what you believe to be the limits of your job. Ideally, the two of you will come to an agreement that suits both parties. failing that, consider contacting the human resources department to see if it can act as mediator.

You may be able to explore your career development with your new manager.

听力原文:R: Good morning. Can I help you?S: Yes, please. I'm a new student and I' d like t

听力原文:R: Good morning. Can I help you?

S: Yes, please. I'm a new student and I' d like to have some information about the.., em... the accommodation for students.

R: Right. The university provides two types of accommodation, halls of residence and self-catering accommodation.

S: How much does it cost for the serf-catering accommodation?

R: For a single room, thirty-seven pounds eighty-six per week, that' s about five forty-one a day. For a double room, it' s fifty-two seventy eight per week. This win apply throughout this academic year.

S: I' d like to stay in the se]f-catering accommodation. How far is that from the residence to the university?

R: It all depends. The residences at 36 Elms Road and 110 Palm Road are about one and a half miles from the university main site and the Freemen' s Common Houses at William Road are half a mile.

S: When do I used to apply?

R: Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate?

S: Undergraduate.

R: Then you should apply for it as soon as possible, since places in university-owned accommodation are limited and ff you don' t apply be fore the end of the month, you are not likely to get a place.

S: Could you possibly tell me what to do, if no vacancy is available?

R: Yes, you may consider private accommodation. The university runs an Accommodation Information Office and its staff will help you.

S: Where' s the office?

R: In the Students' Union Building.

S: Whom can I contact?

R: Mr. Underwood. David Underwood, the manager of the accommodation information office.

S: Thank you very much.

R: You are welcome.


A.thirty-seven pounds

B.five forty-one pounds

C.fifty-two seven-eight pounds

D.eighty-six pounds

听力原文:W: Good morning. Can I help you?M: Yes, please. I'm a new student and I'd like to

听力原文:W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I'm a new student and I'd like to have some information about the accommodation.

W: Right. The university provides two types of accommodation: halls of residence and self-sup-plying accommodation.

M: How much does it cost for the self-supplying accommodation?

W: For a single room, thirty-seven pounds eighty six per week, that's about five forty-one a day. For a double room, it's fifty-two per week.

M: I'd like the self-supplying accommodation. How far is that from the residence to the university?

W: It all depends. The residence at 110 Palm Street is about one and a half miles and the Freemen's Common Houses at William Road are about half a mile

M: When do I need to apply?

W: Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate?

M: Undergraduate.

W: Then you should apply for it as soon as possible, since places in university-owned accommodation are limited and if you don't apply before the end of the month, you are not likely to get a place.

M: Could you possibly tell me what to do, if no vacancy is available?

W: Yes, you may consider private accommodation. The university runs an accommodation information office and its staff will help you.

M: Where's the office?

W: In the Students' Union Building.

M: Whom can I contact?

W: Mr. Under word. David Underwood, the manager of the accommodation information office.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: My pleasure.


A.The university provides two types of accommodation.

B.Students must apply early since the places are limited.

C.A student may choose from university-owned or private accommodation.

D.Most students prefer self-supplying accommodation.

&8226;Read the article below about setting up the appraisal scheme.&8226;Choose the best s

&8226;Read the article below about setting up the appraisal scheme.

&8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap (8--12), mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

Setting up an appraisal scheme

Appraisals can be a wonderful opportunity for your staff to focus on their jobs and make plans to develop their unused potential. They can also be a means of getting the best out of staff, both as individuals, and as team members. So, if you have decided that an appraisal scheme should be set up in your company, you need to establish some formal procedures and make some decisions before you begin. Even if your company already has a scheme, you need to consider what you want to achieve and how you are going to do this.

First of all, you need to decide on your key objectives and the real purpose of your scheme. (8) A scheme should never be introduced at a time of redundancies, or simply for profit or competitive edge, because this will create fear and alienate staff. The next step is to decide how the scheme can most successfully be managed. It is essential that all senior staff are committed to the process and willing to make a positive contribution.

The person given responsibility for designing the scheme and the appraisal forms needs to have knowledge of all roles within the organisation. He or she must also be aware of employees' potential needs. (9) It should be someone who is trusted and whom staff will turn to if they are concerned about their appointed appraiser or the appraisal interview. The design of the scheme should indicate who will be appraising whom. This needs great tact and sensitivity. First, remember that no manager can effectively appraise more than seven or eight people. It is equally important to remember that, if significant numbers of staff are appraised by someone they dislike, or by a person whose values they do not share, the success of your scheme may be threatened. (10) So bear this in mind from the beginning and, if necessary, establish an appeals procedure.

Having decided on your policy and who will appraise which members of staff, you need to communicate this in the simplest possible way. Avoid lengthy documents - few people will read them. (11) Host organisations choose a person's line manager to be the appraiser. This can be seen as an opportunity or a threat, so be ready to consider alternatives if necessary. Once you have established the appraisal process, make sure that appraisal interviews take place at a convenient time, and ideally on neutral ground. It should be borne in mind that some appraisals may involve the disclosure of confidential information. (12) These will show the decisions that were taken during the interview and will also indicate any new performance targets that have been agreed.

A It is important to select a manager who can deal effectively with any suspicions staff may have about appraisals.

B Such a measure can also reduce insecurity and unite staff in recognising the positive elements of appraisal.

C Having even one staff member in such a position may affect how others respond to the process.

D Ideally, this should be to provide a supportive framework that aids staff development.

E Simply make sure that staff know who will appraise them and why, and what form. the interview will take.

F It is therefore important to decide who will have access to written records of the appraisal.

G They can also be a means of getting the best out of staff, both as individuals, and as team members.


Planning and PeopleIn all kinds of organizations--companies, schools, hospitals, etc. --de

Planning and People

In all kinds of organizations--companies, schools, hospitals, etc. --decisions appear correct in theory but do not work in practice. There are many reasons for this. To illustrate the problems involved we will consider four cases where different decisions have to be taken.

Case No. 1

The manager of a shipping company was interested in using large metal containers for the company's cargo instead of conventional methods of loading and unloading. He discovered that the use of containers was less expensive and quicker than conventional methods. More cargo could be sent at one time and delays on the way were shorter. The only major disadvantage (apart from the initial cost of the containers) was that not all ships could take them. However, the manager believed that his company could find enough ships for their containers. His plan to use containers was adopted by the board of directors. Unfortunately, however, it was never put into practice. The dockers heard about the plan and did not like it. The reason was that the containers would make about a quarter of the dockers redundant. The plan was killed.

The comparison of containers with conventional methods is shown in the following table.

Planning and PeopleIn all kinds of organizations--

Case No. 2

A solar pump was built in a small desert village. The pump used the desert's most common resource-sunlight, to increase its greatest necessity-water. Solar collectors were used to collect the sun's rays. Flat collectors can be stationary and do not have moving parts which can be broken in sand storms. The system used the 20 degree centigrade temperature difference between the solar collectors and the ground water to work a gas expansion engine which pumped water from under the ground.

Some of the social effects of the new pumps were planned for. Children aged 6 to15 used to bring the water from wells, where they met the old men of the village and received informal education from them. In order to replace this, a school was also included in the project. But the project had not considered the traditional power structure of the village. As soon as the foreign experts left, the two richest men in the village took control of the pump and started selling water to everyone else. The result was that the majority of people were poorer than before.

Case No. 3

In 1946 there was a program in the Rio Grande valley to substitute hybrid corn for the native corn. The native corn was of poor nutritional quality and gave a poor quantity of grain while the hybrid corn was of excellent quality and gave about three times as large a crop as the native variety. In the first year half of the 84 farmers in the village planted hybrid corn and doubled the corn production. Three years later, however, only three farmers planted hybrid corn. The others were planting the traditional variety. At the beginning of the project the program leader studied the ecology of the area and showed films demonstrating the superiority of the new corn. The farmers agreed that the hybrid corn had great advantages. The size of the crop confirmed these advantages. Why did they stop planting it? The answer was simple: their wives did not like it. They complained that it wasn't good for cooking and they didn't like the flavor.

Case No. 4

The manager of a large office building had received many complaints about the lift service in the building. He engaged a group of engineers to study the situation and make recommendations for improvement. The engineers suggested two alternative solutions:

1. adding more lifts of the same types;

2. replacing the existing lifts by faster ones.

The manager decided that both alternative solutions were too expensive. So the firm's psychologist offered to study the problem. He noticed that many people ar




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