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Why dont you ______ smoking for a while until your cough gets better?A.lay outB.lay offC.l

Why dont you ______ smoking for a while until your cough gets better?

A.lay out

B.lay off

C.lay aside

D.lay down

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更多“Why dont you ______ smoking fo…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Son, I dont know what to get for your father. He has about everything, doesnt
he? M: Why dont you get him an MP3 player? Q: Whats the womans problem?2.

A.He doesn"t write well enough.

B.He is not a professional writer.

C.He has no professional experience.

D.He didn"t perform. well in the interview.

Speaker A: Fred is frequently late, but this is ridiculous. Why dont we go inside? Speaker
B: ______

A.Let"s give him another five minutes.

B.Yes, you are right. He has been late for several times.

C.Don"t be in such a hurry. Remember: more haste, less speed.

D.I think he should call to tell us that he has decided not to come.

听力原文:M: Say, Rason, what are you watching? W: An old Japanese film. I wonder if Im go
ing to spend all my next year there, Id better start familiarizing myself with the culture. M: You mean you are accepted into the programme? W: Yes. M: Thats wonderful. You must be excited. W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Mercheno. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me a set of practise tapes and a book which goes with them. Just so I can work on my basic conversation skills. M: How much Japanese can you understand? W: Not a lot at present. But I signed up for intensive Japanese this semester. M: I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. Id like to study abroad. W: Then why dont you? The university has lots of overseas programmes that dont require any mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same. You just have to be the kind of person who is receptive to new ways of looking at things and willing to adjust to a different kind of life style. M: I had assumed that all programmes require you to know a foreign language. I might check into this. W: You wont regret it. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Why is the woman so excited? 10. Why does the woman feel grateful to Professor Mercheno? 11. What is required for the man to study abroad, according to the woman?9.

A.He told her abot an interesting movie.

B.He recorded some tapes especially for her.

C.He helped her get into the programme.

D.He gave her a good grade in her Japanese class.

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you? M:
I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday? W: Yes, that way Im sure not to miss my favourite sections. Doesnt the size of the daily paper surprise you? M: Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff— the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators — must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, dont they? W: Im sure they do. Of course, much of a newspapers income comes from advertisements. M: Thats true. You try to read the whole paper, dont you? W: No. I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business section carefully. Do you read those? M: No, but I do read the editorials and the news section. You saw the article about the earthquake in Japan, didnt you? W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that? M: Certainly they should! Theyre part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Dont you agree? W: Yes, I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society section and more comic strips. Dont you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events? M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you dont like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two newspapers? If I were you, I wouldnt read a newspaper at all. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What sort of newspaper will the man buy? 10. What surprises the speakers? 11. Which part of the newspaper does the woman usually read? 12. Why doesnt the woman enjoy reading about disasters in the daily newspaper?9.

A.The size of the daily newspaper.

B.The staff of the daily newspaper.

C.The circulation of the daily newspaper.

D.The advertisements in the daily newspaper.

听音频,回答下列问题: When Captain Cook asked the chiefs in Tahiti why they always are 26
, they replied, "Because it is right. " If we ask Americans why they eat with knives and forks, or why their men wear pants 27 skirts, or why they may be married to only one person at a time, we are likely to get 28 and very uninformative answers: "Because its right. " "Because thats the way its done. " "Because its the 29 " Or even ,I dont know. " The reason for these and countless other patterns of social behavior. is that they are __30 by social norms--shared rules or guidelines which prescribe the behavior. that is appropriate in a given situation. Norms 31 how people " ought" to behave under particular circumstances in a particular society. We conform. (遵守) to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they 32 . In fact, we are much more likely to notice 33 from norms than conformity to them. You would not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced, but you might be a little 34 if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you on both 35 . Yet each of these other forms of greeting is appropriate in other parts of the world. When we visit another society whose norms are different, we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way. 第26题应填____

听力原文:M: What do you think of my new sweater, Tracy? W: Well, its very nice as far as
I can see, but put it on first, then Ill tell you if it suits you. M: I tried on about twenty times. This one isnt really what I wanted. W: Why did you buy it then? M: The salesman sold it to me before I realised what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some stories about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything hed wrapped it up and taken my money. W: Well, it doesnt look too bad. I think it looks good on you. M: But I went out to get a blue sweater with a V-neck, short sleeves and pattern, and I came home with a brown one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern. W: You must be easily taken in. Youve got to learn to stand up to these high-pressure salesmen. Theyll sell you all sorts of things you dont want if you dont watch out. M: Next time Ill send my wife. Shell probably sell something to the salesman. W: Thats a good idea. Actually women are good at shopping. Whenever my husband and I buy something important, I have the final say. M: I must admit that women have better taste in shopping. I should simply leave the whole business to them. W: Yes, I agree. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What is the main idea of this conversation? 10. Why does the man buy a sweater which he doesnt like? 11. Which character is not true about the sweater that the man buys? 12. What is the womans suggestion?10.

A.The one he likes doesn"t suit him.

B.This sweater is on special.

C.This sweater is the most fashionable one.

D.He is tricked by the salesman.

Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired? There is no one answer that【
C1】______ to every individual. But many people fail to note the【C2】______ between fatigue — physical tiredness — and sleepiness, the inability to【C3】______ awake. It is possible to feel tired【C4】______ and still be unable to fall asleep, because while your body may be exhausted, you dont feel【C5】______. To fall asleep, you need adequate time to unwind,【C6】______ you feel fatigued, not so easy to【C7】______ "turn off." According to Carl E. Hunt, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda, Maryland, most people do not allow themselves【C8】_____ deceleration. Lack of sleep【C9】______ matters even more. Experts say adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to【C10】______ properly. When you get less sleep than【C11】______ on consecutive nights, you begin to accrue "sleep debt".【C12】______ sleep debt increases and functionality decreases, your body experiences a stress response and begins to release adrenaline. Now a vicious【C13】______ has been created: You experience the feeling of being more and more tired,【C14】______ your body is increasingly stimulated. Power sleeping for more hours on weekends is only a【C15】______ solution. "There is no【C16】______ for getting a good nights sleep on a【C17】______ basis," says Hunt. Most of us,【C18】______, dont get the sleep we need. According to the 2002 National Sleep Foundation, Americans sleep a(n)【C19】______ of 6.9 hours per night during the week, and 58 percent of adults experience【C20】______ of insomnia a few nights a week or more.






听力原文: It is often necessary to release a fish, that is, set it free after catching,
because it is too small, or you just dont want to take it home to eat. In some cases, releasing fish is a good measure that will help keep fish variety and build their population size. The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries(DGIF)encourages fishermen who practise catch-and-release fishing to use a few simple skills when doing so. The advice provided below will help make sure that the fish you release will survive to bite again another day. — When catching a fish, play it quickly and keep the fish in the water as much as possible. Dont use a net in landing the fish and release it quickly to prevent it from dying. — Hold the fish gently. Do not put your fingers in its eyes. Dont wipe the scales off the fish because it might cause it to develop a disease and reduce its chance of survival. — Remove your hook quickly. If the hook is too deep or hooked in the stomach, cut the line and leave the hook in. The hook left inside will cause no serious problem to the fish. — Take good care of the fish by moving it gently in water. Release the fish when it begins to struggle and is able to swim. — Do not hold fish in a bucket or some other containers and later decide to release it. If you are going to release a fish, do so right away. With a little care and by following the suggestions given above, you can give the released fish a better chance of survival. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 22. Why do people sometimes set a fish free after catching it? 23. Which will probably make a fish ill? 24. What is the proper way to release a fish? 25. What is the purpose of the passage?23.

A.Touching its eyes.

B.Taking the hook off it.

C.Removing its scales.

D.Holding it in your hand.

听力原文:W: Im going to leave work early today. Theres a debate this evening at 6 oclock.
So Im going to get an early dinner and head over there. M: Whos debating about what? W: The two candidates for the states senate are going to answer questions from reporters. The Daily News is sponsoring the event. Members of the audience will also have a chance to ask questions, so maybe Ill speak, too. M: Oh, so youre interested in politics. Are you helping one of them? W: No, I just want to learn more about the candidates so I can make an informed decision. M: Well, I dont think Ill be voting, so I guess I wont bother with that. W: Why arent going to vote? M: Oh, My one vote doesnt matter. W: Sure it does! M: Well, besides that I dont think any of the politicians these days represent my ideas. Id like to see the government support guaranteed loans for people who start small businesses. Ive wanted to open my own bakery for years and I cant get a loan. W: You know what? Thats one of the issues theyll probably discuss tonight. One of the candidates wants tax breaks for large companies. He says that will create more jobs. The other candidate owns a restaurant. She wants to start programmes to promote more small businesses. M: Hmm. What do you know? Maybe I should show up there myself. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Why is the woman going to the debate? 10. What reason does the man give for not voting? 11. According to the woman, what is an important issue in the upcoming election? 12. What will the man probably do?9.

A.He is too busy.

B.He is not old enough.

C.He doesn"t have transportation.

D.He feels it doesn"t make a difference.

听力原文:M: I have been tired of working and need a change. So Im just making plans to go
away during Spring Festival. W: Really? Where are you going? M: Im planning to visit Tibet. W: My brother and I had a vacation there last year and we had a great time. M: Did you get into Lhasa? W: Sure. Thats the first stop. No one would miss Lhasa. M: Is the Potala Palace magnificent? W: You bet. And dont forget the Barkhor Street. That place is full of treasures, I mean, all the exotic paintings and handicrafts, and the hand-made jewelries. M: Well, as there is so much there waiting for me, I guess I should stay longer. W: Definitely. M: I heard that the weather there is great. W: Well, that depends on how you define "great". No humidity, but it could be extremely cold in winter. Besides, you do need to be careful about high altitude. M: What should I do about that? W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Dont exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually. M: Im sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Whats the main purpose of the mans trip? 10. Why does the woman know so much about Tibet? 11. What can be inferred about the weather in Tibet during Spring Festival? 12. According to the woman, what may cause the man the most problems in Tibet?9.

A.Because she lives there.

B.Because her brother lives there.

C.Because she has a close friend there.

D.Because she has been there before.

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