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A.She painted it by herself.B.She hired her brother to paint it.C.It needs to be paint

A.She painted it by herself.

B.She hired her brother to paint it.

C.It needs to be painted.

D.It isn't beautifully painted.

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更多“A.She painted it by herself.B.…”相关的问题
What is about Helen's later life according to the passage?A.She could see and hear again.B

What is about Helen's later life according to the passage?

A.She could see and hear again.

B.She became a write and wrote a lot of books.

C.She painted many drawings,

What is true about Helen's later life according to the passage?A.She could see and hear ag

What is true about Helen's later life according to the passage?

A.She could see and hear again.

B.She became a writer and wrote a lot of books.

C.She painted many drawings.

What is true about Helen' s later life according to the passage?A.She could see and hear a

What is true about Helen' s later life according to the passage?

A.She could see and hear again.

B.She became a writer and wrote a lot of books.

C.She painted many drawings.

听力原文:M: Your living room looks beautiful. Did you paint it yourself in the weekend?W:

听力原文:M: Your living room looks beautiful. Did you paint it yourself in the weekend?

W: You must be joking. I know nothing about it. I paid my younger brother to do it.

Q: What does the woman say about her living room?


A.She painted it by herself.

B.She hired her brother to paint it.

C.It needs to be painted.

D.It isn't beautifully painted.

January 5th, 2008Dear Nora, The big news here is our car. Kate, Lisa, and I finally convin

January 5th, 2008

Dear Nora,

The big news here is our car. Kate, Lisa, and I finally convinced Joe that the old tin can would fall to pieces if It was driven up once more. But just wait till you read what my serious, conservative husband bought—a bright bright-and-yeliow hard-top convertible with white-wall tires and feather upholstery! The kids'are in seventh heaven and, frankly, I'm pretty thrilled myself.

Joe gets his vacation in June, so don't be surprised to see this vision on wheels come hocking at your front door.

And as if that wasn't excitement enough, Carl Evans came home from his study overseas with a wife! Dora's a lovely girl who lived next door to his in America. They have rented the little yellow house on the corner of Tung Garden. We were over for a buffet dinner Friday night, and can Dora cook! We all kissed our diets good- bye that night. I am enclosing her recipe for a wonderful cake called plum cake. I've tried it, and it just melts in your mouth.

Aside from the usual drugstore gossip to the effect that Jane Broder is going steady with Gene Newsom and that Mrs. Mann has painted her house shocking pink, there is nothirg new here.

Let us hear all about Gerald. I'm sure Jack love his new job, since nothing but a chance to work in Japan could have induced you all to move away. We really do miss you, so please write a long, long letter.



Why does Mary write to Nora?

A.She wants to learn a new receipt.

B.She misses her old neighbor very much.

C.Her son will study overseas with his wife.

D.She bought a new car recently.

听力原文:M: Have you heard that in another few years you may be able to buy a car that cha
nges colors every day to match the outfit you are wearing?

W: Oh, please be serious! I suppose they will change shapes as well. If you want a big car to take all your friends camping, I suppose you'll just be able to snap your fingers and make it happen. Or if you want a sporty two-seater, you could just tell the car what you wanted, and it would do the rest. Is that how it will work?

M: No, I am serious. They have found a way to alter the surface of metals so that they can reflect different colors just by passing a small amount of electricity over them.

W: Oh, I see. So anything that touches the outside of the car will get a shock. That sounds lovely.

M: It's only a tiny amount of electricity. It wouldn't be enough to shock anybody.

W: Well, it sounds pretty difficult to believe.

M: Yes, it's quite amazing. The important thing you have to remember is that the color of an object is really just an illusion created by the way light bounces off its surface. Engineers have been able to produce a car that changes colors at the touch of a button by slightly rearranging the position of the particles on the surface of the metal.

W: It sounds so amazing. But I guess it could be possible.

M: It is possible today. The only problem is that it is very expensive. To produce a car with a surface that changed colors would cost almost twice as much as what a regular car costs. For that much money you could just by the car and have it repainted twenty times, so it's not very practical yet.

W: Yes, but in other ways it could be more practical. If you took your car to be painted twenty times, it would use quite a bit of polluting chemicals, and it would take a long time.

M: You're right there, but how many people really get their car repainted that many time?

W: Hmm, I suppose you're right, but I sure would love to have my car match my outfit every day.


A.She is impressed.

B.She is doubtful.

C.She is shocked.

D.She is surprised.

The dinning hall needs______.A.paintB.to paintC.to be paintedD.being painted

The dinning hall needs______.


B.to paint

C.to be painted

D.being painted

Various patterns are painted without drawing an outline in advance.A.YB.NC.NG

Various patterns are painted without drawing an outline in advance.




The carts are painted to correspond to the themed area they are used in.A.march withB.comb

The carts are painted to correspond to the themed area they are used in.

A.march with

B.combine with


D.coordinate with

听力原文:M: Do you know that the picture was painted by a farmer painter?W: Really? I thou

听力原文:M: Do you know that the picture was painted by a farmer painter?

W: Really? I thought it was painted by a professional.

Q: Who painted the picture?


A.A farmer painter.

B.The man's friend.

C.A professional painter.

D.The woman's professor.

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