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Who did Bill think was to blame for the accident?A.The man standing nearby.B.The salesman

Who did Bill think was to blame for the accident?

A.The man standing nearby.

B.The salesman from London.

C.The driver of the sports car.

D.The two girls inside the car.

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更多“Who did Bill think was to blam…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hi, Bill, you look happy.M: Yes, I've just seen a very funny film on TV.W: Wha

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill, you look happy.

M: Yes, I've just seen a very funny film on TV.

W: What was it about?

M: It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went. He couldn't do anything right.

W: So you like it?

M: Yes, I do. It made me laugh a lot.

W: But I'd rather see something not only interesting but also instructive.

M: Oh, Jane, don't be so serious. People sometimes need relaxation.

W: That's true. But I just think that watching TV is not just for entertainment.

What do we lean, about Bill?

A.He just got out of trouble.

B.He did something right.

C.tie enjoyed what he had done.

—Who did it better. Bill or John? —I think Bill did just ______ John.A.as well asB.as good

—Who did it better. Bill or John? —I think Bill did just ______ John.

A.as well as

B.as good as

C.as better as

听力原文:M: Did Bill say it was going to clear up on Sunday?W: I don't think he said it, b

听力原文:M: Did Bill say it was going to clear up on Sunday?

W: I don't think he said it, but it probably will.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.Cleaning the house on Sunday.

B.The weather on Sunday.

C.Thunder arid lightning on Sunday.

D.Their plan on Sunday.

听力原文:M: Why did Molly give Tim flowers?W :I think yesterday was Tim's birthday. Who ga

听力原文:M: Why did Molly give Tim flowers?

W :I think yesterday was Tim's birthday.

Who gave Tim flowers?

A.The man.






Text 1

M: I'm not feeling so well.

W: Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better. If you don't, come back and see me.

Text 2

M: I met Sam on the street today.

W: Really? Did he say something about his sister?

M: Yes. She ought to be leaving New York very soon, because her husband has taken a job in Los Angeles.

Text 3

M: Are you sure you've corrected all the mistakes in the paper?

W: Perhaps I'd better read it through again.

Text 4

M: Does this bill belong to you?

W: Oh thanks, I've just lost five pounds.

M: I'm glad that I've found the owner, otherwise I would have to go to the Lost and Found.

Text 5

M: We'd better hurry. I think that's our flight.

W: Have I got time to get a newspaper?

M: Well, I don't think we have time. Look …

W: All right, well, you take that bag, and I'll take this one.

Who is the man possibly talking to?

A. A doctor.

B. A teacher.

C. His mother.

听力原文:M: Why did Mary give Jim flowers?W: I think yesterday was Jim's birthday. Who gav

听力原文:M: Why did Mary give Jim flowers?

W: I think yesterday was Jim's birthday.

Who gave Jim flowers?

A.The man.



听力原文:W: Did you read that letter in the newspaper about smoking? The person who wrote
that must be crazy.

M: I don't think so. I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking.

W: Maybe so. But a law prohibiting cigarettes would do no good.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A man.

B.A letter in the newspaper.

C.A law.

D.The government.

听力原文:W: I thought the actor who played the role of Julius Caesar was very good.M: I ag

听力原文:W: I thought the actor who played the role of Julius Caesar was very good.

M: I agree, but I thought they all did a terrific job.

Q: What docs the man think of the actors' performance?


A.They were all great.

B.They were all terrible.

C.Some were good.

D.Only one was good.

听力原文:W: How did you like yesterday's drama?M: Generally speaking, it was quite good. T

听力原文:W: How did you like yesterday's drama?

M: Generally speaking, it was quite good. The part of the servant was played wonderfully, but I think the woman who played the queen was too dramatic to be realistic.

How does the man feel about the woman who played the queen?

A.She was a good actress.

B.She was too dramatic.

C.She was too realistic.

D.Her performance was wonderful.

听力原文:M: You know these people who want to visit the company? W: Yes. You are meeting t

听力原文:M: You know these people who want to visit the company?

W: Yes. You are meeting them next week, aren't you?

M: Hum. Where should I take them, the office perhaps?

W: I suppose you prefer this office because it is more comfortable.

M: Well. I did think here, yes. But maybe the factory somewhere.

W: I think they prefer to see where our products are made.

M: OK, I'll meet them there.

When will the man meet these people wanting to visit the company?

A.This week.

B.Next month.

C.Next week.

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