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Read the article below.In most of the lines 34—45 there is one extra word. It is either gr

Read the article below.

In most of the lines 34—45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

If there is an extra word In the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Management in HR

In recent years, as companies have been confronted by the competition and

employment stereotypes, struggled with recession and searched for excellence,

34 so the vocabulary for managing their workforces has tended to this change.

35 The term " Personnel Management" is giving way to " Human Resource Management"

36 or better still, to " Strategic Human Resource Management" . Nor it is this shift,

37 exclusively be confined to those followers of fashion, the commercial management

38 consultants, for it has now been recognised by both of managers and academics.

39 Of course, when this is hardly the first time that the language of management has

40 changed. The shift over the years to away from traditional manufacturing

41 industries towards high-tech manufacturing and the service sector has already been

42 mirrored in managers' increasing tendency to refer to " employee" rather than

43 " industrial" relations. But whereas that shift reflected some changes in which the

44 practice of management, so can the same be said of this latest shift in vocabulary?

45 Is HRM different in substance or emphasis from personnel management?


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更多“Read the article below.In most…”相关的问题
A.He has also read the article for three times.B.He cant understand the article e

A.He has also read the article for three times.

B.He cant understand the article either.

C.He cant read the article in the dark.

D.They both can understand the article,

How had the man learned about the museum?A.He took a tour of the city.B.He read an article

How had the man learned about the museum?

A.He took a tour of the city.

B.He read an article about it.

C.He wrote an article about it.

D.He worked there as a guide.

A.He took a tour of the city.B.He read about it.C.He wrote an article about it.D.He wo

A.He took a tour of the city.

B.He read about it.

C.He wrote an article about it.

D.He worked there as a guide.

&8226;Read the article below about career planning.&8226;Choose the best sentence from bel

&8226;Read the article below about career planning.

&8226;Choose the best sentence from below the passage to fill each of the blanks.

&8226;For each gap (8-12), mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use arty letter more than once.

Advice on Staff Career Development

For many employees, automatic promotion up the ranks of a company is becoming increasingly rare. A new study suggests that, in response, employers need to consider how they can help staff develop their careers.

Employers need to rethink their approach to career management completely, according to the latest research by the Institute of Employment Studies. The new study finds that in fact there is little opportunity for individual career development in many large organizations. The main reasons for this, it concludes, are the recent cuts in the number of middle-management posts, and the changes that have taken place in the responsibilities of personnel departments. The Institute of Employment Studies makes it clear that it is not good practice for companies to hand over career development-to individual employees and then simply leave them to get on with it. (8)

So how should employers help their staff develop a career? Most employees have come to accept that career development is not always the same thing as upward promotion and a higher salary. (9) They must also ensure that these opportunities are extended to all their staff and not just to selected individuals.

Nick Bridges, who is Director of Human Resources Policy at the Bank of Eastern England, believes there is more talk than action in this area. (10) One way, he believes, for companies to show how serious they are about individual learning is lo make it an official part of company practice, as the Bank of Eastern England has done. (11) This document, he points out, has made the role of managers clear, and the company has also invested huge amounts of money educating managers so that they can then train their staff.

Another company, British Chemicals. has contracted an independent organization to help staff with confidential career advice. According to John rates, the head of Individual Learning and Development at British Chemicals. there is an important role for outside agencies to play in the career management process. He adds that it is company policy for managers to give all staff 'roadmaps' which show possible career routes within the company structure. (12) This has worked especially well. he says, for staff who are used to depending on their line managers for guidance.

Many large organizations now recognize that career development cannot be regarded in isolation, and must be part of an overall business strategy. Human Resources has a real role to play in building a strong workforce which meets a company's long-term business needs and makes it more competitive.

A. Its policy statement says that by 2006, eighty percent of its stall' will have a professional qualification.

B. He argues that while Human Resources managers are saying the way forward is through self-managed learning and self-development, they are still failing to provide adequate learning resources.

C. This change of attitude means employers need to place more emphasis on giving staff the chance to develop a range of skills through horizontal job moves.

D. It points out that employees need to know what the overall company's vision is in order to achieve it.

E. The problem that often arises is that, while they are increasingly encouraged to manage their own careers, they arc not provided with the knowledge and training to do this.

F. They are able to sec that, contrary to expectations, jobs in different fields are similar

You read the whole article carefully ________.[A] to get all the headings[B] to see

You read the whole article carefully ________.

[A] to get all the headings

[B] to see how the problem is discussed

[C] to name problems

[D] to think about the title

The author's purpose in writing this article is to ______.A.describe the whole life of Edg

The author's purpose in writing this article is to ______.

A.describe the whole life of Edgar Snow

B.praise Edgar Snow and his writings

C.encourage people to learn from Edgar Snow

D.encourage people to read Red Star Over China

I have read your article, to be frank, the editor justified ______ your work.A.to refuseB.

I have read your article, to be frank, the editor justified ______ your work.

A.to refuse


C.being refused


This article, though very useful and informative, is much too () for the average read





BIn reading science, a heading (标题) often gives a clue (线索) to a problem that is going

BIn reading science, a heading (标题) often gives a clue (线索) to a problem that is going to be discussed. Getting the problem clearly in your mind is the first step to take in studying such material. You are advised to do this in reading science articles.

1. Read the title and think about it.

2. Read all of the headings. You should get a clear idea of what the problems are without reading anything but the headings.

3. Next, read the article all the way through carefully. Each time you come to a heading that names a problem, read the paragraphs under that heading to find out:

1. more information about the problem;

2. how the problem may be met.

第41题:This passage offers advice on ________.

[A] how to read titles and headings

[B] how to find headings in an article

[C] what problems to be discussed in science article

[D] how to read science material

Read the whole article after______.A.you have got all the information about the problemB.y

Read the whole article after______.

A.you have got all the information about the problem

B.you understand the title

C.you have read one paragraph after another

D.you are clear about what to be discussed

The main purpose of this article is ______.A.to introduce the soft drink Coca-Cola to read

The main purpose of this article is ______.

A.to introduce the soft drink Coca-Cola to readers.

B.to trace the history of the company's first hundred years.

C.to sum up the causes of Coca-Cola's Success

D.both B and C.

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