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When you are small, all ambitions fall into one grand category: when I'm grown up. When I'

m grown up. You say, I'll go up in space. I'm going to be an author. I'll kill them all and then they'll be sorry.

None of it ever happens, of course, or very little; but the fantasies give you the idea that there is something to grow up for. Indeed one of the saddest things about golden youth is the feeling that from eighteen on, it is all downhill; a determination to be better adults than the present job-takers is fine, but to refuse to grow up at all is just plain unrealism.

Right, so then you get some of what you want, or something like it, or something that will do all right, and for years you are too busy to do more than live in the present and put one foot in front of the other; your goals stretching little beyond the day when the boss has a stroke or the moment when the children can bring you tea in bed and the later moment when they actually bring you hot tea, not mostly slopped in the saucer. However, I have now discovered an even sweeter category of ambition. When my children are grown up...

When my children are grown up, I'll learn to fly a plane. I will career round the sky, knowing that if I do "go pop" there will be at least no little ones to suffer shock and grief; that even if the worst does come, I'll at least escape a long stay in hospital and all that looking for your glasses in order to see where you've left your teeth. When the children are grown up I'll actually be able to do a day's work in a day, instead of spreading over three, and go away for a weekend without planning as if for a trip to the moon. When I'm grown up--when they're grown up--I'll be free.

Of course. I know it is not to get worse before it gets better. Twelve-year-old, I'm told, don't go to bed at seven, so you don't ever get your evenings; once they're past ten you have to start worrying about their friends instead of simply shooting the intruders off the doorstep. Of course, you've got even more to worry about.

What interests the writer about the young is that they ______.

A.have so many unselfish ambitions

B.have such long-term ambitions

C.don't all want to be spacemen

D.all long for adult pleasures

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更多“When you are small, all ambiti…”相关的问题
When is the toy dog a good choice?A.When you have small children.B.When you live in the co

When is the toy dog a good choice?

A.When you have small children.

B.When you live in the countryside.

C.When you live in a small house.

D.When you live in me city.

听力原文:W: I wonder if there's a difference in work attitude--working in a small company
or working for a big company.

M: Yes, sure there're differences. I guess that you're more...uh...conscious of time when you work for a big company.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, you get this eight-to-five attitude. You know, five o'clock rolls around, and you get up and go home. And now it's your time.

W: Uhm.

M: Uh... well, when in a small company, you are personally involved and do things because you want to. In the big corporation, you are not as much in control of the exact environment that you are in.

W: There's something sort of...uh...impersonal about a big company to a lot of people.

M: Well, it's impersonal in that...uh...probably just a small percentage of the employees know the top management.

W: Hmm...

M: And none of them probably have ever seen the president of the company. So, from that sense, it's impersonal.

W: Do you operate on a first-name basis?

M: In our company, almost everybody deals on a first-name basis. When I see the president, I call him by his first name. And everybody does so.

W: Well, it sounds like you're saying that there's a certain amount of pride and satisfaction in doing the job.

M: Indeed! And in a small company, I think the individual would have a greater sense of the company's goal.

W: Sort of group spirit or something?

M: You may say that. People know exactly what the product is, and what they're performing and why they are performing it. In a large company, people get further away from the end product.

W: In that case, it's not an identification with the primary goal of the company.

M: That's exactly what I mean.


A.The differences in work attitudes of employees in big companies and small companies.

B.The management styles of executives in big companies and small companies.

C.The percentage of employees involved in top management in big companies and small companies.

D.The operation on a first-name basis in big companies and small companies.

Many Americans find silence uncomfortable during a buffet or a formal dinner. So in the St
ates there is a widespread practice of making "small talk" in certain social situations. Small talk deals with various topics superficially, simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going. The topics might include the weather, sports, college courses, clothing, food, etc. Small talk is especially useful at social gatherings when you meet someone for the first time, or when polite conversation is expected but no serious discussion is desired. It is common but not necessarily expected that one knows someone in a group before engaging with him or her in conversation. However, at a party or other informal social gathering, a simple "May I join you?" and a self-introduction is normally sufficient to gain acceptance into a group and to join in a conversation. In some places, such as the lobby of a concert hall or theater, a waiting room or a classroom, it is common for strangers to start a conversation even without an introduction.

&8226;You want the senior Secretary in the General Office to order some office equipment.
You need a portable computer, a carrying case and also a small cassette recorder.

&8226;White a note to her.

&8226;asking for what you need

&8226;saying why you need it

&8226;saying when you need it.

&8226;Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.

听力原文:M: Let me carry that for you. It looks like you've bought a lot of gifts for your

W: Some, but not that many. The gifts are in that small suitcase. You know I take a lot of luggage with me when I go away.

Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?


A.At the airport.

B.In an office.

C.In a shop.

D.In a car.

You are about to go onstage to give a presentation. Though you have prepared well, yo
ur hands have started to shake and your knees are feeling weak. What do you do?

A.Take a deep breath, visualize your success and hold onto the lectern when you are onstage.

B.Quickly find someone else to give your presentation.

C.Call off the presentation.

D.Go get a glass of water or something small to hold onto.

?You are the sales manager of a small company. In order to launch a new product in a recen
t trade fair, you have decided to hold a discussion and collect staff's ideas about packaging.

?Write a memo to all staff:

?Telling them to think about their own ideas about packaging

?Explaining why it is important

?Saying when the discussion is

?Write 40--50 words on a separate sheet.

听力原文:M: I hear you and Mike are engaged at last.W: Yes, we are.M: When are you getting

听力原文:M: I hear you and Mike are engaged at last.

W: Yes, we are.

M: When are you getting married?

W: In spring.

M: That's wonderful. Where is the wedding going to be?

W: We are not sure yet. Perhaps in New York .

M: Oh, yes. I remember your parents live there, don't they?

W: Yes, that's right.

M: Where are you going to live?

W: We are going to buy a small house somewhere in New York.

When is she getting married?

A.In spring.

B.In summer.

C.In winter.

You are a manager in a small publishing company. You have recently taken charge of your co
mpany's staff training program. Before the program starts you would like to identify training areas that staff are interested in.

Write a memo to ail staff..

&8226;Saying when the program will start;

&8226;Asking for suggestions for the program;

&8226;Giving a deadline for suggestions.

&8226;Write 120-140 words on the separate answer paper prodded.

We have a rather small house, with only one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象)

We have a rather small house, with only one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象) our alarm (惊恐) when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming with her children to stay for the weekend. Her family was not a small one, with four boys all under the age of twelve.

I sent off a telegram (电报) at once, explaining that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to mention (提到) to you, "she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will be bringing their tents (帐篷) . "

Even so, my wife was still worried. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养) four growing boys.

"And what if it rains? " she added.

Luckily Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I pushed the boys, together with the luggage (行李) , into the back of the car, with great difficulty of course. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.

On the way home. I talked over the shoulder (肩) to David, the eldest boy, "I didn't see your tents among your luggage"

"The tents! " cried David. " My God! We left them at home."

We were not glad to have Aunt Clara's family with us because ______.

A.she and four boys

B.our house was small

C.it was the weekend

D.her family was not small

听力原文:M: How do you manage to feed your family when food prices are so high? W: We have

听力原文:M: How do you manage to feed your family when food prices are so high?

W: We have a garden and some fruit trees, and we raise some fish in the small pond.

What does the woman's family do about the high sort of food?

A.They produce part of their own food.

B.They sell their own produce.

C.They feed their family on cheap food.

D.They buy food from farmers.

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