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听力原文: Today it's my turn to give the weekly oral presentation, and the topic that Prof

essor May had assigned to me is“the life of the poet, Emily Dickinson”. Compared with Walt Whitman whom we discussed last week. I found Emily Dickinson strikingly different. She seemed in fact to be the complete opposite of Whitman in her life and in her work. I would like to share briefly with the class some of the essential facts of her biography. Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Amherst, Mass, barely a decade after Whitman. In her early 20's for reasons which still remain a mystery she began to withdraw from her ordinary contact with the world. For the remaining 30 years of her life she was seldom seen outside her home. In this respect she was quite unlike Whitman who loved the great outdoors. Emily Dickinson spent her solitary days corresponding with her friends and writing hundreds of remarkable poems, notably“I heard a fly buzz”and the poem we have read for today“I'm nobody”. Although she showed none of her poems to her family and sent some of her letters to friends. only four were published in her life time. Most of them, almost 1,200 poems were discovered in her room after she died in 1886 at the age of 56. These poems have established her as a major poet, and several modern critics consider her the greateSt woman poet in the English language. Eh, that's about all I have. Is there any question? If not, we should probably begin talking about Dickinson's“I'm nobody”, the poem Professor May assigned for this week's class discussion.

Who is the speaker?

A.A poet.

B.A teacher.

C.A student.

D.An artist.

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更多“听力原文: Today it's my turn to gi…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Neil, did you pick up your coat from the laundry today?M: No, my sister stoppe

听力原文:W: Neil, did you pick up your coat from the laundry today?

M: No, my sister stopped by for it on her way home.

What happened to the coat?

A.Neil's sister got it.

B.It is still at the laundry.

C.Neil forgot it at home.

D.Neil's sister took it to the laundry.

听力原文:What's on my schedule for today?(A) How about the Today's Special Dish?(B) You ha

听力原文:What's on my schedule for today?

(A) How about the Today's Special Dish?

(B) You had a lunch with him, remember?

(C) At 3 p. m. you'll have a meeting.





听力原文:Today is my birthday.(12)A.Yes, I'd love to.B.It's very kind of you.C.Oh! Happy b

听力原文:Today is my birthday.


A.Yes, I'd love to.

B.It's very kind of you.

C.Oh! Happy birthday to you!

听力原文:What's the date today?(2)A.Today is November 8.B.Today is Sunday.C.This is 1998.D

听力原文:What's the date today?


A.Today is November 8.

B.Today is Sunday.

C.This is 1998.

D.Today is my birthday.

听力原文:Do I need my coat today, or is a sweater OK?(A) Not at all. (B) It's pretty warm

听力原文:Do I need my coat today, or is a sweater OK?

(A) Not at all.

(B) It's pretty warm outside.

(C) Both of your coat and your sweater look beautiful.





听力原文:W: Can you come to my home?M: Yes, I'd love to. But when? Today or tomorrow?W: To

听力原文:W: Can you come to my home?

M: Yes, I'd love to. But when? Today or tomorrow?

W: Tomorrow. December 31st.

Q: What's the date today?


A.December 31st.

B.December 30th.

C.December 29th.

听力原文:M: I'd like to check the present balance in my checking account.W: As of today yo

听力原文:M: I'd like to check the present balance in my checking account.

W: As of today you have $2356.8 in your account.

How much does the man's account have today?




听力原文:W: How is the weather today, David? I don't know what to wear for my tour. M: I h

听力原文:W: How is the weather today, David? I don't know what to wear for my tour.

M: I have just heard the weather report. In Los Angeles the weather will be cloudy with a high of 28 degree centigrade and a low of 18. San Francisco will have a lovely day. The weather will be sunny and the high will be about 24 degree centigrade and the low of 14.

W: Oh, that's wonderful. I can enjoy my tour in the sunshine. Thank you very much, David.

M: My pleasure. Have a good time!

What are they talking about?

A.The woman's tour

B.The weather

C.David's report

D.The sunshine in LA

听力原文:W: You are late for work today, Mr. Brown. It's unusual.M: I'm sorry. There was s

听力原文:W: You are late for work today, Mr. Brown. It's unusual.

M: I'm sorry. There was something wrong with my bike.

What is true about Mr. Brown?

A.He looks unusual today.

B.He is usually late for work.

C.There is always something wrong with his bike.

听力原文:W: Bill, I think I'd ride my bike to school today; do you want to go with me?M: S

听力原文:W: Bill, I think I'd ride my bike to school today; do you want to go with me?

M: Sure, the exercise will do me good.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He'll teach the woman how to ride a bicycle.

B.He'll take his bicycle to school too.

C.He'll join her at her exercise class.

D.He'll take his car and give the woman a ride.

听力原文:M: Mr. Brown is leaving for London today on the nine o'clock flight. We need some
one to get him to the airport on time.

W: Ordinarily, I'd be happy to, but there's something wrong with my car.

Q: How is Mr. Brown going to London?


A.By bus.

B.By car.

C.By plane.

D.By train.

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