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What did the man mentioned in the interview do?A.He threatened the police.B.He took some h

What did the man mentioned in the interview do?

A.He threatened the police.

B.He took some hostages.

C.He robbed a bank.

D.He locked himself in a house.

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更多“What did the man mentioned in …”相关的问题
What did the two men do?A.They tried to push the man to the ground.B.They followed the man

What did the two men do?

A.They tried to push the man to the ground.

B.They followed the man.

C.Both A and B.

Why did the men who made maps have to use their imagination?A.Each man wanted to have a di

Why did the men who made maps have to use their imagination?

A.Each man wanted to have a different map.

B.They did not like to draw the world as it really was.

C.No one knew what the world was really like.

D.They did not remember what they had seen.

听力原文: This incident occurred one morning outside Albert Schweitzers hospital in the
African jungle. A patient had gone fishing in another mans boat. The owner of the boat thought he should be given all the fish that were caught. Dr Schweitzer said to the boat owner, "You are right because the other man ought to have asked permission to use your boat. But you are wrong because you are careless and lazy. You merely twisted the chain of your canoe round a palm tree instead of fastening it with a padlock. Of laziness you are guilty because you were asleep in your hut on this moonlit night instead of making use of the good opportunity for fishing." He turned to the patient, "But you were in the wrong when you took the boat without asking the owners permission. You were in the right because you were not so lazy as he was and you did not want to let the moonlit night go by without making some use of it." Dr Schweitzer divided the catch among the fisherman, the boat owner, and the hospital. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. Why did Dr Schweitzer settle the argument? 20. What did Dr Schweitzer tell the men? 21. What was the final judgment?20.

A.He told the men that both men were completely right.

B.He told the men that both men were completely wrong.

C.He told the men that each was partly right and partly wrong.

D.He told the men that one man was guiltier than the other.

The men of history were not perpetually looking into the mirror to make sure of their own
size. Absorbed in their work they did it. They did it so well that the wondering world saw them to be great, and labeled them accordingly. To live with a high ideal is a successful life. It is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that makes a man strong. "Eternal vigilance," it has been said, "is the price of liberty. " With equal truth it may be said, " Unceasing effort is the price of success. " If we do not work with our might, others will; and they will outstrip us in the race, and pluck the prize from our grasp. Success grows less and less dependent on luck and chance. Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures. The great and indispensable help to success is character. Character is crystallized habit, the result of training and conviction. Every character is influenced by heredity, environment and education. But these apart, if every man were not to a great extent the architect of his own character, he would be a fatalist, an irresponsible creature of circumstances.

听力原文:The Greek philosopher Socrates taught "the man who is master of himself is truly
free". By being master of oneself he meant first knowing oneself, one's faults and weak nesses and one's good points, without making any pretence, and then being able to control oneself. This knowledge of himself was what helped a man to be courageous, and the courageous man has a very important sort of freedom: freedom from fear.

Socrates himself always felt free to teach what he thought was right; however, this might make him unpopular with the powerful people in Athens. Some of the rulers in Athens did not like people to be encouraged to ask too many questions; they feared that people would begin asking questions about what their rulers were doing. So they accused Socrates of teaching young men evil things. At last they had him arrested and sentenced him to death. During the 30 days that lay between Socrates' trial and execution, his friends and pupils were allowed to spend a great deal of time with him in his prison. They were astonished to find that he was calm and cheerful and seemed to have no fear of dying. He talked to them and taught them just as he used to in the streets and market places of the city.

The Greeks' way of executing people was to make them drink a cup of deadly poison. When the poison was brought to Socrates, his friends were in tears, but Socrates took the cup quietly and drank it as if it were a glass of wine at a banquet.


A.A man w. ho is courageous.

B.A man who knows his faults.

C.A man who knows his weakness.

D.A man who has a clear knowledge of himself.

It can never be proved, but it is a safe assumption that the first time five thousand ma
le human beings were ever gathered together in one place, they belonged to an army. That event probably occurred around 7000 BC, and it is an equally unsafe bet that the first truly【M1】______ large-scale slaughter of the people in human history happened very soon afterward. The first army almost certainly carried weapons no different from those hunters had been using on animals and on each other for【M2】______ thousands of years previously—spears, axes, bows and arrows. Its strength did not lie on mere numbers; what made it an army was【M3】______ discipline and organization. This multitude of men obeyed a single commander and killed their enemies to achieve his goals. It was the【M4】______ most awe concentration of power the human world had ever seen,【M5】______ and nothing besides another army could hope to resist it.【M6】______ The battle that occurred when two such armies fought has little【M7】______ in common with the clashes of primitive warfare. Thousands of men were crowded together in tight formations that moved on command and marched in step. Drill, practiced over many days and months until it became automatic, is that transformed these men from a mob of【M8】______ individual fighters into an army. And when the packed formations of well-drilled men had【M9】______ collided on the forgotten battlefields of earliest kingdoms, what【M10】______ happened was quite impersonal, though every man died his own death. It was not the traditional combat between individual warriors.


听力原文:Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of

听力原文: Two businessmen were invited to dinner at the home of a college professor. One of the men did not have much education and was worried that he might make a fool of himself, but his friend said, "Don't worry. Just do what I do, and don't talk about anything that you don't really understand."

The first man managed to get through the dinner successfully, but by the end of the evening he had had a lot to drink, and began to get careless.

A guest asked him whether he liked Shakespeare, and he answered confidently, "It's very pleasant, but I prefer scotch. "There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, and soon people began to leave.

When the two friends were out of the house, the second man said to his friend, "You certainly made a fool of yourself making that silly remark about scotch."

"What do you mean?" asked the other man. "What was wrong With it?'

"Everybody knows that Shakespeare isn't a drink,' his friend replied "It's a kind of cheese."


A.They were not rich enough.

B.They had no suitable clothes.

C.They didn't know the professor.

D.They were not weU-educated.

第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。Very few people came

第三节 短文理解2


Very few people came to eat at the Happy Restaurant and its boss did not know what to do. The food in the restaurant was cheap and good, but nobody seemed to want to eat there.

Then he did something. It changed all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men with their lady friends, ff a gentleman came in with a lady, a smiling waiter would give each of them a beautiful menu(菜单). The two menus looked exactly the same on the outside, but there was an important difference inside. The gentleman's menu gave the correct price(价格) for each dish and each bottle of wine, while the lady’s menu had a much higher price. So when the man ordered(点菜) dish after dish, the lady thought he was much more generous(慷慨的 ) than he really was.

How was the food at the Happy Restaurant?

A.It was good and its price was low.

B.It was poor and the price was low.

C.It was poor but the price was high.

请根据以下内容回答 61~65 题:英译中 1 )In a family where the roles of men and women are no

请根据以下内容回答 61~65 题:


1 )In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to fur the sharing. 2 )In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than their parents did and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooper ation rather than by the "battle of the sexes".

If the process goes too far and man's role is not regarded as important as before -and that has happened in some cases - we are as badly off as before, only in reverse.

We should reassess the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism" ,but we don't want to change it into a"Neo-papism". What we need is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equality. 3)There are signs that psychologists and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credit,nor all the blame. We have almost given up saying that a woman's place is at home. 4)We are beginning ,however,to study a man's place in the home and to insist that he does have a place in it. Nor is that place irrelevant to the healthy development of the child.

5)The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family member needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.

Excessive authoritarianism has unhappy consequences, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is relevant not only to a healthy democracy, but also to a healthy family.

第 61 题 第1题的答案是__________.

The Roles of Men and Women In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply se

The Roles of Men and Women

In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the "battle of the sexes".

If the process goes too far and man's role is regarded as less important—and that has happened in some cases—we are as badly off as before, only in reverse.

It is time to realize the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism(母亲崇拜)"—But we don't want to exchange it for a "neo—Popism(爸爸至上)." What we need, rather, is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. There are signs that psychiatrists(精神病医生), psychologist(心理学家), social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credit—not all the blame. We have almost given up saying that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning, however, to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he does have a place in it. Nor is that place irrelevant to the healthy development of the child.

The family is a co-operative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems.

Excessive authoritarianism(权力主义,独裁主义) has unhappy consequences, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent(有关的) not only to a healthy democracy, but also to a healthy family.

Sharing tasks and decisions in the home leads to ______.

A.masculine (男性化的) women

B.effeminate (女性化的) men


D.further sharing

What did John Adams do?A.He trained men in the army.B.He was a soldier.C.He was a silversm

What did John Adams do?

A.He trained men in the army.

B.He was a soldier.

C.He was a silversmith.

D.He was a statesman.

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