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Film has properties that set it apart from painting, sculpture, novels, and plays. It is a

lso, in its most popular and powerful form, a story-telling medium that shares many elements with the short story and the novel. And since film presents its stories in dramatic form, it has even more in common with the stage play: Both plays and movies act out or dramatize, show rather than tell, what happens.

Unlike the novel, short story, or play, however, film is not handy to study; it cannot be effectively frozen on the printed page. The novel and short story are relatively easy to study because they are written to be read. The stage play is slightly more difficult to study because it is written to be performed. But plays are printed, and because they rely heavily on the spoken word, imaginative readers can conjure up at least a pale imitation of the experience they might have been watching a performance on stage. This cannot be said of the screenplay, for a film depends greatly on visual and other nonvisual elements that are not easily expressed in writing. The screenplay requires so much "filling in" by our imagination that we cannot really approximate the experience of a film by reading a screenplay, and reading a screenplay is worthwhile only if we have already seen the film. Thus, most screenplays are published not to read but rather to be remembered.

Still, film should not be ignored because studying it requires extra effort. And the fact that we do not generally "read" films does not mean we should ignore the principles of literary or dramatic analysis when we see a film. Literature and films do share many elements and communicate many things in similar ways. Perceptive film analysis rests on the principles used in literary analysis, and if we apply what we have learned in the study of literature to our analysis of films, we will be far ahead of those who do not. Therefore, before we turn to the unique elements of film, we need to look into the elements that film shares with any good story.

Dividing film into its various elements for analysis is a somewhat artificial process, for the elements of any art form. never exist in isolation. It is impossible, for example, to isolate plot from character: Events influence people, and people influence events; the two are always closely interwoven in any fictional, dramatic, or cinematic work. Nevertheless, the analytical method uses such a fragmenting technique for ease and convenience. But it does so with the assumption that we can study these elements in isolation without losing sight of their interdependence or their relationship to the whole.

What is mainly discussed in the text?

A.The uniqueness of film.

B.The importance of film analysis.

C.How to identify the techniques a film uses.

D.The relationship between film analysis and literary analysis.

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Researchers are not sure______.A.about how sweet honey isB.that honey has any medicinal pr

Researchers are not sure______.

A.about how sweet honey is

B.that honey has any medicinal properties

C.about the levels of hydrogen peroxide in honey

D.how effective honey is as an antibiotic

By the time we got to the cinema the film()for half an hour.

A.has begun

B.had begun

C.has been on

D.had been on

听力原文:Tommy Cinema will have a new location in San Diego on this Sunday, Dec. 16th! The
newest location of the Tommy Theaters features stadium seating, digital sound, extra large screens, and grand, 2-story lobbies. Older locations in Ontario, Mira Loma and Corona Crossings still offer patrons traditional theater seating, but many have been upgraded to include digital sound systems and improved handicap facilities. All Tommy Cinema locations strive to keep clean, well-maintained properties, and show the latest newly-released films. Tickets reserved during the week after the opening of San Diego location are 50% off.

What is the passage about?

A.The anniversary ceremony of Tommy Cinema

B.An usher vacancy in Tommy Cinema

C.The opening of a new cinema location

D.The latest film schedule of Tommy Cinema San Diego location

Which of the following statements can correctly define a foreclosed property?A.Foreclosed

Which of the following statements can correctly define a foreclosed property?

A.Foreclosed properties are those that have been repossessed by the bank for non-disbursement of the mortgage.

B.Foreclosed properties are those properties that have been claimed by investors for nondisbursement of the mortgage.

C.A foreclosed property is one that has been repossessed by the owner by paying off the mortgage.

D.A foreclosed property is one that property investors are competing to obtain for profits at an public auction.

He has seen that film twice ______

A.It focuses automatically.B.It has a lot of specialized lenses.C.It is easy to load.D

A.It focuses automatically.

B.It has a lot of specialized lenses.

C.It is easy to load.

D.It advances the film automatically.

Why does the author say that "the film business has been on shaky ground"? (para.5)

Why does the author say that "the film business has been on shaky ground"? (para.5)

He has never seen the film and I haven't ______ .A.eitherB.tooC.neither

He has never seen the film and I haven't ______ .




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