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根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。 Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis 1 Wheni was dia

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Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis

1 When i was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year a90,l found myself at a loss for words at first.Over time, however ,I developed some pointers(点子),which I hope will help others.

2 During the first few weeks of emotional “aftershocks ”(余悸)from the diagnosis。I found myself unable to utter the word “cancer” Still。1 wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I’d had a biopsy(活检)and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call.1 did the best I could.which is all anyone can do in this situation。When l called them,l said,“What we feared has happened,”They immediately knew what I meant.

3 Nearly a year after my diagnosis,I find myself more comfortable telling people” I Was diagnosed with cancer "instead of saying “I have cancel ”On some deep level。I don’t want t0“own”this illness.Choose language that suits you when you share your News.And keep in mind that there is no one “right'’ way of doing this.

4 Most people,after hearing your announcement,will be curious about the next step.They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy(诊疗)and/or chemotherapy (化疗).They may wonder where and when you will have surgery, Answer their questions as best YOU can.but keep in mind that’ll don’t know right now ”or “I ’m still in too much shock to think about that ”’are good answers.

5 Wait until the init.al wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life.Don’t overwhelm(使不知所措)very young children with too much information.Assure them that,even if you will be in the hospital for a while。they will see you every day and they will be cared for.Older children may already fear the word” cancer’。SO be prepared to reassure them.Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.

第 23 题 Paragraphs 2_________

A.Break the news as calmly as possible to children

B.Break the news at your own pace

C.Share the good news with your friends

D.Choose language that suits you

E.Follow your doctor’S advice

F.Be prepared for people’S curiosity

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根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。 Friendly Relations with the People Around 1 You depend

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Friendly Relations with the People Around

1 You depend on all the people closely around to give you the warm feeling of belongingness(归属)that you must have to feel secure.But,in fact,the members of all the groups to which you belong also depend on you to give that feeling to them.A person who shows that he wants everything for himself is bound(一定的)to be a lonely wolf.

2 The need for companionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness.How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences.You may take it for granted that there always will be people around to talk to and to do things with you and for you.The important point.however r,is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend SO much upon having people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them.

3 Suppose you are in a crowd watching a football game.You don’t know them.When the game is over you will all go your separate ways.But just for a while you had a feeling of companionship,of sharing the feelings of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win.

4 An experience of this kind gives the clue(线索)to what companionship really is.It depends upon emotional ties Of sympathy, understanding,trust,and affection.Companions become friends when these ties are formed

5 When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintances(熟人),you may not know with whom you will make fiends.But-you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.

第 23 题 Paragraph 2_______________

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根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。 OldManMythsandRealities 1Whendoesamiddle.agedmanbecome

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Old Man Myths and Realities

1 When does a middle.aged man become an old man? Officially,of course,it's when we reach retirement age.But,as we all know。this is a fairy blunt(生硬的)method of decision makin9.As life expectancy(预期寿命)increases.retirement planning needs to be changed.This is because being an old man today is very different from what it was a generation or So ago.

2 Sixty-five is the new middle—aged man.These days people are talking about the young-old。that is ages 70-75,and those over 75 as the old-old The young’ old frequently continue in good health and maintain strong links with friends and family.The old.old have a much higher chance of poor health and social isolation.

3 Although men are living longer, there are still more old women than old men.This fact alone should arouse interest as to why.Relatively little is actually known about why this is the case or about the experiences of the old man.Sure,we are aware that the old man experiences anxiety, financial problems,loneliness.etc.,but that’s really about all we know.

4 It is usually believed that the old man often complains about their health.in fact,most rate their health as good even though most are diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.The physical health of the old man is strongly affected by their health behavior when they were younger.

第 23 题 Paragraph 1_____________

根据下列文章回答 26~30 题: 第 26 题 Research carried out m the recent opinion polls

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第 26 题 Research carried out m the recent opinion polls shows that__________.

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根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。 The Drink Your Body Needs Most 1 0UF bodies are estima

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The Drink Your Body Needs Most

1 0UF bodies are estimated to be about 60 to 70%water. Blood is mostly water. and our muscles,lungs,and brain all contain a lot of water. Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients(滋养物)to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells,removes waste,and protects our joints and Organs.

2 We lose water through urination(排尿),respiration(呼吸),and by sweating. If you are very active you lose more water than if you do not take much exercise. Symptoms of mild dehydration(脱水)include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain,headaches,and constipation(便秘)。A strong smell to your urine,along with a yellow color indicates that you are not geeing enough water. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact. You need water long before you feel thirsty.

3 A good rule of thumb(好的做法)is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces(盎司)of water per day that you need. For example,if you weigh 160 pounds,you should drink at least 80 0unces of water per day.1f you exercise you should drink another 8-ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink coffee or alcoh01.you should add at Least an equal amount of water. When you are traveling on an airplane it is good to have 8 0unces of water for every hour you are on board the plane.

4 It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are workin9,traveling,or exercisin9.If you get bored with plain water,add a bit of lemon for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available. but some of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners that you don't need.

第 23 题 Paragraph 1____________

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