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We were attracted by the lure of quick money.A.amountB.supplyC.temptD.sum

We were attracted by the lure of quick money.





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更多“We were attracted by the lure …”相关的问题
We were attracted by the lure of quick money.A.amountB.supplyC.sumD.temptation

We were attracted by the lure of quick money.





听力原文:I was married for almost six years. Jody and I were classmates at high school and
were attracted to each other from the time we first met at the age of 12 or 13. We always hung out together and started dating seriously when we were only 15.

Everyone predicted that we'd break up one day. We were determined to prove them wrong and were engaged when we were 19. The evening I proposed was like something from a romantic novel. I chose my moment and asked the magic question: "Jody, darling, will you marry me?" Her answer was a few tears of happiness.

A year later, we had a typical, big wedding ceremony and Jody really did look the perfect bride in her white gown. We had a great time at Lake Taho for our honeymoon and came back and settled down to married life. Jessica, our daughter, was born, according to plan, two years after we were married and that was when our problems began.

We were both delighted to be parents, but somehow we just grew further and further apart from each other. Eventually, after four years, we separated and then, divorced. I still see Jessica regularly. I'm really sad about our divorce, but I guess everyone was right: we were too young when we started going out together and, the truth is, we were never really compatible.


A.10 or 11.

B.14 or 15.

C.12 or 13.


听力原文:Going through cities and villages, I was attracted by Swedish national flags flyi

听力原文: Going through cities and villages, I was attracted by Swedish national flags flying over houses and buildings which were ordinary family houses and offices. I noticed that on the road, all the cars' headlights were turned on even under the sun of June. Mr. Raiding explained that according to the new traffic regulations, drivers were required to keep the lights on day and night, which helped decrease the traffic accidents. Along both sides of the road, there were high fences used to keep the animals living in the forests from rushing onto the road. I could see little bare land in the country. In fact, fifty-four percent of the land is covered by forests and another ten percent by lakes and rivers. I was told that in Sweden nobody has the right to lay the land bare -- whoever cuts the trees Or spoils the grass must restore it right away. Whenever trees are cut, they are replaced by young trees at once.

Around Sweden, there is a notice in the bathroom of every hotel, which reads: "We care for our environment." In Sweden, you cannot see rubbish in streets, public gardens, rivers or lakes. The bottles are made of glass and the packages are made of paper or other natural materials which can be recycled. To make best use of their resources, Swedes never turn on the heating too high or the air-condition too low. The indoor temperature is always kept around twenty-five degrees Centigrade, no matter at home or in large hotels.


A.Because it would help decrease traffic accidents.

B.Because it was a Swedish custom.

C.Because it was always very dark in Sweden.

D.Because it was always cloudy and rainy in Sweden.

The actors in the theater were attracted to Shakespeare because ______.A.they found his co

The actors in the theater were attracted to Shakespeare because ______.

A.they found his conversation very interesting

B.he took care of horses for a theatre lover

C.he was familiar with them

D.he had become famous upon arriving there

A.He was attracted by Mrs Jones.B.He had heard a noise.C.He had run out of gas.D.His t

A.He was attracted by Mrs Jones.

B.He had heard a noise.

C.He had run out of gas.

D.His tyros were punctured.

?Read the article below about leadership lessons for the 21st century.?In most of the line

?Read the article below about leadership lessons for the 21st century.

?In most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Leadership Lessons for the 21st Century

Correct There are some leadership lessons for managers in the business world

Which for the 21st century. The most important lesson is to treat the people which

41 you do business with as if they were members of your family own.

42 Prosperity depends on to how much understanding one receives from

43 the people with whom one conducts business. Remember that

44 after-sales service is more important rather than assistance before sales.

45 It is through such service so that one gets permanent customers. Don't

46 sell customers goods that they are attracted to. Sell them goods that

47 will benefit them from. To be out of stock is due to carelessness. If this

48 happens up, apologize to the customers, ask for their addresses, and tell

49 them that you will deliver the goods on immediately. It's not enough

50 to work conscientiously. No matter what kind of job, you should

51 think of yourself as being completely down in charge of and responsible

52 for your own self work. If we cannot make a profit, that means we are committing a sort of crime against society. We take society's capital, we take their people, we take their materials, yet without a good profit, we are using precious resources that could be better used elsewhere.


The Writing's on the Wall? Is it art or is it just vandalism(野蛮行为)? Well,it's still a

The Writing's on the Wall?

Is it art or is it just vandalism(野蛮行为)? Well,it's still a crime,but graffiti(涂鸦) has changed since the days of spraying your name on a wall to mark your territory.Street art has become much more sophisticated since a 17-year-old called Demetrius started spraying his “tag”,TAKI 183,all over the NewYork underground in 1971,and hip-hop culture was born.Hip-hop is a mixture of art,music and dancing,poetry,language and fashion.It came from young inner-city people,who felt left out by their richerclassmates and who were desperate to express themselves in any way they could.

An experiment to control the spread of graffiti in Rochdale,Greater Manchester,has been so successful that plans have been made by local street artists for an international convention in June.“We're planning to get people together from different countries like France and Germany for a week,”says Liam,one of the organizers.The scheme started in 2000,and has attracted people of all age groups and both sexes.“We all share a common interest and get on really well with each other.”The first site to be chosen was a subway.“Before we began,people were afraid to use the subway.We had it cleaned up and now,with all the artists hanging out down there,people are using it again.People can relate to graffiti much more now.”By providing places to display their talents legally,there has been a fall in the amount of“tagging”on people's private property.

Street artist Temper developed his drawing skills at a young age.In art classes at school he was really frustrated because the Art teacher didn't spend time with him.They thought he was already very good at art and so spent more time with other students.So,at 12 years old,Temper started painting with all these guys he'd hooked up with who were about 22 years old.He looked up to them and loved what they were doing on the streets of Wolvehampton,England.“The whole hip-hop scene was built up of different things and I did a bit of everything.But it was always the graffiti I was best at,”he says.

Demetrius was a teenager from New York.



C.Not mentioned

"I smoke for my health," I declared in a newspaper article published in 1979.(46

"I smoke for my health," I declared in a newspaper article published in 1979.(46). I reasoned that smoking made me cough and thus prevented pneumonia (肺炎); smoking made my heart go faster and eliminated the need for special exercise; smoking restrained my appetite and kept me trim. And then, at 51, I had a heart attack.

I knew the risk factors for early heart attacks include hypertension, diabetes(糖尿病), and a family history of heart disease, high blood-cholesterol (胆固醇)levels and smoking.(47).

Strange how the evidence that linked smoking to heart disease appeared unclear to me, and how the same data now appear overwhelmingly convincing. Why stop now? Smokers who stop after their first heart attack have an 80-percent chance of living ten more years--(48).

As a smoker, I always resented the fact that we smokers received only scorn from non-smokers. How could non-smokers know that smoking was had for the health if there were no smokers to prove it? Being a member of the experimental group, rather than the control group, deserves a certain measure of social appreciation. I&39;ve done my time. I&39; m now ready to be a control. I no longer smoke for my health. My health can&39; t stand the help.

Will I miss the late - night trips to find a store that&39;s still open and selling cigarettes? Will I miss searching through ashtrays(烟灰缸)to find the longest butt(烟蒂) that is still smokable? Only time will tell. Not smoking may give me the time to find out. (49)Sure. Here is all you have to do. First, experience a severe crushing pain under your breastbone as you finish a cigarette. Next, have yourself admitted to a coronary-care(心脏康复)unit and be stripped of your clothing and belongings. Finally, remain in the unit at absolute bed rest for four days while smoking is forbidden. This broke my habit(50)


A. Was it easy to stop?

B. if they don&39;t, a 60 percent chance.

C. See if it works for you.

D. All the smokers find it&39;s hard to stop.

E. Since I am a doctor, this advice attracted amused attention.

F. The first four were in my favour, but I chose to smoke.


A. Was it easy to stop?B. if they don&39;t, a 60 percent chance.C. See if it works for you.D. All the smokers find it&39;s hard to stop.E. Since I am a doctor, this advice attracted amused attention.F. The first four were in my favour, but I chose to smoke.


A. Was it easy to stop?B. if they don&39;t, a 60 percent chance.C. See if it works for you.D. All the smokers find it&39;s hard to stop.E. Since I am a doctor, this advice attracted amused attention.F. The first four were in my favour, but I chose to smoke.


A. Was it easy to stop?B. if they don&39;t, a 60 percent chance.C. See if it works for you.D. All the smokers find it&39;s hard to stop.E. Since I am a doctor, this advice attracted amused attention.F. The first four were in my favour, but I chose to smoke.


A. Was it easy to stop?B. if they don&39;t, a 60 percent chance.C. See if it works for you.D. All the smokers find it&39;s hard to stop.E. Since I am a doctor, this advice attracted amused attention.F. The first four were in my favour, but I chose to smoke.


Many people rushed to California becauseA.they were hungry for discoveriesB.they were attr

Many people rushed to California because

A.they were hungry for discoveries

B.they were attracted by gold

C.they wanted to build up California

D.they looked for a new competition

Keiko Waldman believes that at first people invested in Fast Hamburger because theyA.were

Keiko Waldman believes that at first people invested in Fast Hamburger because they

A.were attracted by what the company offered.

B.saw that the shares were performing well.

C.thought food companies were a safe investment.

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