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What did the small boy think when he saw tears in his teacher's eyes?A.She was happy.B.She

What did the small boy think when he saw tears in his teacher's eyes?

A.She was happy.

B.She didn't like school.

C.There was something wrong with her eyes.

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更多“What did the small boy think w…”相关的问题
What is true of Tom?[A] He moved to another country.[B] He did not buy a small holding.[C]

What is true of Tom?

[A] He moved to another country.

[B] He did not buy a small holding.

[C] He studied for a social diploma for two years.

[D] He did not have formal education.

In his research, what did Tom Henderson find about training in small firms?A.They spend to

In his research, what did Tom Henderson find about training in small firms?

A.They spend too little on training.

B.They are unaware of their training expenses.

C.They receive state subsidies for training.

What did the small boy do to help them?A.He added his apple to theirs when he divided the

What did the small boy do to help them?

A.He added his apple to theirs when he divided the apples.

B.He got one apple from another man.

C.He took his apple hack.

According to the professor, what did a 1920s telescope allow astronomers to dc for the fir
st time?

A.Study the moons of Jupiter

B.Observe gamma-ray bursters

C.Reject the dust theory of nebulae

D.Prove that galaxies are surprisingly small

What did Sam stress at the very beginning of his report?A.His findings were very tentative

What did Sam stress at the very beginning of his report?

A.His findings were very tentative.

B.He did a very small scale survey.

C.He stressed that his visit was undertaken last week.

What did Freeman do to confuse Madison Avenue greatly?A.He developed new ads for a great n

What did Freeman do to confuse Madison Avenue greatly?

A.He developed new ads for a great number of famous companies.

B.He attracted a lot more people's attention on online ads.

C.He charges advertisers not only by click or view on ads on the website.

D.He quit as a boss in a promising company and opened a small company himself.

听力原文:W: Did Mr. Smith give his workers the $ 5 a day raise they were asking for?M: At

听力原文:W: Did Mr. Smith give his workers the $ 5 a day raise they were asking for?

M: At first he refused. Then he wanted to talk for a small figure. But finally he met their demands.

Q: What do you learn about the workers?


A.Their raise will be more than $ 5 a day.

B.Their raise will be less than $ 5 a day.

C.Their pay will be raised by $ 5 a day.

D.They won't receive the raise of $ 5 a day.

听力原文:W: Did you have a good time last weekend?M: Yes, I did. I visited some friends in

听力原文:W: Did you have a good time last weekend?

M: Yes, I did. I visited some friends in Pennsylvania. They live in a small town called Canonsburg.

W: That must have been interesting. I've never been in a small town——just big cities.

M: Neither had I.

W: What did you do?

M: There isn't as much to do as there is here. No plays or concerts, that is, people make their own entertainment, though.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, Saturday we went to a potluck supper.

W: A potluck supper? What's that?

M: The whole neighborhood has a party. Everybody brings something. It's all put on the table and you can eat whatever you like. That is a potluck supper.

W: It's something like a picnic, isn't it?

M: Well, yes. The weather was warm, so we had this one outdoors. But in winter they have them indoors too.

W: What else did you do?

M: Sunday we went for a drive. We had lunch at a drive-in.

W: Is the countryside interesting?

M: Beautiful farmland. You'd like it.

W: I'm sure I would.

M: Sunday evening some people came to dinner. It was very informal we just sat around and talked. Just a nice Sunday night supper.

W: That's the kind of evening I like. I don't care for a formal dinner so much.

M: Neither do I.


A.He went to visit his friends in Pennsylvania.

B.He went out on a picnic.

C.He went to a concert.

D.He went to a formal dinner.

听力原文:Mr. Robinson won a lot of money on the football pools, but he did not know what w

听力原文: Mr. Robinson won a lot of money on the football pools, but he did not know what would be the best thing to do with it, so he went to a friend who knew a lot about money matters. This friend said to him, "Go and buy some modern paintings. Their value goes up every year. '

Mr. Robinson went to a good art shop and looked at some modern paintings. He did not understand them at all, and thought that they were terrible--and also very expensive. At last he saw a small picture which did not have a price on it. It was square and white, and had a black spot in the middle, and a narrow brass frame. Mr. Robinson liked it better than any of the others in the shop.

"How much is this one?" he said to the shopkeeper.

"That, sir," answered the shopkeeper, "is the electric light switch."


A.He won a lot of money on the lottery.

B.He won a lot of money on the football pools.

C.He won a lot of money by buying some modern paintings.

D.He won a lot of money in an art shop.

听力原文:W: Jerry, last night we held a discussion in that small room numbered 405 on the
third floor and you were so conspicuous by your absence.

M: Well, I made a mistake about the room number and stayed in room 415 for an hour waiting.

Q: What do we learn about Jerry?


A.He stayed in a room on the third floor for an hour.

B.He was absent when the discussion was being held.

C.Nobody but the woman noticed that he was absent.

D.He did not leave room 405 until an hour had passed.

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